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Read_and_Speak_English (1).doc
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1. Put questions to the words in italics:

1. Darwins theories caused a revolution in biological science.

2. All species of plants and animals had evolved from a few common ancestors through millions of years.

3. Evolution occurred through natural selection.

4. Darwins grandfather proposed a theory of evolution in the 1790’s.

5. With a British scientific expedition he studied plants and animals everywhere.

6. Darwin collected the fossils and other specimens of organisms for future study.

7. Darwin studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh and theology at Cambridge University.

2. Add 2–3 sentences to the following statements:

1. Darwin became famous for his theories on evolution.

2. His theories shocked most people of his days.

3. As a boy, Darwin often heard his grandfather’s theories discussed.

4. From 1831–1836, Darwin served as a naturalist with a British scientific expedition.

5. In 1836 he returned in England and settled in London.

3. Make an outline of the text and be ready to speak about Darwin’s life and his theories. Содержание

Введение 3

Chapter 1. Family. Home

Text 1. Oleg Kirillov 4

Text 2. Oleg’s family 6

Text 3. The Kirillovs’ flat and a place of residence 9

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. Jackie’s family 10

Text 2. The house of an Englishman 12

Chapter 2. Meals. Shopping

Text 1. Meals 13

Text 2. Shopping 15

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. Meals in England 18

Text 2. Shopping in the UK 19

Chapter 3. University. Week days

Text 1. Oleg’s student life 20

Text 2. Oleg’s ordinary working day 23

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. Student life in Great Britain 25

Text 2. An account of a typical day at Oxford University 26

Chapter 4. Free time. Travelling

Text 1. Oleg’s free time 28

Text 2. The Kirillovs’ week-end 31

Text 3. Oleg’s trip to Minsk 33

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. Sunday in England 34

Text 2. Adventure holidays at Beacon Park 35

Text 3. Travelling 37

Chapter 5. Future profession

Text 1. Oleg’s future profession 39

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. School teacher 40

Text 2. Economist 41

Text 3. Philologist 42

Text 4. Historian 43

Text 5. Ecologist 44

Chapter 6. Youth life

Text 1. Oleg is a teenager 46

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. Problems of young people’s unemployment 47

Text 2. Leisure activities of youth 48

Chapter 7. The Republic of Belarus. Cities of Belarus

Text 1. Belarus 50

Text 2. Minsk 52

Text 3. Mozyr 54

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. From the history of Belarus 57

Text 2. From the history of Minsk 59

Chapter 8. Great Britain. London

Text 1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 61

Text 2. London 65

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. From the history of Britain 67

Text 2. From the history of London 69

Text 3. Museums of London 70

Text 4. London parks 71

Text 5. English character 72

Text 6. Customs‚ holidays and traditions in Great Britain 73

Chapter 9. The systems of education in Belarus and Great Britain

Text 1. The system of education in Belarus 75

Text 2. The system of education in Great Britain 77

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. The history of development of education in our Republic 79

Text 2. Teachers’ training in Belarus 80

Text 3. Comprehensive education in Scotland 81

Text 4. Higher and further education in Britain 82

Text 5. Famous universities of the UK 83

Chapter 10. Famous people of Belarus and Great Britain

Text 1. Famous people of Belarus 86

Text 2. Famous Britons 88

Additional texts for reading

Text 1. Who was Dr. Skaryna? 91

Text 2. Efrosinya Polotskaya 91

Text 3. Zhores I. Alferov 93

Text 4. Isaac Newton 95

Text 5. James Watt 96

Text 6. William Shakespeare 97

Text 7. Robert Burns 98

Text 8. Charles Darwin 100


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