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Lesson 5. E-mail

Warm up

  • What do you know about E-mail?

  • What things do you have to think about when writing an email to someone you have not met or emailed before?

  • What kind of “first time” emails do you receive?

  • How would you start each email?

  • Who do you exchange friendly emails with at work? Who was the last one to/from?

  • How do you make an email sound friendly rather than just business-like?

Active Vocabulary

For those who are unfamiliar with the Internet, email is electronic mail. We send and receive this mail via our computers and phone lines (modems). This is fast becoming the most widely used form of communication, at least in the United States, where thousands of Internet service companies exist, and where the phone and service charges are minimal. It is less expensive than a phone call to any place outside of one’s local area, and especially overseas, it is as easy as sending a fax (facsimile) and it takes little time. An additional benefit is that one can skip the formalities of a regular letter

Email is typically shorter and a more relaxed way of sending messages; it is particularly practical if you do not want to call long distance because of a language barrier or the expense. When language is an obstacle, sending an email is a blessing; after all, it is easier to see the message than have to speak on the telephone.

From Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

Email Structure

how to start

new information

friendly sign-off

Further to our phone conversation,…

You may remember…

Thank you for sending…

With reference to…,

I have been advised to contact you…

As you may be aware,…

We’re hoping to…

Thank you again for your help.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Formal emails

formal vocabulary

fewer phrasal verbs

complicated phrases

I am afraid I will not be able to attend the meeting on Friday.

If any problems arise…

We will test the prototype…

They may eventually sell…

We will not transfer the amount on the invoice until we have received our complete order in perfect condition,

However long that may take.

passive voice

infinitive with to

in oder to and so as to:

Your invoice will be sent next week.

I was told we would receive a 10% discount.

We need to take a shorter lunch break to bring us into line with Europe.

You’ll have to finish the project by Friday in order to get it to me the following Monday.

I was hoping for a more modern design so as not to attract the wrong type of clients.

Informal emails

You can often omit I, I’m and It’s

you can omit the verb clause

you can omit the word that

Will call you tomorrow after lunch.

Not sure if you got my last email.

More news tomorrow

Great performance last night!

Just let you know (…) I’m thinking about your proposal.

Sorry to hear (…) you’re leaving the company.

When writing a forceful email, you can use these phrases to get the recipient’s attention:

I am writing to remind you that…

I feel you should be made aware of…

I would like to point out that…

You can use these phrases to make the consequences of the problem clear:

This has led to…

This has caused…

This has resulted in…

Lexical exercises

Active Vocabulary