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Дифференциация между сказуемым в Прошедшем неопределенном времени и определением, выраженным страдательным причастием.

Задание 10. Вторая и третья форма глаголов, оканчивающаяся на ed, а также ряда неправильных глаголов одинаковы, поэтому если слово с данными признаками следует непосредственно за существительным, оно может быть либо сказуемым в прошедшем неопределенном времени, либо определением, выраженным страдательным причастием.

а) Прочитайте следующие утверждения и против номера каждого предложения отметьте, является ли подчеркнутая форма глагола сказуемым или определением. Для этого отбросьте мысленно всю подчеркнутую группу слов, относящихся к данному слову. Если остаток является законченным осмысленным утверждением, то данная глагольная форма является определением, а если нет, то сказуемым.


1. The yeast added to the dough helps it rise. (Attribute)

2. The pepper added flavour to the meat, but made it spicy. (Predicate)

  1. The centigrade scale used now in many countries was devised by Anders Celsius.

  2. The earlier thermometers used alcohol coloured with a dye as the liquid in the tube.

  3. The inert gases needed further investigation.

  4. The amount of protein needed by the body varies with the age, sex, size, work and health.

  5. The periodic table made the discovery of the unknown elements easier.

  6. Bread made of barley flour is heavy.

7.Less than 30 years ago, hens consumed almost nine pounds of feed to produce a dozen eggs.

8.Today the amount of feed consumed by the hen is twice as little for the same number (a dozen) of eggs.

б) Прочитайте следующие утверждения и против номера каждого предложения отметьте, является ли подчеркнутое слово сказуемым или определением.

  1. 1.The thermometer devised by Reameur is now seldom used.

  2. Anders Celsius devised the centigrade thermometer.

  3. The lack of vitamin A caused many diseases last century.

  1. Nightblindness caused by the lack of vitamin A can be prevented by taking cod-liver oil.

  2. Bread made with yeast is light and tender.

  3. Ancient man made first beer quite by chance.

  4. The amount of vitamin required by the body depends on many factors.

  5. The problems of space feeding required further consideration.

Задание 11. Передайте письменно суть утверждений, переписывая их полностью, если подчеркнутое слово является сказуемым, и опуская уточняющую информацию, выраженную подчеркнутым словом и относящимися к нему словами, если оно является определением.


The cans properly filled and sealed are sterilized very carefully. – The cans are sterilized very carefully.

  1. Three men devised thermometers at about the same time.

  2. Scurvy caused by the lack of vitamin C can be prevented by taking foods rich in ascorbic acid.

  3. Designing space foods involved more than developing acceptable nutritious foods.

  4. Milk or cream used for such dairy products as butter, cheese, and icecream are subjected to heat treatment.

  5. Most of the wines produced in the world are beverage wines of ordinary quality.

  6. Flour from wheat made a light-brown bread.

  7. The mixture of malts used and different treatment applied throughout the course of brewing are the main factors determining the various kinds of beer.

  8. The inert gases made each period of the periodic law one element longer.

Задание 12. Прочитайте начало следующих утверждений, найдите конец каждого из них и прочитайте их вслух целиком. Время ограничено.


1. The cans, properly filled and sealed,

2. The cans were properly filled and sealed,

3. After the cans were properly filled and sealed,

and then sterilized. (1)

they were sterilized. (2)

were then sterilized. (3)

1 – 3; 2 – 1; 3 – 2

  1. 1. Bread was made of barley flour,

2. Bread, made of barley flour,

3. When bread was made of barley flour,

was heavy. (1)

it was heavy. (2)

so it was heavy. (3)

  1. 1. The thermometer used in the 16th century

2. In the 16th century the thermometer used alcohol

3. The thermometer was used

as the liquid in the tube. (1)

as early as the 16th century. (2)

contained alcohol as the liquid in the tube. (3)

  1. 1. Some physical properties expressed quantitatively

2. Some physical properties were expressed quantitatively

3. As some physical properties were expressed quantitatively

and were used by chemists to identify substances. (1)

were used by chemists to identify substances. (2)

they were used by chemists to identify substances. (3)

  1. 1. The decimal system of weights and measures proposed in France

2. The decimal system of weights and measures was proposed in France

3. When the decimal system of weights and measures was proposed in France

it was named the metric system. (1)

was named the metric system. (2)

and was named the metric system. (3)

  1. 1. Alchemy was studied widely in Europe in the 12th century

2. Alchemy studied widely in Europe in the 12th century

3. As alchemy was studied widely in the 12th century

attracted the attention of many learned men. (1)

and attracted the attention of many learned men. (2)

it attracted the attention of many learned men. (3)

  1. 1. The alchemists were doomed to failure in their efforts to make gold,

2. The alchemists doomed to failure in their efforts to make gold

3. Though the alchemists were doomed to failure in their efforts to make gold

were none the less learned men. (1)

they were none the less learned men. (2)

but they were none the less learned men. (3)

G. 1. Different methods used for making beer

2. Different methods were used for making beer

3. As different methods were used to make beer

they affected its taste. (1)

affected its taste. (2)

and affected its taste. (3)

Задание 13. Прочитайте тексты и ответьте на вопросы после них

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