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1. to expand – расширять(ся), увеличивать

2. to emerge – появляться, выяснять

3. to work out – разрабатывать, решать

4. motion - движение

5. variable quantity – переменная величина

6. equation – уравнение, равенство

7. fraction - дробь

8. to verify – проверять, подтверждать

9. to deduce – сделать вывод

10. rigour - точность

1.10 Read the words. State the part of speech.

deduction, derivative, emergence, equation, digital, procedure, growth, achievement, considerably, immediate, quantity, recognition.

1.11 Memorize the following words and word combinations.

To hold in respect, to acquire knowledge, to divide into, fraction, differential equation, concept, to verify, application, a noticeable growth, to expand knowledge, to originate, to work out, to be engaged in.

1.12 Give the Russian equivalents for the following.

Приобретенное знание, вычисление. развитие, содержать, выводить теоремы, понятие бесконечности, логическая структура, производная, улучшить контроль.

1.13 Match the two parts of sentences :

1. The concepts

2. Each branch

3. Much of modern research


4. The XX century

5. The need to improve control

over different systems

6. Mathematics is viewed as

a) emerged as a result of classical mathematical analyses.

b) has seen a tremendous upgrowth of mathematics.

c) must verify stated axioms.

d) led to the mathematical theory of optimal control.

e) has the same logical structure.

f) a collection of branches.

1.14 Comprehension questions:

  1. What does the word mathematics mean?

  2. What are the two main branches of mathematics?

  3. What must stated axioms verify?

  4. What was introduced in the XVII century?

  5. When was classical mathematics created?

  6. How is modern mathematics characterized?

  7. When did happen a division between mathematics and the physical science?

  8. Why did happen a division between mathematics and the physical science?

1.15 Translate into English:

  1. Слово математика означает приобретенное знание.

  2. Математика состоит из нескольких областей.

  3. Они немедленно начали разрабатывать план.

  4. Функциональный анализ был разработан в конце XX века.

  5. Ньютон ввел понятие переменой величины.

  6. Дифференциальные уравнения используются для описания законов природы.

1.16 Match the two columns:

1. A. Einstein a) 1895, discovered X rays.

2. N. Lobachevskiy b) 1822, The theory of heat diffusion in solid bodies.

3. G. Leibniz c) 1687, Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy.

4. I. Newton d) 1675, The foundation of both integral and differential calculus.

5. J. Fourier e) 1826, The theory of non – Euclidian geometry.

6. Marie and Pierre Curie f) 1913, “On general theory of relativity”.

7. W. Roentgen g) 1898, isolated the radioactive element radium.

1.17 Speak on the topic “The world of mathematics”

1.18 Make the sentences passive

To be done

To have been done

Theory (to use) by mathematicians to solve engineering problems.

Mathematics (to divide) into 2 broad classes.

Many graduates (to employ) at colleges.

This complex problem (to solve) recently by our scientists.

The theorem can (not deduce) at once.

This science always (to hold) in respect.

The idea of motion (to introduce) in the XVII century.

It (to suppose) that classical mathematics (to create) in the XVIII century.

The process (to determine) by emergence of new knowledge and inventions.