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V Методическое обеспечение программы

Работа над методической темой: « Совершенствование коммуникативных навыков на старших ступенях обучения»

1.Пополнение личной библиотеки новинками научно-методической литературы.

2. Разработка тестовых заданий, перечень проектных работ.

3. Руководство исследовательскими работами учащихся.

Литература для учащихся:

Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С., Мельчина О П. EasyEnglish: Учебник для учащихся средней школы и студентов неязыковых вузов. – М.: АСТ-ПРЕСС, 1998. – 384с. – (Учебный комлект «EasyEnglish» )

Гацкевич М.А. Английский для школьников и абитуриентов: Топики, упражнения, диалоги – СПб.: КАРО, 2002. – 160с., ил.

Голицынский «Грамматика»

Литература для педагога:

Зубанова О.В. Разговорный английский в диалогах. Учебное пособие для чтения и обсуждения. 2-е изд. – М.: Издательство «Менеджер», 2000. – 224с.

Лизунова С.С. Подборка рифмовок для работы с английским алфавитом. Иностранные языки в школе. № 8.- с.58.

Федотова И.Г., Ишевская Н.А. Ускоренный курс английского языка: - М.: «Клен», 1993. – 288с

Приложение № 1

Тема: « Myfamily»

Задачи урока: 1) Развивать грамматические навыки. Употребление глагола to haveв


2) Ввести лексику по теме « Моя семья»;

3) Развивать навыки чтения с полным пониманием.

Оборудование: грамматическая таблица, раздаточный материал, тематические картинки.

Ход урока

1.Phonetic exercises

Say with the teacher:

[b] [p] [d] [g] [i] - [i:]

Big pig dad get bit - beat

Bag pin do got pit - Pete

Best pen did good milk - meet

Ball pond door give with - we

Bring part daughter go kitty - keep

2. Введение грамматического материала. Глаголhaveимеет значение «иметь», «владеть» и переводится на русский язык оборотом «у меня (у него и т.д.) есть» Глаголhaveв настоящем времени имеет две формы -hasдля 3-го лица единственного числа иhaveдля всех остальных лиц:He(she)hasmanyfriends.I (you, we, they) have many friends.

Вопросительная форма глагола haveобразуется путем постановки глаголаhaveперед подлежащим.Have you many friends? – Yes, I have. No, I have not.

3. Введение лексических единиц по теме.Members of the family:

Family, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, cousin, children, parents, wife, housewife, son, daughter.

4. Отработка и закрепление лексики.


My family

This is my family: my wife, my son, my daughter and I. My name is Mark Brown. I’m 40. My wife’s name is Helen Brown. She is 32. We have two children: a boy and a girl. The boy’s name is John. He is 12 years old. He is a schoolboy. My daughter’s name is Betty. She is young. She is only five.

I’m an electronic engineer. My wife is a housewife. She has a lot of work to do.

We have many relatives: cousins, uncles, aunts. My parents are sixty years. Helen’s father is fifty-six and her mother is fifty- three. Helen’s sister Ann is a teacher. She is 24. She is not married.

My hobby is sports. My wife’s hobby is swimming. My son’s hobby is playing computer games and my daughter’s hobby is dancing.

We are a happy family.


1.- Have you a large family?

- No, my family is rather small: my wife, my son and I.

- What’s your son’s name? How old is he? What is his hobby?

- My son is eleven, his name is Martin. He is fond of reading books.

2. - Is your family large?

- Not very. We are four: my father, my mother my sister and I.

- How old is your sister?

- She is twenty.

- What is she?

- She is a student.

- I see.

5. Письменное закрепление лексико-грамматического материала.


1) Finish the following:

  1. My mother’s sister is my ….and her brother is my ….

  2. My father’s mother is my …. and his father is my ….

  3. My uncle’s son is my … and my aunt’s daughter is my … too.

  4. My mother has a sister, her son is my mother’s ….

  5. I have a brother, he is my mother’s …

2) Use “to have” in the right form.

1. He… a large family. 2. He …two pets at home. 3. They … a very nice flat in Kazan.

4. Oleg… many friends at school. 5. We … many English books at home. 6. … she

any brothers or sisters? – Yes, she…two brothers and a sister. 7. My mother … three

children. 8. I ….two cousins, an aunt and an uncle.

