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Тема11. Город town

Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания. Повторяйте их за диктором:

  1. founder основатель

  2. to found основывать

  3. fortress крепость

  4. boundary граница

  5. settlement поселение

  6. Khoper Хопер

  7. Cossaсks казаки

  8. to turn into превращаться

  9. strategic point стратегическая точка

  10. North Caucasus Северный Кавказ

  11. Greek греческий

  12. city of a cross город креста

  13. Forecaucasus предгорья Кавказа

  14. east восток

  15. extensive обширный

  16. picturesque живописный

  17. plateau плато

  18. surrounded окруженный

  19. endless бесконечный

  20. steppes степи

  21. to attract привлекать, притягивать

  22. shady тенистый

  23. alley аллея

  24. Victory park Парк Победы

  25. Alexandrovsky park Александровский парк

  26. Central park Центральный парк

  27. science наука

  28. exhibit экспонат

  29. library библиотека

  30. machine машинный

  31. branch ветвь

  32. to reflect отражать

  33. outstanding выдающийся

  34. event событие

  35. eparchy епархия

  36. Orthodox Church православная церковь

  37. cathedral собор

  38. flowerbed цветочная клумба

  39. to enjoy наслаждаться, получать


  1. sight вид

  2. scene пейзаж, вид

  3. blossom цветение

  4. to strike поражать

  5. diversity разнообразие

Задание 2. . Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание.


Stavropol was founded in 1777 as a fortress on the southern boundaries of Russia under the decree of Empress Ekaterina II. The first settlements around the Stavropol fortress were formed by Khoper Cossaсks. The fortress turned into a town in 1785.

Originally it was founded as a strategic point, but later the town became a cultural centre of the North Caucasus. The word «Stavropol» is a Greek word meaning «а city of a cross». The first street, which is now called Karl Marx Prospekt, was built in 1785.

The town is located in the center of the Forecaucasus. It is on the east side of the extensive picturesque Stavropol plateau. It is like a green island, surrounded in woods and located among endless steppes. Stavropol is one of the greenest towns of Russia. Beautiful parks attract visitors, opening shady alleys in front of them. Among them are: «Victory Park», «Alexandrovsky Park», «Central Park» and others.

Now Stavropol is a town of students and science. There are many colleges and higher educational institutions in the town such as: the Stavropol State Medical Academy, the State Stavropol University, the North Caucasian Technical University, the Stavropol State Agricultural University and many others.

There are some museums, for example: the Museum of Fine Arts, the Lopatin Home-Museum and the Grechishkin Museum of Paintings. The largest museum of the town is the Regional Museum. Its collection includes over 200 000 exhibits.

Stavropol is the centre of cultural life. There is the Lermontov Drama Theatre, the Concert Hall and a big library, many schools and kindergartens, a good Palace for Children, where children can go and do many interesting things. Young people can visit different night clubs and cinemas. They can dance, listen to the music, meet their friends and chat with them there.

Stavropol is an economic and industrial center of the Region. The machine building and agriculture are especially strong branches of the economy.

There are many historical monuments which reflect the outstanding events of the town. They are: the Lenin Square, the Komsomol Hill, the Central Flame and the Monument for Unknown Soldier.

The town is also the centre of the Stavropol and Vladikavkaz Eparchy of Russian Orthodox Church. There are many churches and cathedrals in the town.

In the streets there are a lot of trees and flower-beds. From early spring till late autumn visitors may enjoy the sights and the scenes of exotic flowers in blossom. In spring and summer the flower-beds strike with their diversity. Stavropol is a fast growing town. Its population is over 450 thousand people. More than 130 nationalities and people of different religions live in friendship and they are always willing to help each other.

Задание 3.Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  1. When was Stavropol founded?

  2. Where was Stavropol founded as a fortress?

  3. What were the first settlements around the Stavropol fortress?

  4. When did the fortress turn into a town?

  5. What was the town originally founded as?

  6. What is the meaning of the word “Stavropol”?

  7. Where is the town located?

  8. What does the town look like among endless steppes?

  9. What attract visitors in the town?

  10. What parks are there in the town?

  11. Why is Stavropol a town of students?

  12. What museums are there in the town?

  13. What is the largest museum in the town?

  14. What proves that the town is a center of culture?

  15. What are the main economic branches in the town?

  16. What monuments are there in the town?

  17. What do historical monuments reflect?

  18. What proves that Stavropol is the center of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz Eparchy of Russia?

  19. What may the visitors enjoy from spring till autumn?

  20. What is the population of the town?

  21. How do people of different nationalities and religions live in the region?

Задание 4. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

  1. The founder of Stavropol is Suvorov.

  2. It was founded in 1777 as a fortress.

  3. The first settlements around the Stavropol fortress were Khoper Cossaks.

  4. Originally it was founded as a strategic point.

  5. The word «Stavropol» is a Greek word meaning «а city of a cross».

  6. It is like a green island, surrounded by woods.

  7. Beautiful parks attract visitors.

  8. Stavropol is a town of students and science.

  9. Stavropol is an economic and industrial center of the region.

  10. The machine building and agriculture are especially strong branches of the economy.

  11. In the streets there are a lot of trees and flower-beds.

  12. In spring and summer the flower-beds strike with their diversity.

Задание 5. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги в следующих предложениях:

  1. Stavropol was founded … 1777.

  2. The fortress turned … a town in 1785.

  3. It is … the east side of the extensive picturesque Stavropol plateau.

  4. It is like a green island, surrounded … woods and located … endless steppes.

  5. … them are: «Victory Park», «Alexandrovsky Park», «Central Park» and others.

  6. Its collection includes … 200 000 exhibits.

  7. There is the Lermontov Drama Theatre, the Concert Hall, a big library, and a good Palace … Children in the town.

Задание 6. Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста.

  1. It … in 1777.

  2. Stavropol was founded as a … on the southern … of Russia.

  3. The first … around the Stavropol fortress were …

  4. Originally it was founded as a … point.

  5. …. Prospect was the first street built in 1785.

  6. The town is located in the centre of the …

  7. It is on the east side of the … picturesque Stavropol plateau.

  8. It is like a green island … by woods.

  9. Stavropol is one of the … towns of Russia.

  10. … parks attract visitors.

  11. Stavropol is an … centre of region.

  12. There are many … monuments ….

  13. There are many trees and … in the streets.

Задание 7. Составьте план к тексту.