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хаймович-роговская курс теор грамматики.rtf
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§ 537. The role of grammatical word-morphemes is even greater in English syntax than in morphology.

a) In the morphological system only some categories of the verb and the degrees of comparison are expressed with the help of grammatical word-morphemes, whereas no category of the sentence is expressed without grammatical word-morphemes in English.

b) Besides the morphological word-morphemes the sen­ tence makes use of special syntactical word-morphemes.

Russian has no syntactical word-morphemes and but a small number of morphological word-morphemes. This is the reason why the structural and the notional (parts of the) subject and predicate are mostly not separated, as they are in English.

This is one of the most important features distinguishing the analytical structure of the English sentence from the synthetic structure of the Russian sentence.


§ 538. Among other peculiarities distinguishing the Eng­lish sentence from the Russian, one has to mention the com­plexes forming secondary predications. They are convenient substitutes for subordinate clauses.

The distinction English makes between primary and se­condary predications, i. e. predications with or without struc­tural meanings, is also connected with the analytical struc­ture of the English sentence.

§ 539. It is owing to most of the features described above that Modern English is spoken of as an analytical language.

Борис Семенович. Хаймович, Беатриса Иосифовна Роговская

Теоретическая грамматика английского языка

(на английском языке)

Редактор Л. И, Кравцова Издательский редактор Л. А. Долгопятова

Технический редактор Т. Л. Гарина Корректоры Л. Т. Тихонова и Л. В. Медникоеа

Сдано в набор 5/V-66 г. Подп. к печати 1/Х-ЬЬ г. Формат 84x108'/». Объем 9,375 печ. л. 15,75 усл. п. л. 16,37 уч.-изд. л. Изд. № ИН.-162. Тираж 25 000 экз.

Заказ 64. Цена 64 коп.

Тематический план издательства .Высшая школа" (вузы и техникумы) на 1966 год. Позиция № 254.

Москва, И-51, Неглинная ул., д. 29/14, Издательство „Высшая школа"

Отпечатано с матриц Ленинградской типографии ,№ 1

.Печатный Двор" им. А. М. Горького Главлолиграф-

прома Комитета по печати при Совете

Министров СССР, Гатчинская, 26 Типография им. Анохина Управления по печати при Совете Министров Карельской АССР, г. Петрозаводск, ул. „Правды*, 4