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2 Theory past simple and pres perf.doc
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Present Perfect Continuous

We use the present perfect continuous:

  1. To put the emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with time expressions like “for, since, all morning/day, etc.”

Sam has been talking on the phone for half an hour. (He began talking on the phone half an hour ago and ha is still talking).

  1. for an action which started in the past and lasted for some time. The action may have finished or may still be going on. The result of the action is visible in the present, it gives reasons for the state of things at the present moment

Her feet hurt. She has been walking all morning (= the result of the action is visible in the present – her feet hurt).

  1. To express anger, irritation, annoyance

Somebody has been giving away our plans.


  • The present perfect emphasizes the idea of completion, we use the present perfect continuous to indicate the duration/ incompletion of the action

I have read the newspaper today = Сегодня я прочитал газету (I have finished it)

I have been reading a thriller today = Сегодня я читаю триллер (I haven’t finished it yet)

  • The verbs “live, work, wait, sleep, look, teach, feel(=have a particular emotion) can be used both in the present perfect and present perfect continuous with no difference in meaning

I have lived/ have been living here for twenty years.

  • State verbs take only the present perfect to denote a completed action or state linked with the present

I have loved her since I was a child.

We’ve been in conference for two hours.

Practice Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Present Perfect.

– I 1) have seen this film before. – Me too, but I love this actor. – He 2) .................. (play) a lot of good roles. – Tom Cruise? I 3) ............... (meet) him, you know. – Really? When? – When I 4)............. (be) in Los Angeles on holiday.

– Who is that man? – He 1) .................. (paint) a lot of beautiful pictures. – I think Van Gogh 2) ........... (paint) the most beautiful pictures ever. But his life 3) ............... (be) miserable.

– I 1).................. (just/hear from) an old friend of mine. – Oh, really? – Yes. Jim 2) .................. (write) to me. I 3).............. (get) the letter this morning. – That’s nice When 4) ............... (you/first/meet) him? – He 5) ........ (live) next door to me for three years, but he 6) ................... (move) away lst June and I 7) .................... (not/see) him since.

  1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar mening to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given.

    • This has been my home for thirty years.


I have lived here for thirty years.

  • Eating Chinese food is new to me.


I............................................................. before.

  • Tony hasn’t been to Paris before.


It’s ......................................................... to Paris.

  • We haven’t been swimming for ages.


It’s ......................................................... swimming.

  • Mary started learning French five years ago.


Mary ................................ five years ago.

  • I am on the tenth page of this letter I’m writing.


So far I ............................... of this letter.

  • It’s over twenty years since they got married.


They have ................................ than twenty years.

  • The last time I saw Dick was in 1995.


I haven’t ..................................1995.

  • There is a definite improvement in your work.


Lately ..............................improved.

  • This is my second visit to Hungary.