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методичні вказівки частина 2_ДО ДРУКУ 121212.docx
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  2. 4. Study the following text and be ready to do exercises after it:

  3. Higher education in ukraine

    1. There are some types of Higher Educational Schools in our country – Institutes, Universities and Academies. The common faculties at universities are: Physics and Mathematics, Philology (language and literature), History, Biology and Chemistry1.

    2. The second group of Higher Schools includes Engineering, Agricultural3, Medical, Educational, Economic and other Institutes. School-leavers3 become students after passing examination tests. The academic year has two terms. During the terms students spend much time working: it is necessary to attend lectures4 and seminars, carry out5 laboratory tests6 and work hard in libraries, at home. Examinations take place at the end of each term7.

    3. The curriculum8 of the specialized9 higher institutions may be divided into three parts: the Humanities10, General education and Specialized subjects. The subjects of the first two groups give a solid basis of general education to future specialists, specialized subjects help students develop11 the necessary practical skills12.

    4. Specialization usually begins in the third year. After graduating13 from higher schools young specialists may work in various spheres of industry and science.

    1. 1 ['kemɪstrɪ] – хімія

    2. 2 [ˌægrɪ'kʌlʧrəl] сільськогосподарський

    3. 3 – випускники

    4. 4 – відвідувати лекції

    5. 5 проводити

    6. 6 лабораторні тести

    7. 7 семестр

    8. 8 [kə'rɪkjʊləm] курс навчання, навчальний план, програма (інституту, університету)

    9. 9 ['speʃəlaɪzd] спеціалізований

    10. 10 [hjuː'mænɪtɪz] – гуманітарні науки

    11. 11 – розвивати

    12. 12 – навички

    1. – випуск


  5. 5. Match a word on the left with a word on the right to make a common word partnership.

    1. to graduate from

    1. laboratory tests

    1. to work in

    1. a solid basis

    1. to pass

    1. practical skills

    1. to attend

    1. various spheres of industry and science

    1. to carry out

    1. working

    1. to give

    1. examination tests

    1. to develop

    1. lectures and seminars

    1. to spend much time

    1. higher school

  6. 6. Change two wrong words in each sentence, according to the text.

  1. Specialized subjects help students absorb the necessary practical knowledge.

  2. School-leavers become applicants after taking examination tests.

  3. Examinations take place at the beginning of each year.

  4. After finishing higher schools young specialists may work in different spheres of industry and science.

  5. The common faculties at universities are: Physics and Mathematics, Philosophy (language and literature), Banking, Biology and Chemistry.

  6. During the terms students spend much time studying: it is necessary to attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests and work hard in libraries, at home.

  1. 7. Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations in the text and insert them into the table (in the infinitive):

    1. in Ukrainian

    1. in English

    1. майбутні спеціалісти

    1. академічний рік

    1. загальна освіта

    1. необхідно

    1. промисловість

    1. різноманітні сфери

    1. включати; містити в собі, охоплювати, обіймати;

    1. предмет

    1. здати екзамен

    1. тверда основа

    1. поділятися на…

    1. семестр

    1. проводити час


  3. 8. Answer the questions to the text “Higher Education in Ukraine”. Choose the correct answer among the ones, proposed to you.

  1. Into how many parts may the curriculum of the specialized higher institutions be divided?

  1. 4;

  2. 2;

  3. 3

  1. What subjects give a solid basis of general education to future specialists?

  1. Humanities and Specialized subjects;

  2. General education and Specialized subjects;

  3. Humanities and General education

  1. What types of Higher Educational Schools are there in our country?

  1. Colleges, Universities, Academies;

  2. Colleges, Academies, Universities;

  3. Institutes, Universities, Academies

  1. What are the common faculties at universities?

  1. History, Biology, Economics, Physics and Mathematics, Chemistry;

  2. Physics and Mathematics, Philology, History, Biology and Chemistry;

  3. Physics and Mathematics, Philosophy, History, Biology and Chemistry

  1. In what year does the specialization begin?

  1. in the fourth;

  2. in the third;

  3. in the second

  1. Specialized subjects help students to …

  1. improve their knowledge;

  2. develop the necessary personal qualities;

  3. develop the necessary practical skills

  1. Where may young specialists work after graduating from higher schools?

  1. in various spheres of industry;

  2. in various spheres of industry and science;

  3. at the factories, plants, enterprises

  1. When do school-leavers become students?

  1. after taking examination tests;

  2. after handing in papers to the admissions office;

  3. after passing examination tests

  1. What is necessary to do during the terms?

  1. to attend lectures and seminars;

  2. to spend some hours per day in libraries and reading halls;

  3. to do all the tasks in writing