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Методичні рекомендації до практичних занять


Змістовий модуль 5

Lesson I


Topic of the lesson: Early to bed…

Aims: To become acquainted with the main theme of the topic together with the key grammar and vocabulary points.

Plan of the lesson

  1. Preview.

  2. Word work.

  3. Practice.

  4. Output.

Teaching hints

    1. Work in small groups. Read the title of the unit. Complete the proverb and explain its meaning. Do exercise 1a,b,c (page 70 Study book).

    2. Work in pairs, make a daily timetable showing your daily activities.

    1. Work in pairs, do exercise 2a (page 70 Study book).

    2. Work with a partner and make up sentences using the adverbs of frequency (page 70, exercise 2a Study book).

    1. Work in small groups and read out your sentences (page 70, exercise 2a Study book).

    2. Do exercise 2b (page70 Study book).

4. Work with a partner and have a conversation (use questions from exercise2b, page 70 Study book).

Home assignment

Read the text “Can You Feel the Rhythm?” (page 71 Study book)

Lesson II

Topic 9. The way of human life and their health

Topic of the lesson: Can you feel the rhythm?

Aims: To develop specific reading skills as reading for gist. To have free practice in expressing agreement or disagreement with the information in the given text.

Plan of the lesson

  1. Preview.

  2. Pre-reading.

  3. While-reading.

  4. Post-reading.

  5. Follow-up.

Teaching hints

    1. Home assignment check.

    1. Look at the picture of the man at the bottom of page 71. Do exercise 3a (page 71 Study book).

    2. Work in small groups. Do exercise 3b (page 71 Study book).

    1. Read the tip on page 7. Skim through the text quickly to get the gist (page 71, exercise 3b Study book).

    2. Do exercise 3b (page 71 Study book).

4.1. Read the text again. Do exercise 3c (page 71 Study book).

4.2. Explain the words or phrases in bold page 71, exercise 3d Study book (use your dictionary if necessary).

4.3. Work with a partner and make up sentences using words or phrases from the text.

4.4. Work in small groups. Do exercise 3d. (page71 Study book).

5. Work with a partner and have a conversation (use questions from exercise 4, page 71 Study book).

Home assignment

Learn the new words from the text (page 71 Study book). Write down your daily routine (page 71 Study book).

Lesson III

Topic 9. The way of human life and their health

Topic of the lesson: Health problems

Aims: To be able to talk about health problems.

Plan of the lesson

  1. Preview.

  2. Word work.

  3. Practice.

  4. Pre-writing.

  5. Output.

Teaching hints

    1. Home assignment check.

    2. Write down the translation of new words. Use the dictionary if necessary. Work in pairs to complete the task (page 72, exercise 5a Study book).

    3. Work with a partner. Extend the list by adding other common health problems.

    1. Work in pairs and do the task (page 72, exercise 5b, c Study book).

    2. Do the matching (page72, exercise 6a Study book).Compare your answers with your partner’s.

    1. Work with a partner to complete the task (page 72, exercise 6b Study book).

    2. Work in pairs and act out dialogues (use a model on page 72, exercise 6c Study book).

    3. Act out your dialogues in front of the class.

4. Read the task of exercise 7, page 72 Study book. Think about the main points of your letter. Discuss with a partner.

5. Work in pairs. Look through the examples of exercises 5, 6 (page 72 Study book) and have a conversation about health problems and their causes.