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V. Good afternoon. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. It

was an urgent call. What can I do for you? Mr B. "I'd like to speak to you about the prices and services." V. "Yes?"

Mr B. "I've discussed the matter with the President, and I'm afraid I have to insist that payment for supervisory work and training should be provided for separately by special agreements. And all the things you spoke about will be in them." V. "Why?"

Mr B. "Because it's the usual practice with high-tech equipment in most countries."

V. "Do you mean that if it were traditional equipment, this kind of services could be within the volume of delivery?"

Mr B. "Exactly! Another thing, Mr Vetrov, services also include a couple of check-ups in in the first three months of the operation" of the production line of the software efficiency and the knowledge of the operators working with it."

V. "I hope it'll bе listed in the contract."

Mr B. "Sure."

V. "Is it free of charge?"

Mr B. "It is, since it's within the guarantee period."

V. "Good. And what happens later on?"

Mr B. "If you want us to continue servicing the production line further on, you'll have to sign an agreement with us to that effect."

V. "What additional services do you offer?"

Mr B. "We offer improving or modifying the software sold if we find it necessary."

V. "What about payment?"

Mr B. "Payment is agreed upon on an annual basis."

V. "I see."

Mr B. "Are you satisfied, Mr Vetrov?"

V. "I well may be. I'll call you back. Will you be in?"

Mr B. "Yes, I'll be expecting your call."

V. "So long."

Mr B. "So long."



P. MrW.

P. MrW.

P. Mr.W.

P. MrW.

P. MrW.

P. MrW.

P. MrW.

"Nice of you. Sit down, please, will you? Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?" "Coffee, please. Thank you." "Sugar?"

"Yes one Lump, please." "Cream?" "No thank you." "Are you dieting, Mr White?" "Oh, no, I'm used to black coffee, you know." "Nice weather you're having." "Yes, quite nice." "Have a cigarette?"

"No, thank you. I've given up smoking, Mr Popov." "Oh;-have you? Well done, Mr White. I must follow suit." "I strongly advise you." "Well then. What's the problem?"


MrW. P.

"1 spoke to your deputy, Mr Popov, when you were away said our stock of spares was running down. It happened sooner than I expected: we've only got our emergence supply Something must be done and done quickly." "No problem, Mr White. As far as I know Mr Vetroy took ur gent steps', but because of pressure of work at this time of year, he couldn't contact you before going away. " How very good of him. What are we supposed to do now?" "Please telex your formal order and then send a confirming letter to Moscow, and you'll have the spares in a couple of weeks."


P. MrW.

P. MrW.

P. MrW.



"Thank you, Mr Popov. That's a relief. We have never found ourselves in a situation like this before." "By the way, how is your wife?" "She's all right, thank you." "And children?"

"Oh, they're doing well. You know my elder son is leaving school this year and going to Oxford." "Good. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for him." "Thank you very much indeed. I won't be keeping you any longer. Goodbye, Mr Popov. And thank you again." "I'll be seeing you. You're welcome any time you need, and remember me to your wife." "Many thanks."

XV. Обсудите вышеприведенный диалог, используя данные вопросы:




What shows that Roman Popov and Mr White have been doing business for a long time?

Why does Mr White consider the matter urgent?

Why didn't Alexander Vetlov contact Mr White to tell him about

the steps taken?

What is Mr White to do now?

XVI. Напишите от имени английской фирмы телекс - заказ на запчасти. (Повторите Раздел 4 "Телексы").


XVII. Напишите от имени г-на Уайта, заведующего производственным отделом английской фирмы, письмо с подтверждением их заказа на запчасти.

VIII. Напишите ответ от имени нашего внешнеторгового объединения английской фирме на имя г-на Уайта с сообщением, что требуемые фирме запчасти будут высланы через 20 дней против платежа наличными посредством аккредитива сроком действия в 30 дней. Ответ пошлите телексом.

IX.Воспроизведите телекс - запрос от английской фирмы "Leeds Engineering Co", на гидравлические прессы модели ПА 1339. Фирма сообщает, что наш адрес и телекс 1411991) она узнала из журнала "Внешняя торговля", и хочет знать, можем ли мы поставить пресс в третьем квартале этого года.

ХХ. Позвоните на фирму "Leeds Engineering Co" г-ну Грину от имени Павла Котова, представителя "Станкоимпорта" в Торгпредстве СССР:

Представьтесь, сообщите, что г-н Батов, директор фирмы "Стан-копресс", скоро будет в Лондоне и можно провести с ним пере­говоры, пригласите г-на Грина в Торгпредство для получения и ознакомления с новым каталогом "Станкоимпорта", так как г-на Грина может заинтересовать новая модернизированная мо­дель гидравлического пресса ПБ 1339, попросите его позвонить вам, когда он будет намерен приехать к вам, попрощайтесь.

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