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S. A. Guler and C. J. Ryerson



The antifbrotic medications pirfenidone and nintedanib are recommended in clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of IPF [59]. Both medications reduce the rate of FVC decline by approximately half and might reduce the risk for exacerbation and improve survival [5, 6]. Evidence is emerging that antifbrotic medications can be similarly effective in patients with non-IPF ILDs. Nintedanib slows progression of FVC decline in SSc-ILD, and the drug is now approved for this indication [60]. Recently a randomized controlled study demonstrated that nintedanib slows the rate of FVC decline by approximately half in patients with progressive non-IPF ILDs, similar to what was observed in the previous antifbrotic trials for IPF [46]. This effect was consistent in several subgroups including the 17% of patients with unclassifable ILD [61]. Pirfenidone seems to similarly reduce the loss in pulmonary function in patients with unclassifable ILD, as demonstrated in a phase 2 clinical trial [45].

Clinicians have been very cautious in prescribing immunosuppressive therapies to patients with an IPF-like phenotype following publication of the PANTHER trial that demonstrated increased risk of death and hospitalizations in IPF patients with the combination of prednisone, azathioprine and acetylcysteine [4]. In contrast, other fbrotic ILD subtypes beneft from immunosuppression. For example, large studies including patients with SSc-ILD have demonstrated a favourable response to cyclophosphamide and mycophenolate mofetil [2, 3], and weaker evidence of a benefcial effect of tocilizumab and rituximab [62, 63]. Patients with chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis might beneft from treatment with mycophenolate mofetil or azathioprine with a retrospective study demonstrating an improvement of DLCO following initiation of therapy [64]. Another recent retrospective study of patients with unclassifable ILD reported a favourable treatment response to cyclophosphamide, especially when patients lacked features more consistent with an IPF diagnosis [65]. Given that undiagnosed fbrotic HP and CTD-ILD likely represent a substantial percentage of unclassifable ILD, immunosuppression is likely a valid treatment option for some of these patients, particularly when IPF has been confdently excluded.

Regardless of the specifc medication being considered, the anticipated disease behaviour can aid in management decisions. Most often, this includes prioritization of more aggressive treatment approaches in patients who are suspected to have rapidly progressive fbrosis. Conversely, active pharmacotherapy is typically avoided in patients with mild and likely non-progressive disease.

Regardless of the underlying phenotype, patient preference and the patient’s attitude towards diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainty should always be considered in the decision-making process.


Unclassifable ILD represents an important and challenging subgroup of patients. A meticulous ILD workup is essential to minimize the proportion of patients who cannot be provided with a confdent, specifc ILD diagnosis. A multidisciplinary discussion including clinicians, radiologists, and pathologists is frequently valuable and might reduce the proportion of patients which remains unclassifable. The term unclassifable ILD is poorly defned, resulting in a heterogeneous population with clinical features intermediate between that of IPF and other ILD subtypes.

Attempting to understand the underlying biology of individual patients can potentially help in management decisions and prognostication; however, there is no validated approach to this determination. There is a clear need for new non-­ invasive diagnostic tools, particularly since the risk–beneft ratio for SLB disqualifes many ILD patients for this invasive procedure. Molecular and genetic phenotyping by various methods of transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and epigenetics are currently being developed to advance the current approach to ILD classifcation.

Suggested Defnition for Unclassifable ILD

•\ Fibrotic interstitial lung disease.

•\ No single specifc ILD diagnosis >50% likely after:

––Gathering of all available diagnostic information.

Clinical information including exposure history.

Physical examination and pulmonary function tests.

Autoimmune serology. Chest computed tomography.

Bronchoalveolar lavage results. Histopathology: Surgical lung biopsy (or lung cryobiopsy).

––Multidisciplinary team discussion.

•\ Document availability of SLB for diagnosis and most likely differential diagnosis.

•\ Re-evaluate when new diagnostic information emerges.


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38  Unclassifable Interstitial Lung Disease




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S. A. Guler and C. J. Ryerson



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Part VII

Miscellaneous Orphan Lung Diseases