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8.Body. Choose the correct answer.

  1. The PUPIL is part of the ….. .

a) ear b) stomach c) eye d) hand

  1. The SOLE is part of the ….. .

a) hand b) foot c) eye d) ear

  1. The CALF is part of the ….. .

a) leg b) arm c) chest d) head

  1. The WRIST is part of the ….. .

a) hand b) foot c) eye d) ear

  1. The IRIS is part of the ….. .

a) hand b) foot c) eye d) ear

  1. The HEEL is part of the ….. .

a) hand b) foot c) eye d) breast

  1. The PALM is part of the ….. .

a) hand b) foot c) eye d) breast

  1. The NIPPLE is part of the ….. .

a) hand b) foot c) eye d) breast

  1. The THUMB is part of the ….. .

a) hand b) foot c) head d) chest

  1. The SHIN is part of the ….. .

a) arm b) leg c) head d) brain

9. What’s the Russian for?

  1. bile duct

  2. bladder

  3. gall bladder

  4. large intestine

  5. larynx

  1. pancreas

  2. pelvis

  3. spine

  4. spleen

  5. windpipe

10. Body. Match the following parts of the body with the jumbled definitions on the right.

  1. kidney

  2. lung

  3. liver

  4. heart

  5. brain

  6. intestine

  7. appendix

  8. tonsils

  9. rib

  10. stomach

  11. jaw

  12. throat

  1. organ in the head which controls thought and feeling

  2. long pipe leading from the stomach which takes waste matter from the body

  3. Two small, fleshy organs in the throat

  4. baglike organ in which food is broken down for use by the body

  5. one of twenty four bones protecting the chest

  6. one of a pair of organs which separate waste liquid from the blood

  7. one of two bony parts of the face in which teeth are set

  8. large organ which cleans the blood

  9. one of a pair of breathing organs in the chest

  10. passage from the back of the mouth down inside the neck

  11. short organ of little use which leads off the large intestine

  12. organ in the chest which controls the flow of blood by pushing it round the body

11.Body. Choose one of the possibilities that best completes the sentence.

  1. He must be terribly strong! Look at his ….. .

a) skin b) limbs c) muscles d) nerves

  1. He stood with his hands on his ….. daring me to go past him.

a) ankles b) knees c) shoulders d) hips

  1. Every tooth in my upper ….. seemed to be aching.

a) chin b) cheek c) jaw d) forehead

  1. When Mary twisted her ankle, John carried her home on his ….. .

a) shoulders b) knees c) hands d) arms

  1. His shoes were so old that his ….. were sticking out of them.

a) fingers b) thumbs c) tips d) toes

12.Ideas for discussian:

  1. Structure of our body.

  2. Functions of the organs.

13.Read the text again and analyze its paragraph structure. Write down topic sentences from each paragraph of the text and combine them into a short summary.


At the Doctor’s

1. Study the vocabulary:

[1] regarding – осматривая

[2] occasionally – временами

[3] the best cure for – лучшее лечение от …

[4] I have come to see you about – Я пришел к Вам на осмотр

[5] for years – в течении лет

[6] so I am used to that – поэтому я привык к такому

[7] has been bothering me a good deal lately – очень беспокоит меня в последнее время

[8] It comes and goes – Она приходит и уходит

[9] any number of things – и многое другое

[10] without first giving you a series of tests – не сделав сначала серию анализов

[11] exercise too little – слишком мало двигаетесь

[12] Could that be the case ? – Может быть в этом причина?

[13] all day long – весь день

[14] to check blood-pressure – проверить кровяное давление

[15] but nothing to worry about – не о чем беспокоиться

[16] for about – в течение (приблизительно)

[17] later it moves down into my ankle – позже перешла в лодыжку

[18] it is more like – это больше похоже на …

[19] avoid getting chilled – избегать простуды

[20] stay out of drafts – избегать сквозняков

[21] to build yourself up in general – укреплять здоровье вообще

[22] I want you to be sure to get in touch with me every two or three days – Обязательно связывайтесь со мной через каждые 2-3 дня.

[23] You take only one a day – Принимайте только по одной в день

[24] try to take it easy – постарайтесь проще смотреть на вещи

[25] In the matter of sleeping – что касается сна

[26] to take your mind off your business – не думать о деле

[27] find yourself – оказаться (очутиться)

  1. Read the dialogue; and the pay attention to the new vocabulary.

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