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  1. Why do children have fears?

  2. When do fears usually disappear?

  3. Which fears are stronger and more dangerous for children’s health?

  4. What pedagogical actions can prevent fears progress?

  5. What pedagogical actions cause fears progress?

  6. Do teenagers have any fears? Why?

  7. Do grown-ups have fears? What are they?

  8. What are the curative and destructive functions of TV? Which function is most manifested?

  9. Why are older children more reluctant to share their feelings?

  10. Is it possible for a person not to have any fears?

  11. What are the pros and cons of fears?

  12. Is a fear the beginning of human weakness or inner strength?

2. Make a scientific report on children’s complexes.

  1. Remember which fears you had when a child and how you managed to overcome them. Share this information with your group-mates.


1. Insert the suitable prepositions (if necessary). Helping Children Overcome Fears : Be a Role Model, Open and Validate

Give children information about their fears. Answer their questions … things like wars, death, hospitals, disease, etc. Knowing about things helps to make children less fearful (but not too much detail for young children).

This means listening to, understanding and not making fun of your child's fears. Respond … your children's fear or cries by reassuring your children that they are safe, and cuddling or patting them until they calm down. However, while you show your child that you understand that her fears are real, it is important not to let her think that you are also afraid (unless it is genuine) because it will make her more fearful.

Children learn most … copying important adults in their lives (using you as a model to copy …). Show that you are calm and confident … the situation which is frightening to your child. Remember that children can learn fears … parents, and if you show anxiety in a situation your child may pick it … .

2. Correct the mistakes. Helping Children Overcome Fears : Encourage and Control

Praise and reward your child when he does a step towards fight or confronting his fear, e.g. getting closer to dog weather he is frightened of dogs. Help your child work out small steps he can take to overcome his fear, e.g. first just look at pictures of dogs, then get near to a gentle puppy, etc. Don't force your child to fully confront his fear, but take it a small step at time and let him know you are proud of him when he does.

Having some control of the situation often helps with fears. Make sure your child has his own comforters, e.g. dummy, blanket, night light, etc. If your child is old enough, ask him what he thinks would help him, or make some offers and let him to choose. For example, if the child is afraid of burglars, he will check that the room or house is safe.

3. Replace the words in bold type with their synonyms. Helping Children Overcome Fears : Routines, Opportunities, Exercise

Routines help children know what to expect and make children feel more secure and confident. Bedtime routines can help a child with fear of the dark. Prepare children in advance if there is to be a change of routine.

Provide opportunities for your child to develop skills and gain confidence in her own ability. Confidence can't be developed on praise alone. It is success and being able to do things that build up a child's confidence. Let your child try things that she can do, and then give her lots of support and approval. Read children's stories dealing with fearful events that children have to overcome. Provide times for fantasy play, dress-ups, drawings, etc., where children can express their fears and take control of them. Lots of physical activity helps reduce stress and sleep well. Relaxation exercises and stories can also be helpful to use at bedtime or in times of extreme anxiety.