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Future Perfect Continuous

By the end of the day the engine will have been working forty eight hours.

К концу дня машина уже про работает 48 часов.

Здесь аналогичная мысль: машина начнет работать до конца дня, и в момент окончания дня она еще будет работать.

При переводе Future Perfect Continuous употребляется будущее время.

Страдательного залога времена группы Perfect Continuous не имеют.


Ex. 1. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous, the Present Indefinite, the Past Indefinite, the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. He (not/phone) him since he (arrive).

2. What (happen) to you since she (leave)?

3. I (think) your daughter (become) a real beauty since I (see) her last.

4. What you (do) with the knife? The point is broken off.

5. For these last three years I (save) nearly every penny for my trip to that country.

6. Well, dear, what you (do) all day long? You (look) tired. Come and sit here by the fire.

7. “Hello,” he (say) holding out his hand, “I (look) for you for a long time. I never (have) the chance to thank you for what you (do) for my brother.”

8. You see, I (do) this kind of thing for the last thirty years.

9. I (think) of it ever since Molly (tell) me about your decision to go to sea.

10. A.: I (want) to go to Switzerland next winter.

B.: You (discuss) it with your mother?

  1. : No, not yet, why?

  2. : You (ski) together for the last three years.

Ex. 2. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Where you (go) when I (meet) you in the street yesterday? - I (go) to tell the watch­maker that he (forget) to send my watch.

2. This, however, (enable) him to add some ideas which he (omit) in the first copy.

3. They (decide) to rebuild the church when they (find) that the cement used (begin) to crumble.

4. He (be) so ill that he (find) himself unable to complete the work he (begin).

5. She (turn) the light back on, (lie) on the sofa and (take) up the book she (read).

6. His secretary (take) the paper from the table where he (put) it, and (go) out.

7. It (be) near midnight when they (come) in from dinner, still laughing at something he (say) in the dining-room.

8. It (be) two o’clock. Eliza (be) suddenly thor­oughly awake. She (sit) up in her bed and (circle) her knees with her arms. It (rain), the way it (rain) for days.

9. In his turn Jolyon (look) back at his son. He (want) to talk about many things that he (be) unable to talk about all these years.

10. She (be) at the station after all, standing just as he (imagine), apart from the others.

Ex. 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Perfect and

the Past Perfect Continuous.

He (place) a picture on the easel and (let) me look at it for a minute or two; then he (take) it down and (put) another in its place. He (show) me about thirty canvases. It (be) the result of the six years during which he (paint). He rever (sell) a picture. The canvases (be) of different sizes. The smaller (be)-pictures of still-life and the largest (be) landscapes. There (be) about half a dozen portraits.

Ex. 3. (В, C) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous and the Past Perfect.

We just (finish) lunch. Mrs Leidner (go) to her room to rest as usual. I (settle) her on her bed with plenty of pillows and her book, and (leave) the room when she (call) me back.

“Don’t go, nurse, there (be) something I (want) to say to you."

I (come) back into the room.

“Shut the door.”

I (obey).

She (get) up from the bed and (begin) to walk up and down the room. I could see that she (make) up her mind to something and I (not/like) to interrupt her. She (be) clearly in indecision of mind.

Ex. 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous and the Present Perfect.

Later that afternoon Miss MacDonald (tell) Tom that Hopkins would like to see him that evening at 7 o’clock. At two minutes after the hour, Tom (knock) at Hopkins door. Hopkins (open) it. He (be) alone, and, to Tom’s surprise, he (look) tired. He (pace) restlessly up and down the room jingling the change in his pockets and gesticulating as he (talk). The first thing he (say) after greeting Tom (be): “I definitely (decide) to go ahead with this mental health committee.”

Ex. 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite, the Future Indefinite, the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous, the Past Perfect and the Future-in-the-Past.

It (be) Ashley’s birthday and Melanie (give) him a surprise reception that night. Everyone (know) about the reception, except Ashley. Even his children (know). Everyone in the town who (be) nice (be invited). General Gordon and his family graciously (accept) the invitation. Alexander Stephens (say) he (be) present if his ever-uncertain health (permit). Scarlett never (see) Melanie so excited or so happy.

