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Посібник Фінанси (07.03.07.).doc
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    1. Revenue sources and revenue-sharing arrangements in Ukraine:

taxes, to transfer, subject of the republic, fixed revenue, regulating revenue, balance among budgets, to levy taxes, to meet the cost of services, insufficient, subventions, to grant assistance, “equalization”

iii. ORAL Practice

A. Dialogue

1. Read and translate the dialogue in pairs:

Foreigner: Could you give me a general idea of budget organization and budget process in Ukraine?

Ukrainian: Certainly. First of all, by the budget organization we mean the structure of our budget system and its major components.

Foreigner: I suppose there is a close link between the budget organization and your state system, isn’t there?

Ukrainian: Yes, that’s true. Our system of governance is moving from a centralized one to a more decentralized. Our local authorities have been given considerable budget autonomy now.

Foreigner: Do you mean to say that some of expenditure responsibilities have been handed down from the national government to the local governments?

Ukrainian: Over the transition years a number of laws have been passed that grant local governments more autonomy in the budgetary matters. Thus governments at different level have their own revenue-raising sources now and use them at their discretion.

Foreigner: I’m clear now. And how is the budget process arranged?

Ukrainian: The budget process includes all activities of government bodies on formulation, consideration, approval and execution of the budget.

Foreigner: What governing bodies are involved in this process?

Ukrainian: As elsewhere, different governing bodies are involved in the process. The executive branch is responsible for the preparation and execution of the budget; budget consideration and approval is the responsibility of the legislative branch.

Foreigner: Are there any bodies controlling the execution of the budget?

Ukrainian: Of cource. First of all, it’s the Accounts Chamber, the National Treasury System.

Foreigner: It seems the State Government has done a lot to create a new budget system and to elaborate a new budget policy and methods of budget planning.

Ukrainian: You are absolutely right.

Vocabulary list:

budget organization – бюджетний устрій

budget process – бюджетний процес

system of governance – система управління

to hand down from … to – передавати від ... до

expenditure responsibilities – обов’язки по витратам

approval – схвалення

revenue-raising sources – джерела отримання доходів

formulation – формування

consideration – розгляд

execution of the budget – виконання бюджету

to be involved – брати участь

elsewhere – в інших місцях, скрізь

executive branch – виконавча гілка влади

Accounts Chamber – Рахункова палата

National Treasury – система державного казначейства

elaborate – розробляти

2. Read the dialogue, translate the Ukrainian remarks into English and act it out:

Foreigner: It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of a good, balanced budget for a country.

Ukrainian: Я повністю з вами згоден. Бюджет – це головний фінансовий інструмент країни. Це план, прогноз, оцінка доходів та витрат, як правило, на один рік. Уряд повинен дуже ретельно розподіляти свої ресурси та точно прогнозувати свої доходи.

Foreigner: I know that Verkhovna Rada, the legislative body of your country, is considering the draft budget now. Deputies have submitted a lot of amendments to the draft budget about restructuring debts and paying off pensions and children benefits.

Ukrainian: Так. Депутати прагнуть, щоб були збільшені асигнування на розвиток промисловості, на соціальну сферу та регіональні програми.

Foreigner: Recently you’ve reached a new agreement on how to distribute tax revenues among the national members.

Ukrainian: Так, ми також ухвалили новий механізм здійснення трансфертів у регіони.

Foreigner: You’ve settled one of the basis budget issues. I’m sure your national budget will soon be approved.

3.Make up a dialogue on the following:

a) Imagine, that you take interview with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. Ask the most important and exiting questions and think what answers you could give on it.

b) Why is the revenue and expenditure forecasting so important in the budget preparation? What revenues are appropriated in the budget this year?