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Билет №13

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Возьмите интервью у популярного зарубежного певца. Расспросите его. Когда он начал свою карьеру, почему он выбрал этот вид искусства, каковы его планы на будущее.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли певца.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hello, today John Brown, the famous American pop singer is with us. Hello,

John! Could you answer our questions?

- Yes, Im ready.

- So, when and where were you born?

- I was born on the 5th of May, 1975, in a little town in the North of America.

- When did you begin singing?

- In 1995 I joined the “Strangers”, it’s a rather unknown pop group.

- And why are you in pop music?

- I practiced dancing, performing, playing musical instruments and at last I came

to pop music.

- Our listeners want to know what is necessary to make a successful career in

show business.

-I think you should have suitable education, be skillful and talented. And of

course, a smile of fortune.

- What are your plans for the future?

- Songs, concerts…

- Thank you for the interview. Goodbye.

- Goodbye, everybody.

Билет №14

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Обсудите с вашим зарубежным другом, что нужно сделать, чтобы быть успешным в жизни: иметь талант, закончить ВУЗ, успешно жениться/выйти замуж или что-то еще? Приведите не меньше двух причин, почему вы так думаете. Спросите, согласен ли ваш друг с вашей точкой зрения.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hello, Liz. I’m looking through the list of universities. Would you like to join


- Why?

- Don’t you think it’s a high time to think about future?

- You are right. And what are you going to do?

- I think I should do my best at school and go to the university if I want to be a


- Sure. Though, some of young people do not have to do anything to enjoy the life.

They have wealthy parents to meet all their expenses. They were born under a

lucky star, weren’t they?

- Nothing of the kind. They can’t do anything themselves. As for me, those who

were born talented and smart are really lucky.

- It sounds convincing. And what do you think about successful marriage?

- Look, it’s your luck if there are people to support you. But nevertheless you must

work hard for your success.

- I agree with you. Well, where is the list of universities? Let’s examine it. We

shouldn’t waste time.

- It’s a good idea!

Билет №15

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш зарубежный друг часто ходит в Макдональдс. Объясните ему, что это не очень полезно для здоровья, приведите не менее двух причин. Дайте совет, как правильно питаться, чтобы быть здоровым.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Ann! Where are you going?

- Hi, Liz! To McDonald’s. Would you like to join me?

- I’m afraid, I can’t. I stopped visiting fast food restaurants several years ago.

- Why?

- I think they are rather harmful for our health. Fast food can cause different


- I dont believe it. What’s wrong with fast food restaurants?

- There are a lot of snacks, crisps and desserts in them.

- Yes, and the food is rather tasty, that’s why a lot of people prefer going there.

- That’s right, but there is too much fat and sugar in biscuits, cakes and ice-cream.

Firstly, you can gain weight and, secondly, it’s harmful for your health. If I were

you I wouldn’t visit such restaurants.

- Sorry, but I disagree with you. A lot of people enjoy McDonald’s.

- It’s a personal choice for everybody. But if you want to be healthy you should

avoid eating hamburgers, crisps and so on. Eat more fish, dairy products, fruit and


- Maybe you are right and I will follow your advice. Goodbye.

- See you later.

Билет №16

Задание 3. Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш зарубежный друг считает, что компьютер вреден для здоровья. Вы с ним не согласны. Докажите, что он ошибается. Приведите не менее двух причин в пользу использования компьютера.

Беседу начинает учащийся. Экзаменатор выступает в роли зарубежного друга.

Примерный диалог (реплики экзаменатора выделены курсивом):

- Hi, Liz! What are you doing now?

- Hi! Im reading a book, and you?

- I’m playing computer games.

- What? You are sitting at the computer again!?

- Yes, and what?

- I’ve already told you that computer is harmful for our health.

- I can’t agree with you. I don’t think it is harmful for my health. I feel well.

- But what about your eyes? Besides, you are always sitting. I don’t think it’s good

for you.

- I’ve got a chair especially designed for working at the computer. As for my eyes,

there are very easy and affective exercises I do every 40 minutes while working.

Don’t forget about the advantages of having the computer.

- What do you mean? What are they?

- First of all – the Internet. It’s very interesting and useful. You can get information

about everything surfing the Internet. Then the computer helps you to do your


- In what way?

- You can make different reports, for instance. And at last you can enjoy watching

films, playing games and so on. Moreover, people all over the world use their

computers for communication. Just imagine, they are able to see each other while

speaking. I could tell you more but I’ve got to go now.

- Oh, I’d love to try it.

- No problem, I’ll show you. Bye.

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