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IX. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the meaning of the verb “would”.

  1. The engineer said that the application of the new device would be of great significance for our industry.

  2. The most efficient way of heating oil by means of steam would be, of course, to inject steam directly into oil.

  3. It would take much time to carry out complicated calculations without a computer.

  4. If the entire world's gas and oil supplies were completely exhausted, the sea would represent an enormous source of power.

  5. It would be desirable to carry out this work as soon as possible.

  6. No evaporation would take place аз the whole system is sealed.

  7. It would be impossible to meet the requirements of our industry without highly developed technology.

8. An ideal pipe line would be a continuous pipe able to withstand all common forms of corrosion and all reasonable forces exerted upon it.

X. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the meaning of the verb “should”.

  1. I said that in this text-book we should be chiefly concerned with the transportation of oil through pipe lines.

  2. The pipes should be carefully laid on the bottom of the trench.

  3. It is necessary that this pipe line should be built in time.

  4. If steam power is to be used at the pumping station, all the equipment should be housed in two separate buildings, one for the boilers and the other for the pumps.

  5. If we had not been supplied with all necessary equipment, we should not have finished our work in time.

  6. One should remember that a great part of the construction work was done during winter months when cold weather greatly increased the difficulties of the task.

  7. Before selecting the type of pipe protection a careful analysis of soil conditions should be made.

  8. The engineers recommended that screw pipes should be replaced by welded ones.

XI. Translate the following conditional sentences.


1. If there are leaks in the line, they cause an appreciable drop in pressure.

2. If the density of the flowing gas changes, its velocity will also change.

3. If any four of the five conditions are known, the fifth can be determined by using a suitable pipe line flow formula for determining the else of the new line.


  1. If a four-inch line were used the wall thickness would be above 1/4 - inch.

  2. Without pressure, oil would not move in a pipe line and it would be impossible to deliver it to the consuming area.

  3. If damage occurred at some place on the pipe line, the workers at the nearest pumping station would notice it by means of a device showing a leak on the line.


  1. If we not developed our industry in the Urals our country would not have been supplied with steel during the war.

  2. If you had applied your theoretical knowledge to your practical work you would have got a different result.

XII. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to conditional sentences.

  1. The workers would not have done this work provided they hadn't been supplied with all the necessary equipment.

  2. This material cannot be used unless it is subjected to special treatment.

  3. But for the new technique, wе should not have achieved such great successes.

  4. Were not for this advice, they would be in a difficult position.

  5. Had the equipment been repaired, we should have begun the work long ago.

6. Had they asked this question, they would not have been able to answer it.

7. Were she asked to translate this article, she would do it without any difficulty.