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12. Read the second text carefully and think of the possible title to this text.

If you feel you like the job being advertised or being offered to you make an application. The aim of your application is to get you an interview; the aim of interview is to get you the job. The first thing to do is to draw up a personal information chart - curriculum vitae (CV) or resume. In the field of education or medicine the paper is called CV and in any other field or branch? For example in engineering, it is known as resume. This should contain clearly separated sections, setting out: personal details, education, work experience, computer and language skills, activities and interests and references. Chronological CV is the most common format for an English CV. As for education, you have to put your most recent studies first. Here you don’t go too far back in time or leave any gaps. Your work experience has to be presented in reverse chronological order too, from the most recent job to the most former. Here it is better to give more detail about more relevant experience. Your CV should not be too long, not more than two pages. All the parts of you CV should be clearly presented. Your CV should look attractive and easy to read. Correct spelling and grammar are very important. It is good to make your resume checked by an English person. Finally, do avoid negative descriptions. The curriculum vitae is a means to sell yourself, not to discourage the employer.

13. Look through the sample cv and pay attention to the details.

Curriculum vitae

Personal Details

Veronika Henderson

Date of birth Address

31.07.1978. Apt.45,29Merrypark


UK 452121

Tel. 124896765324


1997 - present

Degree in French and Film Studies, University of London,

Specialist subjects: British Cinema, The Narrative



Royal Latin School, Aylesbury

4 A Levels: French (B), German (C), English (B), Film

studies (A)

7 GCSEs: French (A), German (A), English (A), History (B), Art (A), Maths (B), Economics (B)

Work experience


Information Officer, Futuroscope, France

Responsible for dealing with enquiries in a busy office, responding to 2,000 enquiries a week. This demonstrated my ability to retain a professional approach and a sense of humour while working under pressure.


Customer Services Assistant

Provided support for customer enquiries.

Dealing with customers' complaints demonstrated my ability to remain calm under pressure. Explaining complex

issues simply and clearly helped me to develop my communication skills.


Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel Spreadsheets

Working knowledge of French and Italian

Current clean driving license


Travel: I have travelled extensively and independently in Europe.

Music: I play the guitar in a semi-professional band and have done a number of 'gigs' for school and student clubs


Damish Richards Michael Brown

(tutor of University (Customer Service

of London) Manager)

12 Midland Avenue 81 Light Street Oxford London

OX11 3GGR CE 14 7 LSR

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