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Karin Kallmaker - Unforgettable.docx
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Ing altitude. Please sit down and fasten your seatbelt." The attendant's voice took on a menacing quality.

There were only two people in all of first class. Rett took a seat in the last row, which was empty. Angel was somewhere behind her. She could feel it.

She kept her gaze fixed on the cabin indicators, waiting for the tiniest flicker in the fasten-seat-belts light. When it finally turned off, she bolted to her feet and through the curtain that separated first class from coach.

Angel was just a few rows back. She was resting her head on the cabin wall and gazing out the window.

Rett paused to take in the sight of her and let it calm her quivering nerves. She hadn't exactly asked Angel if she really wanted to live together at this point. They'd both believed it wasn't possible and hadn't discussed it. Rett was going to make it possible. She just hoped she hadn't assumed too much.

Angel suddenly lifted her head and turned her gaze to where Rett stood.

Rett's stillness was beginning to attract the atten¬tion of other passengers. Angel's sudden question, pitched loud enough to carry to Rett, startled several more. "What are you doing?"

Rett had to try three times before she found her voice. "Moving."


She doesn't look glad, was all Rett could think. "I upgraded your ticket. There's plenty of room up here."

"Are you crazy?"

"Naomi thinks so. I'm sure the flight attendant thinks so. The people I ran over in the terminal probably think so too. I just couldn't leave. I couldn't do it."

Angel's chin was quivering. "Are you really going to move?"

"Yes. Right now."

"You don't even have a toothbrush."

"I'll buy one," Rett said drily.

A man in a nearby seat snickered, then turned it into a cough when Rett glared at him. Why was Angel worrying about petty details when the real story was that they would be together?

Angel was breathing in short gasps and her eyes shimmered with tears. "Where are you going to live?"

"Where do you think?" Really, Rett thought. Dr. Angelica Martinetta was dense.

"With me?" Angel was climbing out of her seat. The people between her and the aisle belatedly realized they were hampering the course of true love, and Angel stepped over them until she reached the aisle and landed in Rett's arms.

Rett filled her senses with the scent of Angel's hair and the texture of her skin. She held her tight because it would have hurt not to.

"You have to take your seats now." The menacing flight attendant was back. "We need to start the beverage service."

The man who had laughed said, "If you two are only going to need one seat up there, I'll be glad to take the other one."

Rett rolled her eyes. The man helpfully passed Angel's things to them, then Rett led Angel to the back row of first class. Angel moved like a sleepwalker, but her eyes were glowing with all the welcome Rett needed.

The flight attendant appeared out of nowhere with two glasses of Champagne. All menace gone, she set the glasses down and winked conspiratorially. "Congratulations."

Rett's gaydar went ka-zing. "Thanks."

Angel's gaze never left Rett's face. "I can't believe you're doing this."

"I don't know why it took me so long to realize how easy it would be. I'm not losing much, and I'm gaining everything."

". . .As we make our last turn to start our final descent, passengers on the right side of the plane can see Lake Superior and those on the left can easily make out the mighty Mississippi, America's most loved waterway..."

Rett stirred out of sleep. She'd fallen asleep with her head on Angel's excellent thigh. Gentle fingers were smoothing her hair.

"I love you," Angel whispered.