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  1. Answer the following questions:

1.What is the economic system made up of?

2. Why do people depend on businesses?

3. What is business?

4. What is business organization?

5. Do business vary in size?

6. What are corporations?

7. Where do multinationals operate?

8. What do we call ‘ big business’?

9. What does ‘to do business’ mean?

10. When may a company go out of business?

11. What affects a company development?

12. What can a company do to improve its business?

2.Form verbs and adjectives from the following nouns:


profit --------------------------- ------------------------------

operation --------------------------- ------------------------------

economy --------------------------- -----------------------------

decision --------------------------- -----------------------------

change ---------------------------- ----------------------------

expansion ---------------------------- -----------------------------

activity ---------------------------- -----------------------------

success ---------------------------- -----------------------------

diversity ---------------------------- -----------------------------

dependence ----------------------------- ----------------------------

3Give the English equivalents for the following words and word- combinations:

купувати і продавати товари; надавати послуги; отримувати прибуток; заробляти гроші; створювати бізнес; керувати підприємством; торгувати; економічна ситуація; рішення; власник компанії;діяти на; розширювати бізнес;


спеціалізуватися з чогось; задовольняти потреби; залежати від; споживання; нещодавно створена компанія.

4.Find the corresponding synonyms in the righ -hand column.

depend on necessities of life

firm gain

set up a business sell out a business

go out of business establish a business

run a business enlarge a business

expand a business operate a business

affect company

profit influence

needs rely on

5. Match the verbs from A with the nouns from B below:


to buy business

to make

to sell profit

to provide

to set up goods

to satisfy

to organize needs

to run

to do money

to diversify

to affect decision

to expand

to establish services

6.These words frequently occur after ‘business’.

meeting administration

school business letter

angel community

card sense

plan business partners

trip lunch

Find combinations that mean:

  1. a small card showing a person’s name, position and company name;

  2. a visit to clients, suppliers or other business contacts which takes you away from home;

  3. a document showing details of how someone aims to run the company, expand ,introduce new product lines and so on;

  4. the people who own a business together;

  5. the process of running a company;

  6. a college or part of university where courses on business subjects are taught;


  1. the organizations and people involved in business;

  2. a meeting with lunch to talk about work or to entertain clients;

  3. the ability to encourage or predict commercial activity;

  4. a gathering of people to discuss work topics;

  5. a letter about a business transaction, often following a certain form;

11. a private investor who invests money in the establishment of new often risky, companies.