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Учебник по английскому.docx
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  1. der the Sea». If their dreams had been realized ai|d such a craft had been constructed, mankind would have known about the secrets of Ocean much earlier. However, already during tjhe Swiss National Fair in 1964 a submersible vehicle took thousands of people deep

  2. into Lake Geneva.

  3. i

  4. Not long ago, the crafts that penetrated the' ocean depths were almost as primitive as the marine life they watched around them. However, non-military deep sea ships, so-cklled submersibles, were progressing rapidly. Russian, French, Japanese and American scientists are developing crafts that can submerge deeper, stay lon­ger and find out more than earlier apparatuses.

  5. Soon, one of the most advanced crafts, a one passenger sub­merging ship, will be tested. It may be able to take explorers and technicians deeper than ever before (up to 3,300 feet) and perform difficult underwater tasks with extreme precision.

  6. This new submersible is essentially a spherical transparent plastic hull1 mounted on a metal platform. It looks like an underwater heli­copter and can manoeuvre itself in its water environment with some of the versatility2 of a helicopter due to the use of a cycloid rotor3 instead of conventional marine-propeller screws4. It is expected that this apparatus will move around the ocean like a sports car.

  7. However, the breakthrough5 that will make this particular craft quite different from other manned submersibles is a mechanical hand called the sensory manipulator system6. Miniature video cameras on the «wrist» of the manipulator provide it with vision and microphones enable the submersible to «hear». This manipula­tor system is designed to lift up to 120 pounds and will also be able to perform such accurate scientific work as collecting samples of ocean-floor minerals and marine life. When demonstrated, it lifted crystal glasses, drew pictures and wrote with a pen.

  8. Some scientists are trying to develop the world's deepest manned submersible. When completed, it will be capable of sub­merging to the depths of 21,000 feet. Its crew will be in a pres­sure-resistant titanium-alloy cabin. This craft will be driven by a battery-operated electric motor and will work for up to nine hours. It will record images with colour television and stereo cameras and will collect samples by manipulating two robotic arms.

  9. If such crafts are constructed on a large scale, we shall be able not only to spend our holidays enjoying the underwater life, but also grow and cultivate sea plants, fish and pearls. It will be possible provided scientists, designers and politicians from all over the world join their efforts and solve the most important problems in this field.

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  11. Notes to the Text

  1. transparent plastic hull — прозрачный пластмассовый корпус

  2. versatility — свобода передвижения

  3. cycloid rotor — несущий винт циклоидного типа

  4. marine-propeller screw — судовой гребной винт

  5. breakthrough — радикальное решение

  6. sensory manipulator system — сенсорная система манипу­лятора

  1. Упражнения

  2. Упражнение 9. Просмотрите текст 9А и ответьте на вопросы.

  3. 1. What is the text about? 2. What is a submersible? 3. Who was the first to think of a submersible vehicle? 4.What writer wrote about a submersible? 5. What special systems will be used on a new submersible? 6. What are the characteristics of the manipulator system? 7. What kind of submersible is being designed at present? 8. What do you think of the future of such vehicles? 9. What is the name of the famous French scientist, an explorer of the ocean? 10. Have you seen his film? Have you read his books?

  4. Упражнение 10. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста 9А. Исправьте неправильные.

  5. 1. We know very little about the ocean yet. 2. The dream of ex­ploring the underwater life is very old. 3. It was Jules Verne who was the first to write about a submersible vehicle. 4. Only Japanese scientists are developing deep water submersible crafts. 5. A new submersible craft looks and moves like an underwater helicopter. 6. A new submersible is provided with a manipulator that is de­signed to lift 120 tons. 7. When demonstrated, it lifted crystal glass and drew pictures. 8. When completed, the world's deepest manned submersible will be capable of submerging to the depth of 21,000 feet. 9. This craft will be driven by a battery-operated elec­tric motor.

  6. Упражнение 11. Найдите в тексте 9А условные придаточные предложе­ния; сделайте, где возможно, их бессоюзными.

  7. Упражнение 12. Найдите условные придаточные предложения, выра­жающие нереальные действия. Переведите.

  8. 1. If a scientific research is closely linked with practice, the re­sults are always good. 2. If you looked at the equipment of 1946,

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  10. you would notice the difference with that available at present. 3. If there is a pressure change in the tires, a transmitter signals to adjust the pressure. 4. If we were to make a journey in a plane to the nearest star, we should have to travel for several thousand centuries. 5. Were traffic controlled by computers, cars could travel with safety and speed. 6. Had submersibles been developed since the time of Alex­ander the Great, mankind would have used natural resources from the ocean floor and cultivated plants and fish there. 7. Had all sub­mersibles had autonomous principle of operation, they would have become much more useful. 8. If fire-arms had not been invented, the secret of Damascus steel would not have been lost. 9. If we could make a non-stop flight around the sun in an airplane at a speed about 300 km per hour, it would require 565 days to encircle it at the equator. 10. If the satellite speed is less than necessary, it will go down from the orbit and enter the atmosphere.

