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Практичні заняття-інформатика.doc
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1. Put the verbs into the correct form (Future Simple). Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

James, 18 years old, asked an ugly fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:

  1. You (be) very happy.

  2. You (get) a lot of money.

  3. You (buy) a beautiful house.

  4. Your friends (envy) you.

  5. You (meet) a beautiful girl.

  6. You (marry) her.

  7. You and your wife (travel) around the world.

  8. People (serve) you.

  9. They (not/refuse) to make you happy.

  10. But all this (happen / only) when you are 70 years old.

2. Fill in the gaps and form negative and interrogative sentences using the Future Simple Tense. M o d e l: The rain __________ in the afternoon. (to stop) Answer: The rain will not stop in the afternoon. or The rain won't stop in the afternoon.

Will the train stop in the afternoon?

1) Tim the teacher. (to tell)

2) I the train to Manchester. (to miss)

3) She her hair green. (to dye)

4) The manager trees in front of the office building. (to plant)

5) Melissa jeans at her party. (to wear)

6) My friends in a city. (to live)

7) We about the bad weather. (to worry)

8) I in this lake. (to swim)

If, when – clauses

Remember! You always use the Present Simple Tense instead of Future Simple Tense after the following conjunctions: if, when, as soon as, before, till, until, after, unless.

3. Translate into Ukrainian. Name the tenses in English (Present Simple or Future Simple) and in Ukrainian translation (майбутній час).

1. We will go to the country if the weather is fine. 2. We won’t go outside when it rains. 3. They will wait until (till) you come back. 4. You will go to the sea after you pass your exam. 5. If the weather is fine we will go to the country. 6. After you pass your exams you will go to the sea.

4. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Simple or Future Simple tenses.

1. We (to go) to the cinema tomorrow if we (to have) time. 2. Jane (to look after) her little brother till her mother (to come) back. 3. When we (to pass) our exams we (to go) to the sea. 4. When the teacher (to come) into the classroom the students ( to stand up).

5. Translate from Ukrainian into English.

1. Якщо він зателефонує мені, ми зустрінемось завтра. 2. Якщо ти будеш робити ранкову зарядкуnb ,elti pljhjdbv. 3. Я піду в кафе, коли закінчу роботу. 4. Як тільки пролунає дзвінок, студенти здадуть роботи. 5. Як тільки прийде Джон, ми підемо на ділову зустріч. 6. Почекай тут, поки я прийду. 9. Він не піде до лікарні, поки не відчує себе погано. 10. Мы поїдемо в ліс, якщо погода буде гарна.

III.Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням

  1. See Infotech. English for Computer Users, Unit 10”I/0 devices for the disabled”,

Ex. 1, 2(A, B).

Практичне заняття № 3

Тема: Херсон. Історія та сучасність.