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ГОУ ВПО «Пятигорский

государственный лингвистический университет»

Практическое пособие по переводу (для студентов 2 курса переводческого факультета) / Л.А. Горохова; / сост. Л.А. Горохова; Пятиг. гос. лингвист. ун-т.. – 2-е изд., испр. – Пятигорск: ПГЛУ, 2010. – 55 с.

Пособие предназначается для аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы студентов 2 курса переводческого факультета, обучающихся по специальности «Перевод и переводоведение». Пособие содержит упражнения, посвященные переводу основных грамматических трудностей английского языка, а также микротексты для глобальной трансформации на русском и английском языках и упражнения на перевод англоязычных имен собственных.

Рецензенты: кафедра западноевропейских языков ПГЛУ; кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры английской филологии АГУ Е.А. Долуденко.



2010 г.

Методическая записка

Настоящее пособие предназначается для аудиторной и внеаудиторной работы студентов 2 курса переводческого факультета, обучающихся по специальности «Перевод и переводоведение».

Пособие состоит из двух частей. Часть I содержит упражнения по основным «проблемным» грамматическим темам: неличные формы глагола, условное наклонение, модальные глаголы и артикли. Число упражнений примерно соответствует количеству занятий по практическому курсу перевода на 2 курсе. Все упражнения рекомендуются для письменного выполнения. В конце каждого раздела имеется дополнительное упражнение на устный перевод предложений с русского языка на английский, предназначенное для отработки навыка устного перевода безэквивалентных грамматических структур.

Часть II содержит микротексты, предназначенные для глобальной трансформации (замены синонимами максимального числа элементов текста без потери передаваемой информации). Рекомендуется начинать этот вид работы с текстов на русском языке, представляющих меньшую трудность для трансформации, и по мере формирования соответствующих навыков переходить к текстам на английском языке. Обще- ственно-политическая тематика всех текстов отражает актуальные проблемы современности. Впоследствии данные микротексты могут также использоваться для письменного и устного последовательного перевода.

Упражнения второго раздела Части II предназначены для обучения переводу разнообразных прецизионных единиц: имен собственных, географических названий, торговых марок и т.п. Мы рекомендуем работать с данными упражнениями в два этапа: сначала студенты выполняют упражнение дома, пользуясь лингвострановедческими и специальными словарями; затем на уроке преподаватель предлагает им перевод-диктовку, построенный на материале одного или нескольких упражнений.

Материалы данного пособия позволяют сформировать у студентов 2 курса те умения и навыки, которые необходимы для обучения более сложным видам перевода на старших курсах.






Часть I ...........................................................................................................



Раздел 1. Неличные формы глагола......................................................


Раздел 2. Условное наклонение ..........................................................


Раздел 3. Модальные глаголы .............................................................


Раздел 4. Артикли ................................................................................


Часть II ........................................................................................................



Раздел 1.

Тексты для глобальной трансформации ............................


Раздел 2.

Имена собственные..............................................................



Часть I

Раздел 1. Неличные формы глагола

Упражнение 1

1. That turned out to be true. 2. He seemed to have gained all he wanted. 3. He appeared to have no close relations with anyone in the office. 4. The gossip seemed not to have been taken seriously by my brothers. 5. My father listened gravely, or at least he appeared to be listening. 6. He did not appear to have heard what she had said. 7. I never knew the fellow, but everyone seems to have liked him. 8. I happened to be the first to hear about it. 9. Ann met her young man at a dance and later on she went out with him a lot because he proved to be a good boy. 10. Before long I ceased to be useful to them. 11. They forgot to invite me. 12. I shall never forget staying in your house in Kent. 13. Do you remember delivering the grape juice to this house that morning? 14. Did you remember to send the money to Leeds? 15. He tried growing potatoes there. 16. I knew that he was trying to save money. 17. I was tired of pretending to write or to read. 18. He couldn’t afford to be late these days. 19. When I got back into the house I remembered to wipe the rain off my face. 20. I remember mentioning it to you, Lewis.

1.After a three-day meeting to discuss the projected commission, UNESCO’s communications program will also be reviewed.

2.The report, to be submitted to the General Assembly this month, emphatically rejects as complacent the view that economic aid for emergent Africa is no longer necessary.

3.Information comes in floods now, but we haven’t installed a way to use the brains with the capacity to filter and distil it.

4.Britain had the most extensive network of double taxation agreements in the world to protect companies trading in Britain and other countries from paying tax twice over.

5.Washington. – A draft report produced by the Central Intelligence Agency has concluded that there is not enough evidence to support that charge.

6.Chicago. – A new report on the impact of plant closings shows they affect Black, Hispanic and women workers the hardest and that some plants close to avoid equal employment opportunity laws.

7.To meet the need for increasingly precise forecasts, meteorologists hope to extend their observational system until it covers every corner of the earth.

8.Education standards are bound to be hit by the government’s latest round of spending cuts, Education Secretary admitted yesterday.

9.It was supposed that uncertainty was bound to continue unless major


efforts were made to solve Western Europe’s currency crisis.

10.The commercial broadcasting industry convinced Americans that it was «good citizenship to consume news at regular intervals».

Упражнение 2

1. Her lower lip trembled as if she were ready to burst into tears. 2. Her smile faded quickly: «You were crazy to come.» 3. Their argument was hard to follow. 4. I’m not very likely to do that. 5. The offer was not so easy for Doris to accept. 6. He took off his glasses and looked vainly for something with which to clean them. 7. He had little time left in which to sleep. 8. There were more knives, forks and spoons than he knew what to do with. 9. I don’t think it amused him to quarrel. 10. His fingers trembled so violently that it took four matches to light a cigarette. 11. It irritated Mary to hear Willy use a German word or phrase. 12. It tortured him to see her body shaken by sobs. 13. It might be of interest for you to see what sort of person this Allen is. 14. It was rather sweet of him to hurry home in order to tell her all about it without delay. 15. It is not natural for a young man to spend all his evenings at home. 16. It was not unusual for dinner parties to end in that way. 17. The noise made it impossible for me to hear what they were talking about. 18. They all felt it unreasonable of Ann to have left them without a word. 19. Would you find it convenient for me to call on you on Monday? 20. Grant thought it best to deny everything.

