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I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is considered to be the predecessor of the British parliament?

2. What influenced the development of parliament in the 13th century?

3. Who was the founder of the idea of a representative parliament?

4. What modern fundamental principle was accepted in the 14th century during

King Edward II’s reign?

5. What was King Henry VIII’s reign noted for?

6. What relations did Parliament and Monarch have in the 17th century?

7. What did the passage of the Bill of Rights establish?

8. When was Northern Ireland separated from Ireland and the Irish Free State


9. What did Reform Acts in the 18th and 19th centuries consist in?

10. Why is Britain’s legislature sometimes called the Mother of Parliaments?

II. Match the beginning of each sentence in the left-hand column with the endings in the right-hand column. Combine the sentences so that they make sense.

The Oxford Parliament…

… it became clear that King James I did nothing to ease the position of the Catholics in the country.

The Model Parliament of Edward I contained…

… the Union with Scotland and the first Parliament of Great Britain.

In the 14th century the House of Lords could accuse officials who…

…established a permanent baronial council.

The ‘Gunpowder Plot’ was devised when…

… the vote to the middle class for the first time.

In 1641 the King and Parliament could not agree on…

…bishops and abbots, peers, two knights from each shire, and two representatives from each town.

1707 brought…

…the control of troops for repression of the Irish Rebellion.

The Great Reform Bill of 1832 gave…

…had misused their authority and put them on trial before the Lords.

III. Choose the correct variant.

  1. In the 14th century Parliament was divided into…

    1. two houses;

    2. three houses;

    3. four houses.

  1. The Commons got equal powers with the Lords under King …

  1. Henry IV;

  2. Henry V;

  3. Henry VI.

  1. The Queen today remains …

  1. the Archbishop of the Church of England;

  2. the Supreme Governor of the Church of England;

  3. the Supreme Governor of the country.

  1. Civil War in 1642 led to …

  1. the end of tensions between Parliament and Monarch.

  2. the Glorious Revolution.

  3. the execution of King Charles I.

  1. The name ‘Parliament’ is derived from the French word meaning …

  1. to sit.

  2. to talk.

  3. to work.

  1. At first, Parliament was …

    1. a holiday;

    2. an institution;

    3. an event.

  2. The domination of the House of Commons over the House of Lords was

strengthened in the 20th century by …

    1. the passing of a series of Reform Acts.

    2. the Royal Assent of the Monarch.

    3. the passing of the Parliament Act of 1911.

IV. Make up a chronological table of the events that took place in the course of development of the British Parliament.

V. Solve the crossword.


1. What type of monarchy is the UK? 3. What is the symbol of authority of the House of Commons? 5. What does the Lord Chancellor preside over debates from? 7. What is the common name for life peers? 9. Members of which House don’t get salaries? 10. What can the Lords add to the bill proposed by the Commons? 11. How are the intervals for holidays in the work of the Parliament called?


2. Who calls to order during debates in the House of Commons? 4. Who isn’t allowed to enter the House of Commons? 6. Who suggested using the woolsack as the seat for the Lord Chancellor? 8. What is the common name for the archbishops and bishops? 12. Whose republic lasted 10 years?













  1. Imagine that you are a teacher of History at a British school. What interesting facts about the foundation and the development of the British Parliament through 14th–20th centuries can you impart to your pupils? Make use of additional sources of information.

    Практичне заняття №2

1. HUNDRED YEARS' WAR (1337-1453)

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