“You see, dear, Ashley (not/have) a birthday party since we (come) here. And he (work) so hard and he (be) so tired. When he (get) home at night he (be) surprised when everybody (come) in!” Melanie’s house (blaze) lights from every room. It (be packed) with guests. They (overflow) on verandas and many (sit) on the benches in the dim lantern-hung yard.

Ex. 6. Use the required Present or Past Tense forms in the following texts:

When Tom (wake), the farmhouse (burn), it (start) burning when the shell (hit). None of the other soldiers who (be) in the farmhouse (be) to be seen. They (be) lucky to escape. In the confusion they (miss) Tom who (sleep) on the kitchen floor. As his leg (be) broken, it (take) him hours to crawl across the room to the window. He (pass) out again and again. But he (be) sure he (not/want) to die and finally he (get) to the window and (pull) himself up so that he (can) look over the sill. Somebody (see) his head above the window and (get) him. Tom (not/remember) any of that. He never (find) out who (save) him.

Ex. 7. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Куда вы ходили? - Я ходила в библиотеку. Я забыла там свою книгу и ходила за ней. 2. Куда он ушел? - Я думаю, он ушел в библиотеку. Он обычно ходит туда по пятницам. 3. “Вы давно живете в этом городе?” - “Двадцать шесть лет.” - “Где вы раньше жили?” - “В С.-Петербурге.” 4. Здравствуйте. Заходите, пожалуйста. Я ждал вас. 5. Что ты делаешь? - Я делаю домашнее задание по английскому языку. - Разве ты готовишь уроки по утрам? - Да, я всегда делаю английский язык после того, как позавтракаю. 6. Мы идем уже шесть часов и очень устали. 7. Вы нашли ключ, который потеряли вчера? - Да, нашла. - А где вы его нашли? - Он все время был в моем кармане. 8. Мы с ним знакомы уже больше года. 9. Мы с ним вместе учились в школе, и мы остались друзьями на всю жизнь. 10. “Ваши гости уже приехали.” - “Я знаю.”

Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of tense-aspect forms.

  1. Я все думала о количестве лет, которые мы проработали вместе, и как мало я, фактически, знаю о тебе. 2. Когда они подошли к тому месту, где он уронил кольцо в ручей, он остановился. 3. Тебе нравится готовить? - Я люблю это. Это одно из моих хобби уже много лет. 4. Папа всегда называл меня Кэйти. 5. Давай обсудим это дело здесь, в кафе. В офисе будет постоянно звонить телефон. 6. Они возвращаются. - Я полагаю, они остановятся в гостинице на этот раз. 7. Она заперлась и не сойдет вниз, пока они не уйдут. 8. Я увидел, что момент, которого он ждал, наступил. 9. Расскажи мне, что происходило в мое отсутствие. 10. Я знаю имена всех в деревне. Я живу здесь всю свою жизнь.

Ex. 9. Translate into English.

  1. Ты сейчас делаешь эту работу? - Да, но я только что ее начал.

  1. В последнее время он не заходил в наш магазин. Я знаю, что он покупает продукты в этом магазине. Он стал очень важным.

  1. Ты ездил за город в эти выходные? - Нет, мы были очень заняты. Мы убирали дом.

  2. Я еще не приготовила обед. - Тебе помочь? - Да, спасибо. Гости приходят в 7.

  3. Где ты был вчера? Мы искали тебя весь вечер. - Я сидел дома.

  4. Ты позвонишь мне? - Конечно, я ведь всегда звоню тебе по вечерам.

  5. Ты знаешь этого человека? - Да, я встречала его до войны, но я не видела его с тех пор.

  6. Я думаю, тебе понравится это платье. - О, я мечтала о нем весь год.

  7. Я хочу пригласить Джима на обед. - Я уже пригласила его. Ты мне вчера сказала об этом.

Ex. 10. Read the extract from a conversation, fill in the gaps saying whether the speaker is talking about "a future fact”, “an arrangement”, “an intention” or something that is “about to happen”.

“It’s going to snow again this afternoon (about to happen), so the footbal match will be cancelled (...). I was going to watch it on Tom’s television (...), but now I’m going to stay at home (...). I’m playing football next weekend (...)for our local team, but we won’t win (...). We never do!”

Ex. 11. Rewrite these sentences. Keep the same meaning, but use the Future Indefinite Tense (will do) or the Present Continuous Tense (am/is/are doing/going to.)

Example: I’ve arranged to take Harry to the Russian Museum this morning.

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