  11. Упражнение 13. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различ­ные значения слов provide, if (whether).

  12. 1. Specialists reported that a miniature video camera provided the latest submersible with vision. 2. The speed of a satellite would be less provided it moved at a greater distance from the Earth. 3. Drivers don't know yet whether radars will be mounted on the next car models. 4. If the weather is too bad for flying, passenger airplanes don't leave airports. 5. It was very important to find out if electricity could be used for long distance communication. 6. Dur­ing the entire flight, the pilot is provided with all the necessary in­formation about weather conditions. 7. Modern submersibles can remain at the depth of 20,000 feet for eight hours or, if needed, as long as two or three days. 8. A new system for motor cars can be provided with infrared sensors that can detect a human figure at night. 9. If underwater tourism continued to develop at the present rate, the number of passengers could grow up to millions in only a few years.

  13. Упражнение 14. Переведите предложения с союзом unless и запомните особенности его перевода.

  14. 1. Isaac Newton stated that a body would continue moving un­less some force was applied to stop it. 2. Space flights would be im­possible unless special materials for space vehicles were produced. 3. We should have no radio, telephone, television or computers un­less there were electricity. 4. The earth temperature would increase indefinitely unless heat were radiated. 5. Unless the temperature rises, the speed of the molecules will not increase. 6. It would have

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  16. been impossible to send satellites into orbit unless Newton's laws of motion had been studied. 7. With heat generated by friction of the air on aircraft surface, the temperature inside the cabin would in­crease to almost 1,000 °C unless it were cooled by mechanical means.


  18. Упражнение 15. Образуйте от следующих слов:

  19. а) глаголы

  20. usage, subdivision, indication, complication, difference, large, systematisation, appearance, changeable, measurable;

  21. б) существительные

  22. noiseless, powerful, deep, dangerous, perform, realise, lighten.

  23. Упражнение 16. Образуйте производные от следующих слов:

  24. manipulate, compress, move.

  25. Упражнение 17. Найдите русскому слову соответствующее английское.

  26. исследовать — exploration, explorer, to explore; точно — exactness, exactly, exact, exaction; погруженный — submergence, submerge, submerged, sub­mersion;

  27. направлять — navigate, navigable, navigation; стойкий — resistance, to resist, resistant, resistor; ширина — wide, width, widely, widen.

  28. Упражнение 18. Найдите:

  29. а) синонимы

  30. to finish, to submerge, to work, craft, to build, to descend, ve­hicle, to operate, rapid, fast, to construct, to complete;

  31. б) антонимы

  32. to lift, difficult, to complete, after, to descend, before, easy, to start.

  33. Упражнение 19. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова; переведите предложения.

  34. 1. In a new apparatus rotors mounted on the fuselage provide lift acting as wings when the craft is moving at high velocity. 2. The aerostatic apparatuses of the latest design can vary its lift force. 3. The man can't lift this weight, it can be lifted only automati­cally. 4. When weight is lifted to a given level, it possesses potential

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  36. energy due to its position. 5. Russia possesses the world's heaviest helicopters MI-26 which lift and transport cargoes up to 20 tons.

  37. Упражнение 20. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на значе­ния слов before и after в функции предлога и союза.

  38. 1. There was no means of direct communication before the telephone was invented. 2. After World War 1 dirigibles gradually lost their significance as a means of transportation. 3. Before New­ton no one could explain why the planets moved around the sun. 4. After a French engineer invented the first self-propelled road vehicle in 1770, many car designers wanted to make a better auto­mobile. 5. Before each flight pilots must ask for the information about the weather expected during the planned route. 6. The «night vision» system enables drivers to see better after dark. 7. Before the industrial production of materials in space can be started, it is necessary to create special space stations. 8. Soon after Karl Marx's arrival in England he became a daily visitor of the Reading Room of the British Museum.

  39. Упражнение 21. Выберите соответствующий глагол из приведенных в скобках.

  40. 1. A young physicist can (get, get up) a prize for his work.

  1. Designers tested a new engine to (find, find out) whether the ce­ramics it was made of could withstand temperatures up to 1,000 °C.

  2. It is difficult to (get, get up) early in winter. 4. Many specialists are working at the problem of developing a new kind of telephone which we (call, call for) «video phone». 5. The projects in Siberia (call, call for) the most effective means of transporting various car­goes over long distances. 6. Specialists wanted to (find, find out) whether telephone communication was reliable or not. 7. Further development (call, call for) new specialists who are able to generate new technical ideas. 8. New generation materials which we (call, call for) composite materials will allow to lighten the aircraft. 9. To translate this text, we must (find, find out) some words in a dictionary.