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ИДЗ по английскому языку (Гунина Л.А.).doc
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Inorganic Chemistry

Most solid materials expand when heated as their chemical bonds lengthen and their atoms move farther apart. The tendency to expand creates serious problems for solids used in optical, electronic, and other applications. Even slight expansion of materials in telescope mirrors and lasers, for instance, can result in distortion and poor performance. Heat-related expansion is a major cause of premature failure of circuit boards in computers and other electronic devices.

Arthur Sleight and co-workers of Oregon State University announced discovery of a unique family of solid materials that could help solve such problems. The materials - typified by ZrVPQ4, an oxide of zirconium (Zr), vanadium (V), and phosphorus (P) - contract steadily when heated between about 200° and 800°C (390° and 1,470°F). Sleight suggested and the unusual behaviour of the materials is due to their crystal struc­ture, in which atoms of vanadium and phosphorus bond not to each other but to an intermediate atom of oxygen. When such a material is heated, the oxygen atom vibrates in a fashion that tends to physically pull the other atoms closer together. The behaviour differs from that of existing materials that resist expansion, such at those used in heat-resist­ant cookware. Those materials are made of small particles that, when heated, expand in some directions and contract in others, resulting in little net change in volume. But existing materials have disadvantages that limit their use in other applications. Sleight said that compounds such as ZrVPQ4 might be used as components in new polymer, graphite, or ceramic composites that would be more versatile yet highly resistant to heat-related failure.

Nuclear Chemistry.

A commission of the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) recommended names for inner chemical elements. The elements, which number 101 through 109 on the periodic table, long had gone without official names because of conflicting claims of discov­ery and the need for experimental confirmation. The problems were re­solved in recent years. All of the elements are unstable and synthetic, having been made in accelerators by fusion of the nuclei of atoms of lighter elements. If approved by the full IUPAC at a meeting scheduled for 1995, for following names and symbols would become part of the periodic table: 101, mendelevium (Md); 102, nobelium (No); 103, lawrencium (Lr); 104, dubnium (Db); 105, joliotium (Jl); 106, ruthcifnnli um (Rf); 107, bohrium (Bh); 108, hahnium (Hn); and 109, mcilnerium (Mt). The recommendations caused intense controversy because the com­mission rejected several names proposed by the discoverers. Scientists who discover a new element traditionally have the right to name it. A stir arose, for instance, over rejection of the name seaborgium (Sg) proposed by the discoverers of element 106. The name would have honoured No­bel laureate Glenn T. Seaborg, the codiscoverer of plutonium and nine other transuranic elements.

In November Peter Armbruster and co-workers at the GSI (Heavy Ion Research Center), Darmstadt, Germany, announced the discovery of element 110. They created three atoms of the element by fusing nuclei of isotopes of nickel and lead in GSI's heavy-ion accelerator. The fol­lowing month Armbruster's team announced that they had made ele­ment 111 by fusing nickel and bismuth nuclei.


An enzyme called ATP synthase is the central energy-generating molecule in almost all forms of life. This protein promotes, or catalyzes, the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which stores chemical energy in a special bond, termed a high-energy phosphate bond. When the bond is broken, or hydrolyzed, thereby separating a phosphate group from the rest of the ATP molecule, the stored energy becomes instantly available. By means of additional chemical reactions, that energy can be transformed into energy needed, for example, to make muscle cells con­tract, assemble amino acids into proteins, or transmit signals along nerve fibres. In animals ATP is formed in cellular substructures termed mito­chondria as nutrients are metabolized. Plants form ATP inside their chlo-roplasts as photosynthesis converts sunlight into chemical energy. Cer­tain bacteria produce ATP in their cell membranes.

Many biochemists worldwide have studied ATP synthase's struc­ture and function since it was first isolated in 1960. In an advance herald­ed as a landmark in those efforts, British biochemists in 1994 reported the deciphering of the atomic structure of a key portion of the ATP syn­thase molecule. John E. Walker of the Medical Research Council Labo­ratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, heated the research. Walker's group spent 12 years studying the biochemistry of ATP synthase and trying to grow light-quality crystals of the enzyme. Crystals were neces­sary for analyzing the enzyme's structure via X-ray diffraction techniques. Researchers said the work would help answer many questions about the way living organisms produce energy. Walker also predicted that the structural determination would lead to new insights into the molecular basis of aging. Mitochondrial genes that direct the production of part of the ATP synthase molecule mutate at a much faster rate than conven­tional genes in a cell's nucleus. Walker and other scientists suspected that the mutations accumulate with time as an organism ages. The changes impair an organism's ability to produce energy and may be a key factor in Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other generative diseas­es of aging.

  1. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

  1. solid materials;

  2. serious problems;

  3. electronic devices;

  4. unusual behaviour;

  5. crystal struc­ture;

  6. net change in volume;

  7. experimental confirmation;

  8. to limit the use;

  9. highly resistant;

  10. in recent years.

  1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

    1. периодическая таблица;

    2. химическая энергия;

    3. структура атома;

    4. главный фактор;

    5. химические элементы;

    6. лауреат Нобелевской премии;

    7. мельчайшие частицы;

    8. нервные волокна;

    9. аминокислоты;

    10. ядерная химия.

  1. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:

      1. Mediate;

      2. Advantages;

      3. to apply;

      4. stable;

      5. tradition;

      6. to discover;

      7. to work;

      8. to accelerate;

      9. science;

      10. sight.

  1. Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему; б) к второстепенному члену предложения).

  1. Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: времена группы Indefinite ( Present, Past, Future Active& Passive); глаголы to be, to have; конструкция there is, there are; все типы вопросов; степени сравнения прилагательных; модальные глаголы:

  1. Even slight expansion of materials in telescope mirrors and lasers, for instance, can result in distortion and poor performance.

  2. When such a material is heated, the oxygen atom vibrates in a fashion that tends to physically pull the other atoms closer together.

  3. All of the elements are unstable and synthetic, having been made in accelerators by fusion of the nuclei of atoms of lighter elements.

  4. Scientists who discover a new element traditionally have the right to name it.

  5. Walker's group spent 12 years studying the biochemistry of ATP synthase and trying to grow light-quality crystals of the enzyme.

  6. Crystals were neces­sary for analyzing the enzyme's structure via X-ray diffraction techniques.

  7. Many biochemists worldwide have studied ATP synthase's struc­ture and function since it was first isolated in 1960.