3) Answer the questions:

  1. Have you a family? 2. Have any sisters or brothers? 3. Have you any relatives in Kazan?

4. Have you grandparents? 5. Have you a hobby? 6. Have you any pets?

7. Have you got a house? 8. Have you got a car? 9. Have you got any cousins?

10. How many children have your parents?

Hometask: выучить слова по теме «Семья»; ответить на вопросы упр.№ 3

Тема: « Квартира»

Задачи урока: 1) Введение и отработка н.л.е. по теме «Квартира»;

2) Развитие грамматических навыков. Ознакомление с конструкцией


3) Развитие навыков устной речи (диалог- расспрос)

Ход урока

1. Phonetic exercises.

[a:] [au] [a:]

are how dark - duck

arm cow bark - buck

bar house cart - cut

car mouse last - lust

farm round barn - bun

hard loud farm - fun

fast count hard - hut

class about drama - drum

carpet cloud bard – bud

Mother, father, sister, brother

Hand in hand with one another;

Mister Brown, Mister Brown

Are you going down town?

Could you stop and take me down

Thank you kindly, Mister Brown.

2 . Введение новых лексических единиц.

a flat - квартира a bookcase – книжный шкаф

а bedroom – спальня a sofa - диван

а dining room – столовая a table - стол

а living –room – гостиная a mirror - зеркало

а kitchen – кухня an armchair - кресло

а bathroom - ванная a chair - стул

3. Введение конструкции There is / are.

Предложения с такими конструкциями употребляются для выражения наличия или отсутствия в определенном месте какого-либо лица и предмета неизвестного собеседнику. Thereisпотребляется перед существительными в единственном числе и переводится как «имеется, есть, находится»,thereare- перед существительными во множественном числе. Например, There is a pen on the table. There are chairs near the table.

При переводе на русский язык следует помнить, что русские предложения начинаются с обстоятельства места, которое в английском варианте стоит в конце предложения.

Как известно, при обычном порядке слов в английском утвердительном повествовательном предложении сначала стоит подлежащее, потом сказуемое, а только потом второстепенные члены предложения. Если предложение начинается со слов Is/are, то сказуемое стоит перед подлежащим.Is there a pen on the table? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. There isn’t a pen on the table.

Если в предложении с оборотом thereis/areимеется несколько подлежащих, то глаголbeвсегда согласуется с подлежащим, которое следует непосредственно за ним:

There is a teacher and five students in the room. There are five students and a teacher in the room.

4.Отработка лексики и грамматической конструкции.

  1. Use the right word from those given in the brackets:

  1. There is a ….. in my study room. (table, kitchen, desk). 2. Is there any …in that room?

(fridge, furniture, cooker) 3. There is no… in the house, it is cold in winter. (mirror, fireplace, telephone). 4. Is there … in your kitchen? (hot water, garage, computer). 5. There is no balcony in my … . (garden, room, bathroom). 6. There are two large…. in the sitting room.(TV sets, wardrobes, windows).7. Is there a … in your sitting room? (bath, desk, TV set). 8. We have a table and some…. in the dining room. (chairs, bookshelves, beds).

2. Finish the following:

1. We have four ….. in our new ….2. They have no… in the sitting room. 3. She has … in her bedroom. 4. My sister has a lot of things on ... in her bedroom.. 5. In front of the house there is.... 6.There is... in his study room. 7.There are a lot of books ....8.They have a garden behind their ....9.My bedroom faces....10. Our bedrooms are .... 11.When we get up in the morning we go to ....12.If you want to make coffee go to ....13. In the evening our father likes to watch TV in ....14. In the corner of her room there is....15. Our flat is on ... .


This is a picture of my house. It is a big house. Like many English houses it is a two-storey brick building with a garden around it. On the ground floor we have a sitting room, a din­ing room and a kitchen. The kitchen is rather big and com­fortable. My daughter Alice helps me to cook in the kitchen.

When we have guests we have dinner in the dining room. After dinner we usually go to the sitting room. Our sitting room is very cosy. There isn't much furniture in it. There is a sofa opposite the fireplace and two armchairs near it. There are some pictures on the walls. In the middle of the room there is a big carpet. We have a TV set in the comer. Father likes to watch TV in the evenings.

