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speak english on aviation problems.docx
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-Hi,are you British?

-No,I'mnot,I'm Russian.

-Have you got a passport,sir?

-Yes,I have.

-Thank you,passport,please.

-Just a minute,here it is.

-Thank you.

-Can I cheek in here for the flight to Moscow?

-Yes,sir,may I see your ticket and your pasport,please?

-Here you are.

-That's fine,now go through to the departure lounge.Gate 4.

-Kay I search you,sir? It's a security check.

-Of course.


-What's the natter with you?

-I feel ill.

-You look ill,what troubles you?

-I think I have a bad cold.

-You have a temperature,haven't you?

-Yes,Ihave,it'sflu,Ithink.I have flu.

-you must take iraspirin, take this medicine 3 times a day before meals.

-Thenk you, good-bay.

-Whats the matter with you?

-Bad toothache,it'e hurting me.

Ive got a temperatyre .I'v caught a cold. I've rot 1 sore throat. I've hurt my shoulder(leg,knee).I've jot pains in the stomach. •

- What's wrong with you?

-My heart aches.

I'll have to take my friend to a doctor.he doesn't feel well. He has a headache.rfe has cut his hand. He has broken his arm. he's got i sore llir and a headache.

-We'll give you some pills. You'll feel better. I advise you to have an


-Mу throat is red,I've got a temperature.!!y arm is hurt,

-I'll give you an injection and you'll be better soon. Get plenty of sleep.

Don't ;*o out,you can iatch -flu.

to take the temperature; to take the blood pressure;

to feel the pulse;

to have tooth taken out;

I have a headache /a heartache; a stonach-ache; an ear-ache; a backache/, ''ve got a sore throat, I've caught a cold. I feel awful. I have terrible toothache. Car. I see a dentist? Can the dentist see re now? ] want to see a doctor. I must see the dentist now. I've hurt my knee (leg; ohoulder). How are you?-Hot too bad,thanks,and you? - Fine,indeed,thanks. Vou can buy any medicine at the chemist's. You can buy aspirin for your headache.Give up smoking! Keep to the diet! Keep off alcohol!


-That's the end of today's class,see you all on Monday,at 9i what are you rolng to do this weekend?

-I'm going to see a naw play at the theatre tomorrow evening with my fanily.

-I'm going to visit my friend's parents on Sunday.

-I'm going to the cinema to see a new film,

-We're going to the Concert Hall to listen to music,we like music.

-I'm going to the National Gallery,I like painting.

-I'm go'ng to walk to the shops,we haven't got tea,coffee, sugar end Jam.

-We're goin to the stadium.

-What's your favourite sport?

-I like hockey best,and you?

I like hockey,too,I like tennis as well.

-What's your hobby?


-Good afternoon,Mrs.Marlow,how are you?

-Fine, thenks and you?

-Quite well,thank you.

-Now, lot's have sonetea,do you like your tea strong or weak?

-Strong,please,and I prefer it without sugar.

-Help yourself trsandwiches,bread and butter,and cakes.

-Thanks a lot,I like cakes,they are delirious.

In the dihiikj-room.

•There's с white cloth on the dining-roor. table, there're knives, forks, apoons and glasses for each person. There's pepper,salt,oil and vinegar, and nustard. There are table-napkins. They have soup,then there'll be fish or meat,or poultry(chicken)with vegetables, then sueet,cheese and biscuits to finish with.

-Good evening,I'm so glad you came. Dinner'eready,let's go into the dining -room,will you sii here on left?

-Will you have some more chicken?

-No,thank you,

-What sweet will you have? There's an apple tart and cream or chocolate trifle.

-Trifle for me,please.

-Do you like it?

-I don't know,I've never tried it.

-Do you like fish? (chicken)

-I love it! (I hate it.)

-What about soup- would you like vegetable soup or mushroom soup?

-I'm going to have mushroom зоир and then tlie steak.

-Can we have two, mushroom soups and two steaks?

- Very good,sir.

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