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A. Dialogue

  1. Read and translate the dialogue in pairs:

Ratio analysis

Ukrainian: Are there any guidelines which enable the businessman to conduct his affairs efficiently and profitably and to compare his company’s performance with those of other companies?

American: Yes, there are. One of the major tools is ratio analysis. Ratios make it easy to see trends, risks and to assess the results. All most important decisions are based on ratios.

Ukrainian: What are the most commonly used ratios?

American: We in the US operate with tree main categories of ratios. We use ratios measuring solvency, efficiency and profitability.

Ukrainian: Could you give some examples of each?

American: Yes, sure. Let’s begin with measuring solvency.

Ukrainian: Solvency is the ability of a firm to meet its short-term liabilities as they come due, isn’t it?

American: Yes, you are absolutely right. And one of the most commonly used measures of solvency is the current ratio.

Ukrainian: How is it found?

American: This is the ratio of all current assets, liquid assets, accounts receivable and inventories to current liabilities.

Vocabulary list:

ratio analysis – кредитний та інвестиційний аналіз

solvency – платоспроможність

efficiency – ефективність

profitability – прибутковість, рентабельність

current ratio – відношення оборотного капіталу до короткотермінових зобов’язань

  1. Read the dialogue, translate the Ukrainian remarks into English and act it out:

Foreigner: What funds are most typically generated at enterprises?

Ukrainian: Для здійснення своєї діяльності підприємству необхідні основні та оборотні фонди. Основні фонди – це будинки, обладнання, машини вони використовуються у господарському процесі багаторазовою оборотні фонди представляють собою запаси сировини, матеріалів, палива, малоцінних предметів та предметів, що швидко зношуються. (object of small value, quick-wearing objects).

Foreigner: What resources can be used to acquire fixed and working capital?

Ukrainian: Підприємства можуть використовувати власні та позичкові кошти.

Foreigner: You mean own and borrowed capital, don’t you?

Ukrainian: Так, власний капітал формується за рахунок випуску акцій, частини прибутку від реалізації продукції, амортизаційних відрахувань. А позичковий капітал – це банківські позички, випуск облігацій, інші кредити.

Foreigner: As far as I know, enterprises create reserve funds, don’t they?

Ukrainian: Так, утворення резервного фонду є обов’язковим для акціонерних товариств, кооперативів, підприємств з іноземними інвестиціями. Він створюється на випадок припинення діяльності підприємства та погашення його заборгованості.

  1. Make up a dialogue on the following:

Imagine, that you take interview with one businessman, who has his business in Kyiv. Ask him:

  • does he use managers’ work on his enterprise?

  • how do managers help him?

  • how is financial management organized on his firm?

  • how are financial risks managed on his firm?

  • how are different assets managed?


    1. Round-table discussion. The question on the agenda is “Financial management on a firm”:

      • how is financial management organized in atypical firm?

      • what sources of financial resources are used by business?

      • how do business firms use their funds? How can they increase their capital?

      • explain why all firms need both fixed and working capital.

      • how are different assets, say current or fixed, managed?

      • how are financial risks managed?

      • what do financial managers take into account when they try to strike the right balance between different sources of funds, e.g. between long- and short-term debt or between debt equity?

2.Make a short essay on the following:

  • The main sources and uses of funds for a business firm.

  • The roles of the chief financial officer, the treasurer and the controller.

  • Leverage and its role in striking a balance between debt and equity.