Our bedrooms are upstairs, on the first floor. There are not many things in our bedroom. There are only two beds, a mir­ror, a dressing table and a wardrobe in it. We have two bed­rooms for guests. They are rather small. Our bedrooms are cold. In winter we heat them because there is no central heat­ing. Few people have central heating in their own houses.

My husband's study room is downstairs. It faces the gar­den. It is light and spacious. There are a lot of books in the bookcases and a lot of paper on the desk. There is also a com­puter on his desk. There are a few chairs in his room. It is my husband's favourite room.

I like my house. It is my home.

Развитие навыков устной диалогической речи.

©© Dialogues

1. Ann: I say, Alice, do you live in a flat?

Alice: Yes, I do, but it's my parents' flat; I only have a room which is my own.

Ann: Is the flat large?

Alice: Rather. We have three bedrooms, a sitting room, a kitchen, a hall and a bathroom. My room is not very large, but very comfortable. There is not much furniture in it. On the left there is a sofa and a small table near it. At the window there is a desk. On the right there is a dressing table. Near it there is a wardrobe for my clothes.

2. Jack: Hello, Pete!

Pete: Nice to see you. Come in, please.

Jack: Oh, this is a wonderful new flat!

Pete: Yes, it is, and so close to the centre.

Jack: How many rooms are there in your flat?

Pete: Come and see... This is the kitchen, the bath­room is on the right.

Jack: Oh, the kitchen is so large! I like big kitchens.

Pete: And here is the dining room. We have little fur­niture here. We want to have some armchairs, a sofa and some more things.

Jack: Are you on the phone?

Pete: It's a pity, we aren't yet... Let me introduce you to my wife.

Pete's wife: How do you do. I hope you'll enjoy our housewarming party.

3. - Hello!

- Hello!

— I'm looking for a room. Are you the landlady?

  • Yes, I am. Come in, please.

  • I want a room for the summer.

  • Yes, I have one vacant room at the end of the hall. Come with me if you want to see it.

  • Is there any furniture?

  • Yes, there is everything you want: a sofa, two arm­chairs, a table, there is a carpet on the floor. Do you want any­thing else?

  • No, thank you. Where is the bathroom?

  • It is on the second floor, upstairs, and the kitchen is across the hall.

  • Thank you. How much is it?

  • Five hundred dollars a month.

IV. Answer the questions:

1. Have you got a flat? 2. What floor is your flat on?

3. Is there a lift in your house? 4. Is your flat large?

5. Do you live with your parents? 6. How many rooms are there in your flat?

7. Have you a sitting room? 8. Have you got a separate bed­room?

9. Is your kitchen large? 10 . What is your favourite place in the flat?

11. Do you like to stay at home with your family? 12. Who likes to watch TV in your family?

Homework: To learn the words by heart:

Answer the questions


Задачи урока: 1) Формирование грамматических навыков : to be в Present Simple 2) Ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами по теме 3) Развивать навыки чтения, устной диалогической речи

Оборудование: Грамматическая таблица, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

Phonetic Exercises

Cat fat rat mat man mat sat

Pan-pen man –men bag – beg Pat-pet rat – red sat – set

Me Pete meet beat read pleased

1. A cat; a big black cat; a nice big black cat.

A man; a big man; a big fat man; a nice big fat man.

2. Pat's black cat is in Pat's black hat.

A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

3. It's thundering. Three sixths.

Thick and thin, thick and thin, thick and thin...

I can think of six thin things. Six thin things, can you?

Yes, I can think of six thin things. And of six thick things, too.

"This" is used for one thing near, "That" means one thing over there, "These" 'and "those" mean two or more, "Those" are far and "these" are near.

2. Глагол to be в Present Simple.

Глагол beпереводится на русский язык «быть» и имеет в настоящем времени три формы:am,is, аre. Каждому местоимению соответствует своя форма. I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are. В предложениях типаItisachairсловоis ( 3-е лицо единственного числа настоящего времени глаголаbe) является глаголом – связкой составного именного сказуемого, который в русском языке соответствует форме «есть»

I am a student. I am not a student. Are you a student?

She is a teacher. She is not a teacher. Is she a teacher?