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  1. Translate the sentences before reading the text. Look up the words you do not know in the dictionary. Doing this task in writing is preferable.

  1. Evidently the last thing he wanted to do was to continue. But Poirot maintained silence waiting for the information.

  2. You drive me into the corner, you do indeed. I am most anxious to have no scandal.

  3. We found him reclining on some cushions, wearing an amazing dressing gown of purple and orange.

  4. I have seldom taken a greater dislike to anyone than I did to this particular young man of such effeminacy in face and manners.

  5. Without the least warning the door flew open, and a whirlwind in human form invaded our privacy.

  6. There was a twinkle in his eyes which I knew of old. It was a certain sign that Poirot was pleased with himself.

  7. Our next procedure was to take a taxi, which Poirot ordered to drive to the Carlton.

  8. In a few minutes we were shown up into the lady's suite.

  9. She was supposed to have brought jewels with her from Russia; she had only to take the stones from their settings, and it was extremely doubtful if they could ever be identified.

Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks

    1. Find the English equivalents in the text.

    1. срочный вызов

    1. обстоятельства их исчезновения

    1. никакой огласки

    1. под любым предлогом

    1. старинные украшения

    1. фамильные веши

    1. организовать сделку

    1. полностью доверять кому-либо

    1. вы загоняете меня в угол

    1. иметь какую-либо болезнь

    1. вы понимаете мои затруднения

    1. осмотреть изнутри

    1. туда и обратно

    1. русская эмигрантка

    1. решиться что-то сделать

    1. передать дело в руки полиции

    1. фальшивая графиня

    1. явный признак

    1. неоценимая помощь

    1. наконец он снова обрел голос

    1. быть абсолютно вне подозрений

    1. спокойно уставиться на кого-то

    1. рассмеяться наоборот

    1. благодаря вам

    1. под чужим именем

    1. чрезвычайно сомнительно