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Is it Right for You?

As with all other distance learning programs an earned degree from one of these schools does not distinguish between programs. So the degree would say Harvard not Harvard Extension School or it would say Columbia not Columbia Distance Learning. So not only are you getting the benefit of staying at home and learning on your own time, you are also earning a degree from one of the few Ivy League schools.

While distance learning and online education may be right for some, it may not be right for others. Some points to remember when considering if online learning is for you:

  • Technical requirements may vary with different programs.

  • Self discipline and motivation are a necessity.

  • Good communication skills/getting your point across via internet?

  • Are you comfortable using computers?

  • Will you miss the classroom?

(adapted from http://www.ehow.com/list_6982490_ivy-league-distance-learning-programs.html)

Task 5. Split into pairs or mini-groups. One of you is for such innovative system, another is against it. Spent a few minutes thinking about your arguments then start your discussion, trying to convince the opposite side to change the opinion. Use the skills of persuasive techniques while having your debate.

Task 6. ROLE –PLAY

Divide into mini groups of 5 persons.

Imagine that you have an International conference, revealing” the process of getting a degree in the usa”.

Talk as if you were (you may choose any of the following options):

  • A journalist, gathering the necessary material for his article in the youth’s newspaper;

  • The President of one of the USA Ivy League Universities;

  • A freshman;

  • A junior student;

  • A postgraduate:

  • A lecturer;

  • Any member of Teaching Staff (choose the position according to your preference).

Task 7. Have a conversation asking and answering the questions about:

- the system of Education;

- peculiarities of Curricula;

- process of earning a credit;

- requirements to be admitted;

- requirements and peculiarities to get a degree

Task 8. Read the text

Text 3 Great Britain. Categories of Universities

Further education has traditionally been characterised by part-time vocational courses for those who leave school at the age of 16 but need to acquire a skill, be that in the manual, technical or clerical field.

Since 1980s higher education in Great Britain has undergone a massive expansion. In 1985 only 573,000, 16 per cent of young people, were enrolled in full-time higher education. Ten years later the number was 1,150,000, no less than 30 per cent of their age group.

This massive expansion was achieved by greatly enlarging access to undergraduate courses, but also by authorising the old polytechnics to grant their own degree awards, and also to rename themselves as universities. Thus there are today 90 universities, compared with 47 in 1990, and only seventeen in 1945. They fall into five broad categories: the medieval English foundations, the medieval Scottish ones, the nineteenth-century 'redbrick' ones, the twentieth-century 'plate-glass' ones, and finally the previous polytechnics.

Oxford and Cambridge, founded in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries respectively, are easily the most famous of Britain's universities. Today 'Oxbridge', as the two together are known, educate less than one-twentieth of Britain's total university student population. But they continue to attract many of the best brains and to mesmerise an even greater number, partly on account of their prestige, but also on account of the seductive beauty of many of their buildings and surroundings.

Both universities grew gradually, as federations of independent colleges, most of which were founded in the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In both universities, however, new colleges are periodically established, for example Green College, Oxford (1979) and Robinson College, Cambridge (1977).

Scotland boasts four ancient universities: Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews and Aberdeen, all founded in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. In the Scottish lowlands greater value was placed on education during the sixteenth and later centuries than in much of England. These universities were created with strong links with the ancient universities of continental Europe, and followed their longer and broader course of studies. Even today, Scottish universities provide four-year undergraduate courses, compared with the usual three-year courses in England and Wales.

In the nineteenth century more universities were established to respond to the greatly increased demand for educated people as a result of the Industrial Revolution and the expansion of Britain's overseas empire. Many of these were sited in the industrial centres, for example Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Liverpool and Bristol.

With the expansion of higher education in the 1960s 'plate-glass' universities were established, some named after counties or regions rather than old cities, for example Sussex, Kent, East Anglia and Strathclyde. Over 50 polytechnics and similar higher education institutes acquired university status in 1992. There is also a highly successful Open University, which provides every person in Britain with the opportunity to study for a degree, without leaving their home. It is particularly designed for adults who missed the opportunity for higher education earlier in life. It conducts learning through correspondence, radio and television, and also through local study centres.

In addition there are a large number of specialist higher education institutions in the realm of the performing and visual arts. For example, there are four leading conservatories: the Royal Academy of Music, the Royal College of Music, Trinity College of Music and the Royal Northern College of Music. There are a large number of art colleges, of which the most famous is the Royal College of Art, where both Henry Moore and David Hockney once studied. Other colleges cater for dance, filmmaking and other specialist areas of artistic study.

University examinations are for Bachelor of Arts, or of Science (BA or BSc) on completion of the undergraduate course, and Master of Arts or of Science (MA or MSc) on completion of postgraduate work, usually a one- or two-year course involving some original research. Some students continue to complete a three-year period of original research for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The bachelor degree is normally classed, with about 5 per cent normally gaining a First, about 30 per cent gaining an Upper Second, or 2.1, perhaps 40 per cent gaining a Lower Second, or 2.2, and the balance getting either a Third, a Pass or failing. Approximately 15 per cent fail to complete their degree course.

(adapted from David McDowall Britain in Close-up. New edition. An In-depth Study of Contemporary Britain, p. 154)

Task 9. Match the two halves.

  1. In 1990s old polytechnics received the right

  1. authorizing the old polytechnics to rename themselves as universities.

  1. One of the reasons why higher education has undergone a massive expansion is

  1. federations of independent colleges.

  1. The number of universities has increased by

  1. less than 5 % of Britain University students.

  1. Oxford and Cambridge educate

  1. more than 5 times since 1945.

  1. Oxbridge attract many of the best brains not only due to

  1. studies of the ancient universities.

  1. Oxford and Cambridge were established as

  1. their prestige but also to the beauty of their buildings and surroundings.

  1. Scottish universities followed the course of

  1. those who missed this opportunity earlier in life.

  1. The ever-increasing demand for educated people in the 19th century

  1. to grant their own degree awards.

  1. In the 19th century many new universities

  1. was caused by the Industrial Revolution and the expansion of British Empire.

  1. Open University provides higher education for

  1. were established in the industrial centres

Task 10. Mark the following sentences as M if they contain the information mentioned in the text or N if they don’t.

  1. Oxbridge educate each fifth university student in Great Britain.

  2. The expansion of the British Empire led to foundation of new universities in India.

  3. Scottish universities boast longer and broader course of studies.

  4. Open University was founded in 1992.

  5. Open University provides education for those who come to Britain from other countries.

  6. It is very prestigious to get education at Oxbridge.

  7. There will be new colleges established in Oxbridge.

Task 11. True/False sentences

  1. The term for undergraduate studies is the same in Scotland and England.

  2. Oxford and Cambridge were established as federations of independent colleges

  3. The latest colleges in Oxbridge were founded in the 16th century

  4. Scotland is considered to place greater value on education than England.

  5. The industrial Revolution caused the reduction of universities.

  6. In 1990s previous polytechnics were allowed to rename themselves as universities.

  7. In Britain people have the chance to study for a degree through correspondence and local study centers.

  8. Redbrick and plate glass universities were found in the beginning of the 20th century.

Task 12. Read the text.

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