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Физиология осимдик кейс.docx
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M.O. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University

Department «Theory and methodology of teaching biology

Exam №____

Discipline: «Physiology of plants»

  1. Cosmic role of photosynthesis, the extent of this process.

  2. The structure of the leaf as an organ of photosynthesis.

  3. Features of diffusion of carbon dioxide.

    Have only plant

    Have only an animal

    Have plants and an animal

  4. 1. Membrane 8. Golgi apparatus

  5. 2. Centrioles 9. Chloroplasts

  6. 3. Leycoplasts 10.Mitochondrion

  7. 4. Lysosome 11. Vacuole

  8. 5. Nucleolus 12. ribosome

  9. 6. rough ER 13. Plastids

  10. 7. Cilia or flagella 14. Chlomoplasts a 15.Chromosoma

  11. Explain this picture

Lecturer: ____________senior teacher Abisheva M.B.

Head of the department: _____________ a.c.s.k., docent Қylyshbaeva G.B.

 Discussed and approved at a meeting of the department.

Protocol №_7__ 19. 02. 2015y