1.The cosmonauts had been expected to land in the Kazakhstan area (from which the spaceship was launched) as in the case of all other spaceships.

2.The discussion is expected to focus on four broad subjects: raw materials and world trade, food supplies and agriculture, prospection, production and consumption of energy, and international financial and monetary problems.

3.An attempt to cover up the differences which came to the surface last weekend will be made by both Foreign Ministers in talks expected to take place at the end of next month.

4.Another demonstration was expected to protest the shipment of U.S. arms to El Salvador.

5.Neither he nor any other politician could be expected to solve West Berlin’s pressing problems at the wave of a hand.

6.The US proposal is likely to arouse new US – West Germany friction over the two countries’ military budgets.

7.No one will refuse to pay less tax, but if they think that by this means they will bribe the electors to vote for them in large numbers, they are likely to be disappointed.

8.The present fine spell is likely to be brief, predicted the meteorological office last night in its long-range weather forecast.


9.The three parties likely to take part in a coalition are the Republican People’s Party, the Justice Party, and the New Turkey Party.

10.The Minister of Economic Affairs referred today to the statement reported to have been made by the Foreign Secretary at Dundee on Friday.

Упражнение 3

1.In his talk with my father the visitor was heard to mention some accident.

2.The girl was told to fill the cups with tea. 3. He was reported to have changed his mind. 4. She was made to understand that she must move out of the flat. 5. Bill was led into the drawing-room and left there to look at the pictures. 6. He was found to be a very engaging man. 7. She was believed to have left her husband. 8. John could not bring himself to return to London.

9.He got me to tell him stories of my family. 10. I watched the second car depart and then went slowly back into the cool house. 11. He saw John pouring himself a cup of coffee. 12. He saw John pour himself a cup of coffee.

13.I don’t like people to come and see me off at airports. 14. I rely upon you to be discreet. 15. After half an hour I began to long for the children to come back. 16. He got up as if to join his guests. 17. He moved about very slowly as if swimming. 18. He was so tired as to be unable to undress. 19. I’m sure you are too young to remember. 20. He was not an easy person to help.

1.Disenchantment with the President appears to be growing. The political scene has been transformed in the past two months to the point where people are openly talking of the possibility: (1) that the President will not seek re-election; and (2) that he might be beaten if he runs.

2.Recently these plans seemed to have assumed a new reality and to have become more aggressive.

3.Spanish authorities have confiscated copies of last month’s edition of «Working Youth». No reason for the action was given, but it was believed to have resulted from an article discussing sackings in a Madrid motor factory.

4.France had what was believed to be its coldest Christmas for 83 years, and in the Jura Mountains the temperature dropped to minus 28 degrees Centigrade.

5.The meeting, which lasted just over half an hour, is understood to have taken place at the Prime Minister’s request.

6.U.S. officials were said to consider that uncertainty was bound to continue unless some drastic measures were taken.

7.Turkey’s rulers were said to fear that expulsion from the Council of Europe might make it more difficult to obtain necessary economic credit and aid.

8.The warnings are now shown to have been fully justified: thousands of workers will get the sack.


9.The rapidity with which people are arming themselves with tear gas worries a number of law enforcement officials. Some officials say that they expect the disabling spray to be used increasingly by criminals bent on robbery, rape or assault.

10.At that moment Western governments were anxiously waiting for Saudi Arabia to provide new finances for the International Monetary Fund.

Упражнение 4

1. He liked being in the company of his relations. 2. He kept glancing at his watch, and when he finished his tea he said he must be going back. 3. Dan could never resist showing his work. 4. Even in the darkened room, I could not help seeing that Mrs. Jones’ face was swollen with tears. 5. She never minded being alone at the cottage. 6. The news was worth writing about to his father. 7. His wife was in London. She was busy finding themselves a new home. 8. When it came down to cooking dinner she burst into tears. 9. It was wonderful having Bart. 10. In this rain it’s tough getting a taxi. 11. They were heard arguing on the terrace a few minutes ago. 12. I thought that matches were not left lying about in the garden for nothing. 13. Fox was found waiting for us on the terrace. 14. He lit himself a cigar and tried to relax as he heard the front door being opened. 15. John did not want to find himself playing the role of a teacher. 16. I heard him crying for us to stop. 17. Of course, I have the advantage of knowing the man very well. 18. He gave up the pretence of packing. 19. I was in despair at the thought of losing the job. 20. Do you think there’s any chance of our being believed?

1.The Belgium Prime Minister offered his resignation to the King in Brussels yesterday after failing to reconcile a cabinet split over tough new economic measures.

2.Instead of cutting overseas military costs by bringing our troops home, the ruinous drain on Britain’s finances is being continued by the Government.

3.The Secretary of State was not enthusiastic, and made the mistake of letting his lack of enthusiasm be widely known.

4.It is nonsense for its supporters to claim that the present policy is a success. It has succeeded in increasing the number out of work, and in reducing production.

5.Far from helping the low-paid the Prime Minister has hit them hardest of all.

6.All the evidence of past words and deeds is against such agreement being possible.

7.Jobs and living standards depend on the industrial capacity of the nation being used to the full.

8.More troops going there will only make things worse.


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