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Ex.1 Reproduce the situations from the film where the following statements are used:

1. He says he saw Lord Robert leave.

2. It is hard for a woman to forget her heart.

3. There are but two chances.

4. You are in the greatest danger.

5. Because I love you .I am the only one who would care for you.

6. For God’s sake, I do this for us!

7. Of course, I shall deny it!

8. I am my father’s daughter, I am not afraid of anything!

9. If Your Majesty doesn’t act soon then he will.

10. You were Norfolk, the dead have no titles.

12. It would corrupt the soul of any man.

13. He must be made an example of.

Ex. 2 Explain why:

1.The priest didn’t declare himself to the Queen.

2.The dress that Isabel put on was poisoned.

3. The Queen let Norfolk sign the document against her.

4. Elizabeth was going to follow her own opinion from some moment.

5. Walsingham murdered Mary of Guise.

6. Robert wasn’t killed as a betrayer.

7. Elizabeth has made up her mind to become a virgin Queen and never marry.

8. On her deathbed Elizabeth was said to have whispered Lord Dudley’s name.

Ex. 3 Use the film to prove the following statements:

1. Elizabeth was in the greatest danger that she had ever been.

2. Elizabeth has followed Sir William’s advice in all the affairs of her kingdom.

3. Norfolk was going to legitimize his claim to the throne of England.

4. Norfolk was betrayed.

5. Elizabeth has rid England of all her enemies.

6. Elizabeth was a strong-willed person.

Ex.4 Watch the episode ( Elizabeth visiting Robert in the Tower ) with soundtrack, then watch it without it and be ready to dramatize it.


Ex.1 Give short summery of the main events of the extract seen and discussed.

Ex2If you were Elizabeth, give your ideas why you had chosen to become a Maiden Queen.

3 Write about the period of the English Renaissance and its main representatives.


1. Elizabeth, a woman and a Queen.

2.The historical background of the film.

3.Love in Elizabeth’s life.

4.Conspiracies at the Court.

5.The role of Elizabeth in the History of England.


ГУД Валентина Гавриловна

ЛОВГАЧ Галина Владимировна

ПОЗНЯКОВА Татьяна Михайловна


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