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Лук'янова Н.А.2.doc
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1. Намереваться

По английскому праву контракт подчиняется праву, которое сто­роны намереваются применить к своему соглашению. собираться

2. Предназначать товар, предназначенный к отгрузке намерение, цель

письмо о намерении, протокол о намерении намерение цель


Ошибка по-видимому произошла по недосмотру кого-л. из работ­ников фирмы и не является преднамеренной.

существовать, быть распростра­ненным, преобладать, господст­вовать

существующие цены (распро­страненные в настоящее время) приблизительный, ориентиро­вочный ограничивать ограничение количественные ограничения

ограничения по импорту ограничительный, сдерживаю­щий

лицо, личность, особа, человек физическое лицо (юр.)

юридическое лицо (юр.)

Поскольку одной из сторон внешнеторговой сделки является иностранное физическое или юридическое лицо, для регули-



person, foreign laws may also be applied to regulate their relations. 69. indent n.

Syn.an order

70. strictly adv.

W.comb. strictly net

e.g. Of course you must strictly observe our assembly and mainte­nance instructions.

71. overseas a*.

W.comb. the overseas trade an overseas branch overseas transport

72. method n.

W.comb. a method of


Syn.a mode of payment a manner of payment

73. manner n.

W.comb. a manner of


in the manner customary somewhere

e.g. The Sellers are to deliver the goods alongside the vessel in the manner customary at the port.

  1. common a.

  2. commonly adv.

W.comb. most commonly used

e.g. Payment by L/C and for collection are the methods most commonly used by Soviet foreign trade organizations.

рования отношений может так

же применяться иностранное


индент, заказ на товары (not u

лаемый комиссионеру из-за гш



строго, в строгом понимании

строго говоря

строго без скидки

Само собой разумеется,

должны строго соблюдать наш

инструкции по сборке и |


заграничный, заморский,


внешняя торговля

заграничный филиал

морская перевозка

метод, способ, система, порядок

способ платежа, порядок оплатя

метод (способ) платежа способ платежа

способ, метод, образ (действия) | способ платежа

так, как принято где-л.

Продавец обязан доставить щ вар вдоль борта судна так,' ка принято в данном порту.

общий, обычный, распространен


обычно, обыкновенно

наиболее часто применяемый

Наиболее часто применяемыми способами платежа советскими внешнеторговыми организаций ми являются посредством аккре­дитива и инкассо.


T EXT 12 A: Inspection an Test, Packing, Marking and Shipment

TEXT 12 B: Turnkey Contract. Definition of Terms.


TEXT 12 C: Safeguardening National Interests in Foreign Economic



MrB. V.




To the satisfaction of both parties all the outstanding points concerning the prices and terms of payment were settled. The parties ugreed to a 4 % discount off the price and to drafts at 120 days and proceeded to negotiate other clauses of the draft contract. See the list of those taking part in the talks on page ... V. "Good afternoon, everybody." & others."Good afternoon.

"Won't you sit down, please? First of all thank you very much indeed for being so cooperative, Mr Brownie." "You're welcome. I'd like to finalize one point about the spare parts, though." "What is it?"



"Naturally, a set of spares to ensure normal operation of the equipment during the guarantee period is to be delivered free of charge, as is the general practice." "That's quite so. What's the problem then?" "What about the delivery of spares in the post-guarantee period?"

'You see, Mr Brownie, we've included in the first clause "Sub­ject and Volume of Delivery" your commitment to accept our orders at our request for replacement parts (including quick-wearing) that we may require, for 10 years after commissioning the equipment."

MrB. V.

"Why? What about the price?"

MrB. V.

"Somehow we want to be sure that you won't decline our or­ders for spares to ensure the trouble-free operation of the equipment at least for 10 years. As to the prices and delivery dates they will be negotiated two months before the actual delivery date. Of course I hope the prices will be reasonable or competitive, whichever you prefer, because we'd like it to be added here. We could have mentioned the prices in the draft, but we didn't want to do it without first discussing it with you. It's fair, isn't it?" "Yes, it seems to be."


"And we want you to work out a specification for these spare parts, indicating the periods of time when you think they should be replaced under normal conditions." "But surely that doesn't belong in this contract, does it?"



V. Mr В.

V. Mr В.

Mr В.

V. Mr В.


Mr В.

V."It doesn't and it does. We want it to be among the Addenda to the Contract if not in its first clause." "OK. It'll take additional time and money, though." "You're joking, Mr Brownie."

"No, I am not. But it won't cost you much, you may be sure. "All right then. Now what about other clauses of the rsi tract?"

"We agree to most of them in principle, but there're somi minor points, for example, to clause "Inspection and Test". "" cannot guarantee for your inspectors to be able to go to subcontractors'works without consulting them every time need it. We can only promise that our engineers will see t that the parts and the materials used will be of high quality, "All right. But we reserve the right to revert to the matter a your consultation with them."

As to your inspections and tests at our works everytt seems to be OK."

"Good. Are there any remarks to "Packing and Marking"?* "As a matter of fact there are. We're responsible for , interested in the safety of the goods. Why don't you give i free hand to choose adequate packing material: wooden boai plywood or paperboard (cardboard) and so on? Why do insist on wooden cases?"

V. Mr В.

"We want to receive all the equipment safe and sound."

"For additional safety to withstand even rough handling which I hope won't occur all breakable or damageable parts will bt put into special plastic casings first and on the cases or boxei there'll be proper warning marking such as "Handle with care", etc. Why should we pay extra, and unnecessary at that, expenses for wooden cases? That is beyond me! They wen used ages ago, but now--"

Mr В.


Mr В.

"I see what you mean. Perhaps we should agree with you then unless we have objections from our customers. But we want to be on the safe side, you know." "I understand, Mr Vetrov." "Is there anything else?"


Mr В. V.

"Let me see. No, I think that's the lot for today, I mean concerning clauses "Inspection and Test", "Packing, Marking and Shipment". But I've got some other remarks to make. Shall we discuss them when we resume our talks?" "All right. So next time we'll go over "Sanctions", "Guarantee" and "Insurance?, do you mind?" "No,no, not at all. So long then." "See you all tomorrow. Same time and same place."


To avoid misunderstanding and for the sake of convenience in turnkey contracts there is a zero article giving definitions of terms used in the contract.

Here is an example of it.

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