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Text 16

Switzerland is the fourteenth largest advertising market in Europe. It is a small country (population 6.9 million) with a reputation for a stable currency and a solid banking system expected to run as surely and predictably as a Swiss watch.

This is the story of Hans Rudolf Jost, owner and managing director of the Quadry Agency for Communication, Zurich, who proved Switzerland could break out of a pattern1 and think big2.

In1991-92 the Swiss economy began to feel the effects of the European recession. Export markets for its chorological products3, pharmaceuticals and precision machinery were down. The recession reduced tourism, a major source of business for Switzerland. By the fall of 1992 Jost began to sense the agency and its clients were dispirited, even discouraged. The agency needed something to get exited about, to generate vitality for itself. But, thought Jost, the best way to get the agency staff more upbeat1 was to find ways to get clients excited and optimistic. How could the agency do that if the whole continental economy was in the doldrums2? Perhaps the problem was attitude. The attitude of people in Switzerland affected the attitude of client management, which in tern affected the agency.

So searching for the heart of the problem, Jost tried to think what would get Switzerland revitalized in outlook and spirit. No small task. But worth the attempt.

Jost initiated the Vitalizer Project. The small 17-person agency began a process that got the attention of the top levels of business and government. The centerpiece was a dinner, to which the agency invited the leaders of business, industry, banking, publishing, the arts and government. More than 350 dignitaries came to hear speeches by leaders of government, business and the arts and to share ideas.

Making vitality the keynote of one evening was still not the whole idea. Vitality became the mission of the agency. To clients, The Quadry Agency promised to bring vitality not just to ideas or ads or even campaigns. Each member of the agency was asked to write a statement explaining how he or she would bring vitality to the agency. An all-day meeting developed the mission statement and a commitment to vitalizing all relationships.

Jost decided that the Vitalizer Project required philosophical understanding3, so he carved a month out of his schedule and wrote a book on bringing vitality to business. The book was a minor sensation and the media made the book a feature story upon publication.

The project caused Jost to reorganize the agency, adopt a new logo, move from a traditional Swiss building that had once been a diary to nontraditional new surroundings overlooking Lake Zurich, and to focus the agency and client energies on bringing vitality to every activity. With its outlook and dedication the agency won three of the next four accounts for which it was asked to present. The story proves that good ideas are the heart of the agency business worldwide.

From “International Advertising”

Preparing the Text

A. Studying the text

1. Answer the following questions about the text:

1). What kind of country is Switzerland?

2). What does the author compare Swiss banking system and stable currency with?

3). What was the economic situation in Switzerland like?

4). What export markets was Switzerland famous for?

5). Why do you think Hans Rudolf Jost turned out to be the right person at the time of European recession?

6). What was the major source of business in Switzerland before the recession of 1991 – 92?

7). What was the mood of the agency staff and their clients at the time of recession?

8). What was the best way to get the agency staff more upbeat and to get clients more excited and optimistic?

9). What evidence can you give to illustrate the fact that the whole continental economy was in doldrums?

10). Why do you think the author pays particular attention to the attitude of people?

11). Do you agree that it is impossible to succeed in revitalizing economy if the population is dispirited and discouraged?

12). How did Jost manage to attract the attention of the top levels of business and government?

13). Why do you think the dinner was the centerpiece of the public relation action organized by Jost?

14). What made the dinner effective?

15). Why do you think the idea of vitality became so popular among the staff and the clients?

16). What was the result of all-day meeting?

17). Why did Jost decide to write a book?

18). How did Jost bring vitality to his agency and the staff?

19). What was the three most important measures taken by Jost to change the situation in the agency business?

2. Retell the text:

- on the part of a visitor who is critical of the event;

- on the part of Jost;

- on the part of the member of the staff who whole-heartedly supports Jost’s ideas.

B. Points for comments and discussion

Study the Supplement carefully and write an application letter and a resume (or a curriculum vitae) applying for a job at the Quadry Agency for Communications. The previous text might help you to formulate your official application letter.