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Пособие по фонетике 1 курс_2008.doc
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4.1 Sounds to be trained: p, b, f, V, t, d, s, z, m, n, ɪ, I:

a) read the sound characteristics and train the sounds in words given in transcription.

[p] – a bilabial occlusive oral plosive, voiceless;

[b] - voiced.

A complete obstruction is formed by the lips pressed together. The soft palate is raised and the stream of air compressed in the mouth cavity breaks through this obstruction with plosion.

‘pɜ:sɪ ‘pɜ:fɪkt ‘pɜ:pəs pi:pl ‘pɒplwəl pα:s pʊt pɒt peɪ paʊnd

bɪt bæt bΛt ‘beɪbɪ ‘bælkənɪ bɒtl ‘blænkɪt bleɪdz

[f] –a labio-dental constrictive oral fricative, voiceless;

[v] – voiced.

The lower lip and the upper teeth form a narrowing through which the stream of air passes with audible friction.

faɪn fɒks fΛn fα: ‘fɒrɪst flɪŋ flaɪ flu: fləʊt flΛf

‘vɪktə ‘velvɪt ‘vɪvɪd ‘vaɪəlɪt ‘vɒdkə vɜ:s ‘evə trævl

[t] – a forelingual alveolar occlusive plosive oral consonant, voiceless;

[d] – voiced.

The tip of the tongue is pressed to the alveoli, forming a complete obstruction. The soft palate is raised and the air compressed in the mouth cavity breaks the obstruction with plosion.

taɪm tel taʊn tɔ:n ‘tæksɪ ‘telɪfəʊn twelv ‘twentɪ bɪ’twi:n

du: deɪ dɒg ‘drɪərɪ dræb draɪv bed rəʊd ə’freɪd deɪt ‘dɔ:tə

[s] – a forelingual alveolar constrictive oral fricative, voceless;

[z] – voiced.

These sounds are formed by the tip of the tongue held close to the alveoli. The narrowing is round because of the groove in the blade of the tongue. The Sides of the tongue are in close contact with the sides of the hard palate so that the stream of air escapes through the groove with friction. The teeth are close together.

si:m sɒft sæm sləʊ skɪn swi:t ‘sɪərɪəs ‘sensɪbl ‘sɪstə

zu: ‘zi:brə zəʊ’ɒlɒd3ɪ kreɪzɪ hə’raɪzən pΛzl æz wɒz hɪz

[m] – a bilabial occlusive nasal sonant.

The soft palate is lowered and the stream of air, exhaled from the lungs, escapes through the nasal cavity.

mi:t məʊst mu:n kraɪm du:m rəʊm maɪn si:m bleɪm

[n] – a forelingual alveolar occlusive nasal sonant.

The soft palate is lowered and the air escapes through the nasal cavity.

dα:ns ni:d neɪm ‘nΛmbə dα:n ni:dl ni:t

[ɪ] – a front retracted phoneme of high rise broad variation unrounded short monophthong.

The tongue moves forward and upward, the tip of the tongue is near the lower teeth. The lips are spread. The jaw is a bit lowered.

[i:] – a front advanced phoneme of high rise narrow variation unrounded long tense diphthongoid.

The tongue moves forward and upward, the front of the tongue is raised high in the direction of the hard palate but no so high as to cause the stream of to produce audible friction. The tip of the tongue is at the lower teeth, the lips are spread as in a smile slightly revealing the upper and lower teeth which are close together.

bɪg pɪg fɪg dɪg rɪg wɪg bɪn pɪn sɪn wɪn ‘prɪmɪtɪv ‘mɪnɪstrɪ

hi: ∫i: mi: tri: si: fli: wi:d li:k swi:p si: pi: ti: bi:nz li:v hi:p

b) train the sounds in rhymes and sentences.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper;

A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked;

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper

Where’s the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?

A sailor went to sea

To see what he could see

But all he could see

Was sea, sea and sea.

The busy bees are flying over the roses.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Speech is silver, but silence is gold.

Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

It’s a pity that little Kitty lives in a big city.

Extremes meet.

c) read the dialogue, find sounds that have been trained before and stage the dialogue.

Peter: What would you like to eat, Edith?

Edith: A meat sandwich.

Peter: Jean, would you like a meat sandwich or a cheese sandwich?

Jean: A cheese sandwich, please.

Waiter Good evening!

Peter: Good evening! We’ll have one meat sandwich and two cheese sandwiches.

Edith: And three teas, please.

Waiter: (writing down the order) One meat sandwich, two cheese sandwiches and three teas.