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employment зайнятість,робота за наймом; надання роботи

reflect відображувати

be self-employed працювати самостійно;працювати не за наймом

work freelance працювати не за наймом;бути вільним художником

flexible гнучкий

employer наймач, роботодавець

entrepreneur підприємець

fixed-term contract строковий контракт

part-time worker робітник,зайнятий неповний робочий день

permanent job постійна робота

temporary job тимчасова робота

administration управління,керування (справами); адміністрація,керівництво

reject відхиляти

Human resources (HR) персонал, людські ресурси

Human resources department відділ кадрів

Recruitment набір (кадрів); надання роботи

staff appraisal оцінка роботи персоналу

welfare соціальне забезпечення; допомога з соціального забезпечення

pension пенсія

ensure забезпечувати,гарантувати

available наявний,доступний

meet the needs задовольняти потреби

team команда, група, бригада

job rotation зміна робіт; ротація робочих завдань


job security гарантія роботи,стабільність роботи,гарантія зайнятості


Work plays a major part in most people's lives. People of all sorts work in business,

and the terms businessman and businesswoman reflect this, referring to a wide range of individuals, from the rich and famous to small company owners, from people in large organizations to those who work for themselves.

Businessmen and women are referred to together as businesspeople.

Many people choose to be self-employed (to have their own business) or to work freelance for several employers.

An entrepreneur is someone who starts their own company.

As the labour market becomes more flexible, many employers respond by increasing the number of fixed-term contracts and part-time workers. We can also speak about permanent or temporary job.

In large organizations, administration of people is done by the personnel department, although this expression is now sometimes rejected. Companies talk instead about their human resources or HR.

The Human Resources department of a company is responsible for planning, recruitment of new people, staff training and development, staff appraisal, welfare, pensions administration and industrial relations. It works to ensure that the right people are available to meet the company's needs.

Some companies move their workers regularly between teams or departments. This is called job rotation. Job security is knowing or feeling that a job will last for a long time.


1. Form nouns from the following verbs:

reflect ----------------------

own ----------------------

refer ----------------------

recruit -----------------------

train -----------------------

appraise -----------------------

administer -----------------------

ensure ------------------------

rotate ------------------------

secure ------------------------

express ------------------------

develop -------------------------