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Words and Word combinations

submit v. подчиняться, покорять(ся)

submission п. подчинение

envoy л. посланец

unite v. объединять(ся)

attack v. нападать; n. атака

believe v. 1) верить; 2) полагать

belief и. вера

religious а. религиозный

religion п. религия

court п. 1) двор (короля); 2) суд

citizen п. гражданин

subdue v. подчинять -

start v. начинать

campaign п. военный поход, кампания

land v. высадить(ся); п. земля; страна

enemy п. противник

shield п. щит

archer п. стрелок из лука

outnumber v. Превосходить численно

battle п. сражение, битва

soldier п. солдат

tyrant п. тиран

strip п. полоса

narrow а. узкий

death п. смерть

congratulate v. поздравлять

fighting п. бой, боевые действия

fear п. страх

invasion п. вторжение, набег

invader п. оккупант

occupy v. 1) занимать; 2) оккупировать

fleet n. флот

warrior п. воин ц '

surrender v. сдавать(ся) кому-л. (to)

former а. бывший

arrow п. стрела

surround v. окружать

last v. длиться, продолжаться

brave а. храбрый, смелый

(un)equal а. (не)равный

traitor п. предатель

discuss v. обсуждать

discussion п. обсуждение, прения

detachment отряд

aristofcracy п. аристократия

however adv. однако

punish v. наказывать (за что-л.) (for)

punishment n. наказание

kill v. убивать

in exile - в ссылке

at the court - при дворе

on (at) hearing that - услышав, узнав о том, что

to be armed (with) - быть вооруженным (чем-л.)

in combat - в бою

to be surprised (at) - удивляться (чему-л., кому-л.)

to ascend the throne - взойти на престол

mainly = in the main - главным образом

to take up a position - занять позицию

to repulse the enemy attacks = to beat back the enemy - отражать (отбивать) атаки противника

to lay down the arms - сложить оружие

on the battlefield - на поле сражения

to celebrate a festival (one's birthday) - отмечать праздник (день рождения); праздновать

the latter - последний (из двух упомянутых)

the former - первый (из двух упомянутых)

all day long (= the whole day) - весь (целый) день

in vain - тщетно, напрасно

to put down a revolt - подавить восстание

  1. Виконання граматичних вправ. Present, Past and Future Perfect.

Read and translate into Ukrainian, explaining the rules about Perfect

Examples: You will have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

Will you have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.?

You will not have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.

Ex 1. Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Perfect.

Example: He ______________ the suitcase by tomorrow. (to pack)

Answer: He will have packed the suitcase by tomorrow.

1) Anne________ her bike next week. (to repair)

2) We_____________ the washing by 8 o'clock. (to do)

3) She_____________ Paris by the end of next year. (to visit)

4) I_______________ this by 6 o'clock. (to finish)

5) Sam_____________ by next week. (to leave)

6) She______________ this with her mother tonight. (to discuss)

7) The police_______________ the driver. (to arrest)

8) They_____________ their essay by tomorrow. (to write)

9) Paolo______________ the teams. (to manage)

10) If we can do that - then we___________ our mission. (to fulfill)

Ex 2. Fill in the right form.

1 By 2005 we _________ (live) in London for 14 years.

2 He __________ (write) a book by the end of the week.

3 He ____________ (write) this book for 3 months by the end of this week.

4 __________(finish, you) this project by the next week?

5 We __________ (married, be) a year on June 25th.

6 If it doesn't come tomorrow, I ___________ (be) without the projector for a month.

7 ____________ (be, she) pregnant for 5 month this week?


. Мансі Є.О. Підручник з англійської мови для студентів і аспірантів немовних факультетів та студентів мовних факультетів,які вивчають англійську як другу іноземну мову у вищих навчальних закладах. – К.: Арій, 2008. – 344с.

Практичне заняття № 4

Тема: Покупки. Товари продовольчі та промислові.

План роботи


There are some things we have to do every day. Shopping is one of them. Shopping is a part of our daily life. Some people hate it and find it boring. Others consider it very exciting and believe it’s a kind of entertainment. As for me, I'm not a great fan of shopping I understand that I have to deal with it whether I like it or not. When I need something in the way of clothes I go to the department store. There I can buy shoes, hats, knitted goods, household goods and so on. When I want to buy clothes I go to the Ready-Made Clothes departments. Boots and shoes are sold at the Shoe department or the Foot- wear department. To buy socks and stockings we go to the Hosiery department. We can buy buttons, ribbons, lace, tape, thread, needles, pins, handkerchiefs, zippers and such like at the Haberdashery department. To buy cardigans, jumpers, pullovers and knitted underwear we go to the Knitted Goods department. Ladies buy face powder, lipstick, face cream, nail varnish, mascara, shades and such like at the Perfume department. People buy jewellery and gold watches at the jeweler’s. Books are sold at the bookseller's, flowers at the florist's. Newspapers and magazines are often sold at the news-stands or news stalls. If I want to buy some meat I go to the butcher's. At the grocer's flour, sugar, cereals, tea, coffee and other things can be bought. To buy some vegetables and fruit I go to the greengrocer's. Bread, buns, biscuits, cookies are sold at the baker's. If I want to buy some fish I go to the fishmonger's. To buy milk, butter, cheese, eggs we go to the dairy. I prefer to buy food in a supermarket. It is very convenient. I can take a trolley and pile everything I need there.

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