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Assignments to part IV


1. What did Hans write to his parents about?

2. Did Hans want a baby?

3. Was Annette at home when Hans came?

I Who or what are these words associated with?

Active vocabulary

  • easy-going fellow

  • imminent

  • a share

  • to take advantage of

  • maternity

  • hostile

  • injury

  • sense of decency

  • to be the last straw

  • to make amends

  • ravenous

  • arrogance

  • to respond to smth

  • rumour

II Read and translate: “ Hans flung open the door.. “ up to the end of the story. (p.77)

III Find the equivalents to the following w.-combinations and make up a story of your own using no less than 5 items:

сиять отменным здоровьем; быть переполненным ликованием; раскинуть карты; поставить Британию на колени; воспользоваться посланной свыше возможностью; устало пожать плечам; обезоруживающая улыбка; разразиться неприятным смехом; страстно желать чего-либо; на мой счет.

IV False or true:

1) Mr. Perier refused from Hans’s help.

2) Hans felt unhappy when he knew she was going to have a baby.

3) Annette remained fiercely hostile to Hans.

4) Annette’s parents wanted to let bygones be bygones.

5) She gave him a disarming smile.

6) Annette only lived to revenge him.

7) Hans loved her but hated her distinction and grace.

V Transform 5 sentences from the Direct into the Indirect Speech.

VI Retell the part in the persons of:





VII Sum up the events of Part IV.

Questions for discussion:

1. What is the manner of presenting the events in the story?

2. Where is the climax of the story?

3. Does the story has the sting in its tail?

4. What problems does the author raise here?

5. How can you explain the title of the story. Do you agree to it and why? Give your own title.

6. Could this story have any happy end?