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методичка по энглийскому экономика.doc
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Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the text:

1. A marketing strategy is a plan for the best use of an organization's resources

to reach its … .

2. Situation analysis includes all the marketing activities required to understand

the global marketing … .

3. Marketers … one or several unique groups to address.

4. A … market is a group of potential customers with similar … .

5. Positioning creates an image and … of the company.

6. It is the … that supports positioning.

7. Once the target market is selected, marketing … decisions have to be made.

8. … strategy includes decisions about which product to develop.

9. The first task is to determine which … channels to use.

10. Companies need to manage their … with customers.

11. … involves selling products directly to end user.

12. Promotion strategy involves … with customers in a variety of ways.

13. Promotion also increases … for product, describes unique product … .

14. Price reflects the … received by customers and aims to achieve the volume

and … required by the organization.

15. The marketing … process involves the series of … the organization takes ...

with the rest of the world.

Ex. 4. These word combinations are used to describe the steps of the

marketing strategy process. What are these steps?

to understand the global marketing environment; to select unique groups with similar characteristics; to create an image, reputation and perception of the company and its goods and services; to develop and design a product; to determine distribution channels; to communicate with customers, to increase demand for products and describes their unique characteristics; to set prices.

Ex. 5. Form gerunds and participles II from the verbs below and put them

into the gaps. Explain their functions.

  1. Situation analysis includes all the marketing activities … to understand the global marketing environment.

  2. Situation analysis predicts future marketing conditions for the period … by the strategic marketing plan.

  3. Positioning is the process of … an image, reputation, or perception of the company and its goods or services.

  4. Positioning is accomplished by … and … the product, place, promotion and price variables.

  5. The objective of place strategy is to serve customers by … products where and when they are needed.

  6. Direct marketing uses an array of non-store methods of … with customers.

  7. Marketers develop … marketing communications by … advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations.

  8. The objective of the price strategy is to set prices to reflect the value .. by customers and to achieve the volume and profit … by the organization.

  9. Marketing is the process of … and … the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services.

  10. Retailing involves … products directly to end users?

verbs: to require, to cover, to create, to adjust, to provide, to connect, to integrate, to coordinate, to receive, to require, to plan, to execute, to sell.

Ex. 6. Answer the questions:

  1. Why does a company need to have a marketing strategy?

  2. What are the steps of the marketing strategy process?

  3. What is the purpose of situation analysis?

  4. Why do the marketers need to divide customers into groups? How do they do


  1. How do we call a group of potential customers with similar characteristics?

  2. What is targeting? (use the verbs: to divide, to select, to choose)

  3. What is the purpose of positioning?

  4. What does the term "marketing mix" mean?

  5. What decisions does product strategy include?

  6. What is the objective of place strategy.

  7. What does retailing involve?

  8. What methods does direct marketing use?

  9. How can promotion increase demand for products?

14. What is the objective of price strategy?

15. What is the purpose of marketing according to the marketing concept?

Learn the vocabulary

objective - цель

target - цель

target market - целевой рынок

perception - понимание; восприятие;

to accomplish - достигать

to adjust - регулировать

variable - фактор

distinctiveness - отличие, характерная черта

warranty - гарантия

available - доступный

storage capacity - емкость

purchase - покупка

inventory - опись

retailing - розничная торговля

outlet (retail) - торговая точка

array - множество

consistent - последовательный

on-line (comput) - неавтономный

step - шаг, ступень

marketing mix - маркетинговый комплекс,

элементы маркетинга

word-of-mouth - устное общение,

("из уст в уста")

public relations - общественные связи:

система некоммерческих

связей с общественными


воздействия на общественное

мнение через средства массовой

информации; применяется

фирмами для повышения их популярности, известности


Ex. 1. Read and translate the text:

One reason most people mistake promotion for advertising is that they do

not understand the differences among promotional tools such as advertising, personal selling, publicity, and word of mouth. Word of mouth is not a form of advertising because it does not go through a medium (newspaper, TV, etc.), it is not paid for, and it is personal. Publicity is different from advertising in that media space for publicity is not paid for. Personal selling is face-to-face communication and does not go through a medium.

Advertising is paid, non-personal communication from identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience. The word is derived from the Latin "advertere" – "to turn toward". Mass media allows advertising to be directed at relatively large audience. But, there is no opportunity for the receiver to ask questions or for the advertiser to obtain immediate feedback. Alone or in support of other promotion methods, advertising informs, persuades, reminds, or reinforces.

Pros and cons of advertising

The advantages can be summarized as follows:

  • Advertiser controls the content, presentation, and placement of messages.

  • Builds brand position an equity over time.

  • Cost effective for large audience.

  • Serves many communication needs - awareness, information, reminder.

  • Available media make it easy to reach most audiences.

  • Easy to find professional to create effective advertising.

The disadvantages of advertising can be summarized as follows:

  • Reaches many nonusers.

  • High level of audience avoidance.

  • Brief one-many messages.

  • Can be costly in total.

Categories of advertising



National and Global


Retail (Local) Advertising

Directory Advertising



Institutional Advertising

Direct Response


Public Service Advertising

Political Advertising

Focused on brand identity nationwide (globally).

Aims to develop a distinctive brand image.

Focuses on local retail areas.

Emphasizes positive attributes of real outlets.

Company listings in a directory.

Important to most businesses and retailers.

Uses a short differentiating message.

Directed at professionals.

Often communicates technical content.

Common media include business publications and professional journals.

Communicates corporate identity and philosophy.

Describes social and ecological responsibilities of a company.

Appeals directly to individual consumers.

Usual delivery methods are telephone or mail.

Supports public issues.

Usually created for free and media donate space and time.

Aimed at obtaining votes for issues or political candidates.