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методичні вказівки частина 2_ДО ДРУКУ 121212.docx
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  1. 2. Pre-reading task 2. Work in pairs. What do you associate the definition “research work” with? Try to find as many nouns, related to the word combination “research work”, as possible, and insert them into the spider-scheme.


  3. 3. Read the following text and be ready to do exercises after it.


    1. Institutes and Universities draw students into research work from the very beginning of their studies. Students’ participation in research is one of the most effective methods for training highly-qualified professionals. Conducting research1 students improve their knowledge and put into practical use the things they learn at lectures, seminars and laboratories. It helps them realize2 the practical value of their knowledge3, to master4 the basic experimental techniques, to learn how to handle modern equipment and analyze the results of the experiment.

    2. Such students graduate as highly-qualified specialists. And this is one of the most important tasks facing higher schools. Great attention is paid to the work of Students' Scientific Societies. Contests5, competitions and exhibitions, based on students' researches have become a tradition. Every year student contests are held for the best research project. The winners get medals and diplomas.

    3. As a rule, students write their term papers6 and graduation projects on the problems of their research work. They handle7 experimental equipment8, carry out 9 theoretical investigations10, read scientific literature. Term papers, research works, graduation projects of practical important to industry are the stages of making students highly-qualified thinking specialists ready for independent work even before they get their diplomas.

    1. 1 – проводити дослідження

    2. 2 – розуміти

    3. 3 – цінність знань

    4. 4 – оволодівати

    5. 5 – конкурс

    6. 6 – курсові роботи

    7. 7 – керувати

    8. 8 – обладнання

    9. 9 – проводити

    10. 10 – дослідження

  5. 4. Answer the following questions. Give the full answer:

  1. Why do higher schools draw students into research work?

  2. What traditions do Students' Scientific Societies uphold?

  3. How does scientific research help students in writing their term papers and carrying out graduation projects?

  4. What are the stages of making students’ highly-qualified professionals?

  5. What is the most effective method of training highly-qualified professionals?

  1. 5. Comment on the following statements:

  1. Students who take part in research work become highly-qualified specialists.

  2. Student research is of great importance for writing term papers and graduation projects.

  3. One of the most effective methods for training qualified specialists is student participation in research.