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The subjunctive mood Forms of the type I should / he would (go) and I / he went in simple sentences and independent clauses

  1. Answer the following questions.

I. Imagine: 1. You meet a friend of yours. What would you say? 2. It is a good day for winter sports. Would you go skiing or skating? 3. What would your family do on a sunny day in summer? 4. A man has a weak heart. When do you think it would be the best time for him to go to the South? 5. Where would you advise me to go for my summer holiday? 6. I don’t know from which platform my train leaves. Where should I inquire? 7. We have missed our train. What would you do in our place?

II. (Combine the answers into a narration. Retell the story in the third person singular.) Imagine you come to the institute and find that a student in your group, a friend of yours, is absent, as he has fallen ill.

Would you go to see him? When at your sick friend's place, whom would you ask about his health? Would you ask for permission to see him? What would you tell him? What would he answer you? What would you wish him? What would he say in parting? Would you promise to come again? When would you promise to come? What would the other students ask you next day? What would you tell them?

  1. Give answers to suit the situation.

Imagine: 1. You had to stay in a town where you had not a friend or a relation. Where would you have put up? 2. You were caught in the rain without an umbrella or a raincoat. What would you have done? 3. A student could not translate an article for he had no dictionary at hand. What would you have done in his place? 4. A friend of yours comes to see you after a long absence. How would he greet you? 5. One has hurt somebody without meaning to. What would he say to apologize? 6. You are to make a report. What book would you choose? 7. A ticket was offered you last night. Would you have gone to the theatre? 8. Would he have accepted their invitation for Sunday last in spite of being otherwise engaged? 9. A skier has his leg broken. Would he take part in competitions the same year? 10. Where would you have gone in the summer to see something of the typical Russian country-side?

  1. Translate into English. (Dictation-translation.)

1. Было бы ошибочно думать, что языком можно овладеть, не работая систематически. 2. Было бы лучше сказать ей правду тогда же. 3. Почему вы не позвонили мне? Я бы пришел и помог вам. 4. Хорошо, что он сам отказался ехать. А то сейчас бы ворчал и действовал всем на нервы. 5. Мы бы давно все закончили и ушли, но прислали новое срочное задание. 6. Хорошо, что вы пришли вовремя. Никто бы не стал принимать во внимание ваши извинения. 7. Стали бы вы браться за дело, в которое не верите? Я бы не стал. 8. Я уверен, что они слишком торопились, иначе бы они нашли более удачное решение. 9. Заказ не очень сложный. За какой срок вы смогли бы его выполнить? 10. Очень сожалеем, но мы вряд ли смогли бы предупре­дить вас об этом намного раньше.

  1. Replace the infinitives by the correct form of the subjunctive mood.

1. But for the toothache, I (to enjoy) the concert. 2. But for him we still (to sit) here waiting for the car. 3. But for my smile he (to believe) me. 4. The children (to sleep) in the open air but for the rain. 5. Nobody (to recognize) him but for the scar on his left cheek. 6. But for his severe look the child (not to begin) crying. 7. But for the accent with which he speaks nobody (to say) he is not Russian. 8. One (may take) him for a Russian but for the accent with which he speaks. 9. But for the late hour I (to stay) here longer. 10. But for the darkness they (not to lose) their way. 11. But for the fog we (to continue) our way. 12. But for the heavy bag she (to go) there also on foot. 13. I (to read) the book sooner but for the small print. 14. But for his assistance it (to be) impossible to do the work in time. 15. But for the hot climate he (to go) there together with us. 16. But for Fieta Lanny (to see) by Gert in his own house, and something terrible (may happen). 17. Lanny probably (to learn) never that he was the son of old Gert Villier but for Mako and Isaac. 18. Lanny (to choke) by Gert but for Mad Sam, who came to his rescue.

  1. Complete the following.

1. But for the rain the tourists ... . 2. But for the late hour we ... . 3. I ... but for you. 4. The plane ... but for the sudden change of weather. 5. But for the fact that we did not know the language ... . 6. But for your being so careless ... . 7. The Gadfly ... from prison but for the fit of sickness. 8. But for his mother's unhappy marriage to Mr. Murdstone David’s life ... .

  1. Translate into English.

1. Если бы не важность этого дела, я бы остался дома. 2. Если бы не гроза, мы бы уже подходили к вершине. 3. Я бы присоединился к вашей компании, если бы не неожиданный приезд моего знакомого. 4. Если бы не этот веселый и интересный человек, мы бы чувствовали себя неловко среди незнакомых людей. 5. Мы бы так и не узнали, что он за человек, если бы не этот случай. 6. Мы бы все время работали точно по плану, если бы не эта маленькая задержка.

  1. Use the verb in brackets in the subjunctive mood.

1. I (not to advise) you to act hastily in the situation. 2. He never (to leave) you so soon, but he had some very urgent matter to attend to. 3. We (to stay) much longer but for the late hour. 4. There were not so many people as one (to expect). 5. They (to start) earlier, but they promised to wait for him. 6. I think nobody (to object) to having a day off tomorrow. 7. Everyone in your place (to inquire) for her address the very first thing. 8. It was possible to make it some other day, but it (not to make) much difference if at all. 9. But for a week’s delay the year’s quota (to be fulfilled) well ahead of schedule. 10. But for his impatience with the pupils, he (to make) a good teacher.

  1. Translate into English.

1. Я слышал, вы едете на Кавказ. Я бы с удовольствием присоединился к вам. –И я только что подумал, хорошо бы нам поехать вместе. 2. Он очень аккуратный и ни за что не опоздал бы без причины. Что бы это могло его задержать? 3. Жаль, что вы не обратились к нему. Он помог бы вам. 4. Если бы не собака, дети еще долго блуждали бы по лесу. 5. С ее стороны было бы неразумно выходить на улицу, когда она еще не совсем здорова. 6. Он не знал, что вы были там в одно с ним время, а то бы он разыскал вас. 7. Почему вы не написали ей об этом сразу? Я уверен, она бы все поняла и приехала. 8. Если бы не важность вопроса, мы перенесли бы обсуждение на следующий день. 9. Я не стал бы читать книгу в переводе, если бы я мог прочесть ее в оригинале. 10. Было бы совсем неплохо закончить более легкую часть работы как можно быстрее, мы бы освободили себе больше времени для более трудоемкой.

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