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D. 2. Speak about your family

С. 3. Read the text MY FRIEND’S FAMILY and then discuss it with a partner

My friend’s name is Ann. Her surname is Popova. She was born on the 15th of May in Chita. She is a first year student of Chita State University. She is 18. She likes History, Physics and other subjects. She is fond of English. She has a mother and a father. But she has neither a sister nor a brother.

There are three people in her family. Her father’s name is Ivan Petrovich. He is an economist at the Construction firm. Her mother’s name is Nina Alexandrovna. She works as a computer programmer. Her family is very friendly, they have many relatives and friends.

Ann is short. Her hair is long and dark. She has a straight nose and blue eyes.

Her hobby is swimming. She goes to the swimming-pool twice a week. She collects stamps and enjoys watching TV and video. She likes reading books. She plays the piano and she often listens to music.


piano пианино

neithernor ни… ни…

E. 2. Choose the right variant

1. Our University (is, are) very large. 2. My brother (have, has) a new flat. 3. (It, there) is autumn. 4. Now (we, I) am at the library. 5. The students (have, has) four lessons today. 6. On the third floor there (is, are) a reading hall. 7. They (is, are) at the lecture. 8. There are (a lot of books, a magazine) there. 9. There is (a lecturer, students) at the table.

E. 3. Choose the right variant

a) 1. There are (a student, many students) in the canteen. 2. There (were, will be) many students at the conference yesterday. 3. There (is, are) five faculties there. 4. There (is, are) a lot of laboratories at the University. 5. There (is, are) a library at the Institute. 6. On the third floor there (is, are) a reading hall. 7. There are (mistakes, a mistake) in this test. 8. There (is, are) four diagrams on the wall. 9. There (will be, were) many students at the lecture tomorrow.

b) 1. There is (a lecturer, students) at the table. 2. There (was, were) many students at the lecture yesterday. 3. There (is, are) ten thousand students at the Institute. 4. There is (laboratories, a dean’s office) on the second floor. 5. There are (a lot of books, a magazine) there. 6. There (are, will be) many students at the conference tomorrow. 7. There (is, are) ten thousand students at the Institute. 8. There are (a child, children) in the garden. 9. There (is, are) a letter for him on the table.

U n I t 2. My working day


  1. 1. Present Indefinite Active § 9

  2. 2. Количественные местоимения § 28

  1. A. 1. Recollect your school vocabulary

day день

hall зал

home дом

map карта

night ночь

pen ручка

tea чай

tree дерево

water вода

west запад

when когда

who кто

whose чей

autumn осень

bag сумка

bus автобус

dinner обед

every каждый

Friday пятница

language язык morning утро

north север

spring весна

want хотеть

which который

why почему

аfternoon полдень

copy-book тетрадь

countrу страна

dictionary словарь dress платье, одеваться

exercise упражнение

for example например

glass стакан, стекло

newspaper газета

pencil карандаш

question вопрос

sentence предложение

translate переводить

get upgot – got вставать

drink – drank – drunk пить

B. 1. Translate the sentences

1. We take books from the library. 2. The Institute trains miners, civil engineers, geologists, etc. 3. Some British Universities concentrate on technology. 4. Atoms combine into molecules and molecules may contain one, two, three or more atoms. 5. Does your father work at the construction site? 6. Red means “beautiful”. 7. These scientists work in the field of physics. 8. My friend doesn’t like Chemistry. 9. Do you study on Sundays? 10. He doesn’t miss practical classes.

B. 2. Make the following sentences: a) negative, b) interrogative

e.g. My brother studies at the Civil Engineering department. –

  1. My brother doesn’t study at the Civil Engineering department.

  2. Does he study at the Civil Engineering department?

1. His father works at the plant. 2. We go to the Institute every day. 3. The garage houses many cars. 4. They have a lecture on Chemistry today. 5. This scientist lectures on psychology. 6. He specializes in the field of electronics. 7. She knows Mathematics very well. 8. He does a certain job at the lab. 9. They get up early. 10. We read a lot. 11. They have breakfast at eight o’clock. 12. They often buy newspapers.

B. 3. Change the singular into the plural:

e.g. That girl is tall. – Those girls are tall.

1. That apple was green. 2. She has breakfast at 8 o’clock. 3. There is one window in the room. 4. This subject is difficult. 5. He doesn’t know this girl. 6. One of my sisters is married. 7. He leaves home at eight o’clock. 8. There is a lift in this house. 9. Does she get to the University by bus? 10. This girl sings well. 11. I don’t understand this rule. 12. That student has five examinations.

B. 4. Translate the sentences

1. There are many kinds of building materials. 2. Graphite is one of the best materials for reactors. 3. Einstein studied many subjects to increase his knowledge but physics became his life interest. 4. Few people know that the first programmer in the world was Lord Bayron’s daughter. 5. Atomic ice-breakers need little fuel. 6. The speed of computer operations will be much greater in the future.

E. 1. Insert the words: where, when, what, why, how, how often

1. … do you study? 2. … is your name? 3. … University do you study at? 4. … were you born? 5. … many buildings does your University occupy? 6. … does your father work? 7. … language do you speak? 8. … old are you? 9. … is your favourite subject?

B. 5. Make special questions to the following sentences

Model: His father works at the plant. – Where does his father work?

1. He leaves home at eight o’clock. 2. He specializes in the field of electronics. 3. We study six days a week. 4. We go to the Institute every day. 5. They have a lecture on Chemistry today. 6. She knows Mathematics very well. 7. They do a certain job at the lab.

  1. A. 2. Translate the following international words

Russian, English, stipend, minute, lecture, radio, make up, exam = examination, stop, lunch, practical, construction, specialist, sandwich, opera, gymnastics, judo, academic, journal, visit, television, active

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