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1. Проспрягайте устно глаголы to consider и to observe в Present Perfect Continuous, а глагол to meet — в Past Perfect Continuous.

2. Расставьте вместо точек слова, данные ниже по алфавиту, и переведите предложения устно:

conditions, far, increase, low, to meet, number, solve, spend, still

How much did you ... on the experiment? Tell us the ... of the test. We must ... the problem. I am going to the station ... my father. Do you ... live there? What is the ... of your house? The door is too ...; we must bend. We must... the number of test flights. How ... is your house from the centre of the city?

3. Распределите на 8 пар антонимов:

far, short, low, recently, large, transmit, ordinary, last, near, small, high, long, special, first, long ago, recelve

4. Глаголы в скобках поставьте в Present Perfect Continuous, переведите предложения на русский язык, а потом обратно на английский:

We (to consider) your design. The number of books sold (to increase) lately. We (to expect) you. So far they (to do) nothing to help me. I (to think) about it all the time. We (to recelve) no letters from home. The girl (to meet) him on her way home every day.

5. Переведите:

The dog is thought to be man's best friend. These flights are considered to give imp6rtant data. They are expected to compare their reports. These measures are thought to be more exact. He did not seem to be afraid. Too much radiation is known to be dangerous.

6. Новые для вас слова второго текста ("Space Ferry") перепишите по алфавиту с переводом и обозначением частей речи. Подумайте над словом ferry.

Контрольная работа

I. В следующих предложениях использованы конструкции «винительный падеж с инфинитивом» (урок 19) и «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» (урок 20). Переведите эти предложения:

We know him to be a good engineer. He is thought to be a good engineer. The dog is considered to be too old for the test. We considered the dog to be too young for the experiment. He was seen to use the device. The data was thought to be important. The rocket is expected to be launched soon. We are expected to launch the ship next month. We saw the wood burn slowly. He is believed to speak several foreign languages well. We know him to speak German. Stone is known to be heavier than wood.

II. Среди новых слов урока найдите синонимы к следующим словам:

to watch, a child, to lead, to act, simple, to grow

III. Переведите слова:

dog, far, reason, important, moon, design, meet, short, scale, spend, still, research, number, quite, space, solve, achievement, operate, consider, increase, low, compare, ordinary, expect, measure, step, test, recently, condition, data

IV. Назовите английские слова, имеющие значение:

далеко, пространство, ожидать, собака, число, увеличивать, короткий, низкий, встречать, решать, важный, тратить, вполне, недавно, условие, луна, испытание


Повторите: 1) спряжение глагола во временах всех групп по таблице в приложении № 2; 2) общее значение времен группы Indefinite в уроке 14, Continuous в уроке 15 и Perfect в уроке 16.



The use of sputniks and manned (с людьми на борту) space ships for observations and photography makes it possible to organize control over the state of the environment (окружающая среда). It is possible to trace dust storms covering hundreds of thousands of square miles, to find their points of origin (происхождение) and the movement of these giant "dry clouds" and other atmospheric pollutants (загрязнители).

At present a new science—cosmic ecology—has come into being and is making great progress.

The Department of the Physics of the Atmosphere at Leningrad University has found original methods and made instruments for the detection (обнаружение) of air pollution (загрязнение).

One such instrument is a spectrograph with which Soviet cosmonauts in Soyuz spaceships have obtained ecologically important information.

It is possible to study from outer space not only dry land and air, but also oceans and rivers and the degree to which they are polluted by oil and other waste (отходы). Such studies of the world ocean were started from the Soviet manned spaceships.

From Soviet Weekly


The Sternberg Institute in Moscow has published the third and last part of its atlas of the Moon.

The first appeared in 1960 and included data from the photographs sent back to Earth by the Luna-3 moon probe (зонд) which made it possible to see for the first lime the hidden side of the moon.

The second part, in 1967, contained pictures transmilted by Zond-3, and the new one has photographs made by Zonds 6, 7, and 8.

The pictures are remarkably clear, showing much detail of the Moon's surface.

It is now clear that the mountains near the south lunar pole are over six miles high.

The volume also contains much explanatory matter (пояснения) — tables, diagrams and figures — and a list of over 100 famous people after whom places have been named {в честь которых были названы) on the hidden side of the moon.

From Soviet Weekly


Seeds of Canadian spruce (канадская ель) from the USA which have been in outer space have been planted in the main botanical garden of the Soviet Academy of Sciences.

They are part of the seed exchanged (обмененные) during the Soyuz-Apollo space link-up (стыковка).

Alexei Leonov and Valery Kubasov handed (передали) their American colleagues (коллеги) seeds of pines (сосны) from the Volga region, larches (лиственницы) from Tuva, firs (ели) from Northern Caucasus and cedars (кедры) from Siberia. Thomas Stafford, Vance Brand and Donald Slayton gave the Soviet cosmonauts seeds of Wisconsin spruce.

Each country is planting the other country's seeds in the hope, as Pravda put it (по словам «Правды») "that they will grow into strong trees, a living reminder (живое напоминание) of peaceful co-operation between two great nations."

From Soviet Weekly


The greatest talkers are the least doers.

The empty vessels make the greatest noise.

At open doors dogs come in.

Scalded (ошпаренная) dog fears cold water.


Man is the measure of all things.

Protagoras (Greece, 481-411 B. C.)

When a man has no longer any conception of excellence above his own (1), his voyage is done, he is dead.

Henry Ward Beecher (USA, 1813-1887)

He has the right to criticize who (2) has the heart to help.

Abraham Lincoln (USA, 1809-1865)


(1) conception of excellence above his own — представление о том, что его кто-нибудь может превзойти

(2) Не has ... who ... — только тот имеет ..., кто ...

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