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Посібник Фінанси (07.03.07.).doc
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      1. Communicative situations

  1. Round-table discussion. The question on the agenda is “Budget process in Ukraine”. Open such questions:

    • What is crucial for budget preparation?

    • What bodies are involved in the budget formulation?

    • How is the budget process arranged in Ukraine now?

    • What is the budget system existing in Ukraine now?

    • Do you happen to know what classification of revenues is accepted now in Ukraine?

    • What are the sources of revenues?

    • How are the budget revenues spent?

    • How is the budget execution controlled?

  1. Say what you think about supervision over budget execution. If you have ever worked in the sphere of public finance, say what you think about the treasury system and budget execution supervision.

  1. If you were the Prime minister, how would you spend the budget resources?

  1. People have long used machines to help process data. Are computers used effectively in finance? Have you ever had any problems that were caused by computers? If so, describe the situation. How might the problems have been avoided if the computer system had been managed better?


    1. A) Supply the prepositions where necessary.

b) Write down six questions about the text.

Budgetary policy

The transformation of the economic and political systems in Ukraine has been accompanied ... substantial reforms in the budget process, including budget preparation and classification, a new treasury system for budget execution and expenditure control, considerable autonomy of local governments in the formulation of their budgets.

On the whole, the budgetary policy in Ukraine is aimed at ... attaining the efficient allocation of national resources, the desirable redistribution of income ... the poorer groups in society, and the maintenance of a macroeconomic environment with stable prices, full employment and equilibrium in the balance of payments.

Accurate budget evaluation is more necessary now than ever before. The economic transition has led ... drastic retrenching in public resources so there is a need to increase the efficiency with which public resources are used. Proper budget evaluation will provide critical information and feedback to policy makers ... how well budget objectives are being attained ... the implementation of the budget.

The transition ... the market economy has significantly increased the complexity of interactions of the government with the private sector thus increasing the opportunities ... misuses of funds and ... corruption. For these reasons it is important that an effective and independent ex-post audit be carried ... by the Accounts Chamber at all levels of government.

Words you may need:

accompany – супроводжувати

treasury system – система казначейства

formulation of the budget – підготовка бюджету

attain – домагатися, добиватися

equilibrium – рівновага

retrench – скорочувати, зменшувати (витрати)

feedback – зворотній зв’язок

objective – мета

misuses of funds – порушення у використанні коштів

ex-post audit – аудит (ревізія) використання коштів