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Irregular adverbs

Adjective Adverb

That’s a fast car. He drives too fast.

It’s a very hard job. The sales team is working hard.

They are good workers. They do their job well.

Word order

adverbs that tell you how

-follow the verb

-follow any object in the sentence

Sales rose rapidly.

He spoke English well.

adverbs that tell you how often, as well as adverbs of certainty and uncertainty, can go:

-in front of the main verb

-between the first part of the verb and the main verb

-at the beginning or end of the sentence

I often work till 6 o'clock.

I don't often travel abroad.

The price will definitely rise.

Sometimes prices go down.



We use the comparative to compare two items:

The grey suit is smarter than the brown suit.

We use the superlative to compare one item with two or more other items:

The black suit is the smartest.



Adjectives with one syllable

• We add -er to form the comparative and the + -est to form the superlative.

smart: smarter, the smartest

• For adjectives that end in e, we add -r to form the comparative and -st to form the superlative,

wide: wider, the widest

• For adjectives that end in a vowel + consonant we double the consonant.

big: bigger, the biggest

Adjectives with two syllables that end in у

• comparative: у - i + -er crazier

superlative the + -iest the craziest

Other two syllable and longer adjectives

• Adjectives form the comparative with more + adjective and the most + adjective,

more stylish, the most stylish/more expensive, the most expensive


We use than after a comparative.

You are smarter than him.

as ... as

To show that two things are equal (or not) we use (not) as + adjective + as.

He is as smart as you.

He is not as smart as you.

To form the opposite of the comparative and superlative forms more/the most we can use less/the least.

My job is less demanding than yours, (or - My job is not

as demanding as yours.)

He has the least demanding job.

It is unusual to say:

He is less rich than you. or He is the least rich.

For adjectives that add -er, -est we usually use not as ... as.

He is not as rich as you.

Irregular adjectives

bad worse the worst

good better the best

1. Divide the adjectives in the box into groups according to how the comparative and the superlative are formed.

Fast, easy, modern, big, high, slow, expensive, hard-working, cheap, punctual, complicated, good, useful, happy, low, responsible, bad, reliable, comfortable, hard, experienced, far, important, exciting, wealthy, large, thin, tidy, tiring, honest, reasonable.


2. Complete these sentences, using the correct form (comparative or superlative) of the adjectives in brackets.

1 Our profit is (big) than our competitors'.

2 He is (qualified) than the previous accountant.

3 She is much (experienced) than her friends.

4. This device is (cheap) of all.

5. She is (young) in our department.

6. This is one of the (reliable) banks in Ukraine.

7 The situation in the market is getting (difficult).

8. You have got the (small) office.

9. Money has always been the (important) thing.

10. The prices for this product are (high) here.

П. I hear you were having problems last year. Is your business (good) this year?

12.I am so happy. This is (good) news I've heard for ages!

13. That hotel was very cheap. I expected it to be much (expensive).

14. If you need any (far) information, please contact our bank.

15. It was (bad) experience in my life.

16. This is (difficult) decision I've made for years.

17. The quality of our product is rather high, but we must make it still (high).

18. This company's products are (expensive) on the market.

19. This supermarket offers (low) prices than any other local supermarket.

20. We were disappointed as the presentation was (successful) than we expected.

21.The banking system of Ukraine is becoming (dependent) on global processes.