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1.27. Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.

1. Novosibirsk is …

a) the largest city in Russia by area.

b) the third largest city in Russia by area.

c) the largest in the world.

2. The population of Novosibirsk is …

a) one million people.

b) two million people.

c) nearly one million and a half.

3. It gained the status of a town in …

a) 1893.

b) 1903.

c) 1925.

4. It was renamed Novosibirsk in …

a) 1925.

b) 1897.

c) 1903.

5. Novosibirsk is one of the main …

a) educational centres of Russia.

b) industrial and scientific centres of Russia.

c) industrial, scientific and educational centres of Russia.

6. Novosibirsk has …

a) many places of interest.

b) only theatres and cinemas.

c) no places of interest.

1.28. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the territory of Novosibirsk?

2. How many people live in the city?

3. Where is it located?

4. How many administrative districts are there in the city?

5. How old is Novosibirsk?

6. When did it gain the status of a town?

7. What was its first name?

8. When was it renamed Novosibirsk?

9. Novosibirsk is one of the main industrial, scientific and educational centres of Russia, isn’t it? Prove.

10. What places of interest do you know?

11. Which is your favourite place in Novosibirsk? Why?

1.29. Напишите 4 абзаца о своем городе (столице). Начните каждый абзац с тех же самых слов, что в тексте о Лондоне (объем 100-120 слов).

1. How big is it? Where is it?

2. What is it famous for?

3. Does it have any environmental problems?

4. What do you like best of all in your city (town)?

1.30. Посмотрите на схему улиц типичного английского города. Прочитайте и переведите самостоятельно вывески различных учреждений. В случае затруднений, сверяйтесь с транскрипцией и переводом ниже.

baker’s [´beıkəz] – хлебный магазин, булочная

chemist’s [´kemısts] – аптека

lane [leın] – узкая улица, переулок

newsagent’s [´nju:zeıd3(ə)nts] – газетный киоск, издательство

travel agent’s [´trævleıd3ənts] – бюро путешествий

1.31. Посмотрите на схему улиц ещё раз и ответьте на вопросы:

  1. Where can you buy bread?

  2. Where can you buy a CD?

  3. Where can you buy a plane ticket?

  4. Where can you buy a book?

  5. Where can you buy cigarettes?

  6. Where can you take books?

1.32. В парах: составьте короткие диалоги по образцу, используя слова из таблицы:

A: Excuse me! Is there a chemist’s near here?

(Извините! Здесь есть поблизости аптека?)

B: Yes. It’s over there.

(Да. Вон там.)

A: Thanks.


post office

on the left


on the right




in front of

flower shop



next to

Chinese restaurant


bus stop

over there

1.33. Прослушайте диалоги и скажите, о каких местах города идет речь (Tapescript 2, Appendix 3).


a. It is about chemist’s.

1.34. Прослушайте диалоги ещё раз и заполните пропуски.

a. A: Excuse me! Is ________ a chemist’s ________ here?

B: It’s over ________.

A: Thanks.

b. A: ________ me! Is there a ________ club near here?

B: Yes. _______ _______ Queen Street. Take the second _______ right.

A: Thanks.

c. A: Excuse me! Is there a ________ near here?

B: Yes. There is ____ ____ Church Street ________ the bank and there

is one in Park Lane opposite the ________.

A: Is that one ________?

B: No. Just two minutes, that is all.

d. A: Is there a cinema near here?

B: _______ the first left, and it’s _______ left, ______ the flower shop.

A: Thanks a lot.