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English / Prezentatsia_lektsii_5.ppt
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Rounded infiltrate

Lobar infiltrate

Bronchiolobular version

Infiltrative TB

А) bronchiolobular infiltrate is a focus located in the cortical parts of the I or II segments of the upper lobe of the lung, irregularly rounded shape, with indistinct contours, 1-3cm. On tomography, it consists of 2-3or several fused fresh foci. It is asymptomatic, without functional changes and bacilliform discharge.

(В)- rounded infiltrate is a focal rounded or oval shape, indistinctly contoured,1.5- 2 cm in diameter, located more often in I-II or VI segments of the lungs. From to the root of the lung there is inflammatory "track", against the background of against which a projection of bronchus.


1.In bronchiolobular or rounded infiltrates Clinical manifestations are weakly expressed: increased fatigue, decreased appetite, episodic elevations of body temperature; stethoacoustic changes are usually absent.

2.In cloudy infiltrates or periscisuritis Usually an acute onset with pronounced symptoms of intoxication, a slight cough with sputum, sometimes hemoptysis.

3.With the development of lobitis, the condition deteriorates sharply patient, increased intoxication and respiratory symptomatology.

4.Above the affected area - shortening of percussion sound, increased voice jitter, bronchial respiration, sometimes a few wet ones are listened to fine wheezing, and above the decay cavity there are intermittent mid-wheezing wheezing, which are often appear only on exhalation after coughing.

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