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4.2. The phonetic aspect of the syllable.

There are 3 serious formation:

1)the chest pulse theory. According to it, the syllable is a group of sounds pronounced in one chest pulse.

2)the relative sonority theory. According to it, sounds in a syllable group themselves arouse ?! the most sonorous one. Sounds may be classified according to the degree to the sonority (beginning with the most sonorous ):

a)open vowels \eeдогори ногами, o,o:,a:\

b)mid-open vowels \e

c)close vowels \i,i:,u,u:\

d)sonorants \r,l,m,n,nь,w,j\

e)voiced-fricative \v

f)voiced-stops \b,d,

g)voiceless-fricatives \s,sш,

j)voiceless-stops \p,t,k

3)the theory of muscular tension. According to it muscular tension increases at the beginning of the syllable, reaches its maximum at the peak of the syllable,which is a vowel or a sonorant and decreases. In this way an arc of muscular tension is formed. None of theory is perfect. There are cases of syllable formation that none of them can explain.There are several types of the English syllables (V- stands for vowel, C- stands for consonant):

a)uncovered open –V

America \a-mer-i-ca\

b)uncovered closed –V+C

On \o-n\

Entail \en-tail\

c)covered closed – C+V+C

cat \c-a-t\

map \m-a-p\

tension\ ten-sion\

d)covered open –V+C+V

no \n-o\

In English there can be up to 3 consonants before a vowel- straw.

It may be up to 3 consonants after a vowel- he asks.

Or up to 4 – taxes.

4.3.Functions of the syllable.

1)the constitutive function manifests it secure that the syllable makes up words and utterances.

2) the distinctive function of the syllable manifests itself that the syllables differentiate words and word combination.

3)dug to indificatory function of the syllable we can recognize word and word groups.

5.English word stress.

5.1.The nature of english word stress.

The phonetic structure of the word comprises not only sounds and syllabic structure it also has particular stress patterns. There are may be one or more stressed syllables in a word.

Ex. ‘history


A stressed syllable on the auditory level has special prominence, the effect of prominence may be produced by a number of factors:

1)greater loudness- compered to that of the neighboring syllables.

2)greater length- we pronounced longer some words.

3)modifications in pitch – pronounce hire.

4)stressed syllables are pronounced clearly and distinctly.

In different languages, stress is achieved by various combinations of these factors.

Ex. In languages with dynamic stress, the factor of loudness prevails. In languages with musical stress the main factor is changing the pitch level , there is also quantitative word stress, where the main factor is the length of the syllable.+English word stress is of a complete nature, the main factors being duration and lowers, pitch movement is also important and stressed syllables are pronounced clearly and distinctive.

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