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Практическое занятие №4 Polysemy (continued).


  1. Semantic structure of the word.

  2. Types of semantic components.

  3. Meaning and context.

  4. Combinability (collocability) of the words.

  1. translate the following words into Russian:

twofold, concept, referent, tools of language, utterances of speech, quantitative growth, qualitative growth, to oust, denotative component, connotative component, hypothesis, transitive verb.

2) explain the following scheme :

Thought/ Reference

Symbol Referent

  1. give the definition of polycemy.

  1. answer the question : What is the general tendency with English vocabulary at the modern stage of its history?

  1. speak on each of two levels of analysis in investigating of the semantic structure of a word;

  1. enumerate the types of semantic components which can be distinguished within the meaning of a word; represent your own examples;

  1. explain the term “combinability”(collocability); give the examples of differentiation between the different meanings of a word and different variations of combinability.

practical work : 1) ex.3 p.143 ( make the groups of words which represent the

same meaning; explain the different meanings and the different usages).

  1. listen to the jokes and explain on which meanings of the verb “to take “ they are based.

  1. read and retell ex.5 p.145 and give the linguistic analysis of the context and the words used in it.

New topic : Polysemy. Development of new meaning.

Listen to the explanation of the reasons of development of the new meanings in English. Copy out the following two schemes :

  1. Why the development 1. historical /extra-linguistic factors

takes place

2. influence of other words

  1. How the development Means of transference


Similiarity Contiguity Broadning/Generalization Degradation

(metaphor) (metonymy) Narrowing/Specialization Elevation

Home work : 1) Learn the material p.147-160 of the textbook.

2) Answer the questions 3-5 p.160 of the textbookbook.

  1. Ex.2 p.160 of the textbook (read, translate and explain).

4) Study two schemes and fill them with your own examples.

Практическое занятие № 5. Polysemy (final lesson) Word building.


  1. Transference (term, explanation,examples).

  2. Types of transference.

  3. Widening and narrowing of meaning.

  4. Degradation and elevation of meaning.

  1. а)Translate the following words from Russian into English:

Эволюционировать, сходство, смежность, ухудшение значения, подъем (улучшение) значения, сужение значения, расширение значения, однозначнность,

b)Translate the following words from English into Russian :

outwards resemblance, concrete object, abstract object, figurative meaning, cause and effect, reversed situation, to collide, common function.

  1. explain the causes of development of new meanings in English (use the schemes and examples from the textbook);

  1. enumerate the types of transference, give your examples of each type;

  1. explain the terms “widening”, “narrowing“ of meaning; give your own examples of these linguistic processes;

  1. with the help of examples, given in the textbook describe the processes of so-called “degradation” and “ elevation of meaning; give your own examples.

  1. practical work: 1) find the examples of metaphor, metonymy, generalization and other examples of changing word’s meaning in ex.2 p.160 of the texbook;

2) in pairs discuss and give your comments about linguistic processes presented in ex.4 p.162 (every pair of students discusses and explains furthermore only one pair of word combinations;

  1. listen to the following jokes and try to trace the logical associations between the different meanings of the same words (ex. 6 p.163).

New topic: Word building.

  1. read aloud and translate (in turn) p.78-79 of the textbook;

  1. find in the text (p.78-79) the answers :

  1. What are the main ways of enriching the English vocabulary?

  2. What are the principal productive ways of word-building in English?

  3. What do we mean by derivation?

  1. listen to the following text and try to find out the examples of derivation(ex 2, №8 p.97 of the textbook).

Home work: 1).Read and learn p.78-94 of the textbook.

2) Answer the questions 4-10 p.94

3) ex.2 p.95 of the textbook (fulfill it according to the task).

4) Read p.104-112 (new material).

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