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2 курс ФК, ЕП, УП Денне / ІІ курс денне Англійська мова / Англійська мова (поглиблений) ІІ курс денне.doc
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Home assignment

Do exercises 5,7,8,9 (page 101-102 Work book).

Lesson XVI

Topic 10. Modals

Topic of the lesson: Grammar in use (Part I)

Aims: To be able to use prepositions and phrasal verbs. To practise in multiple choice cloze.

Plan of the lesson

  1. Preview.

  2. Language focus.

  3. Practice.

  4. Language focus.

  5. Pre-reading.

  6. Reading.

  7. Post-reading.

  8. Output.

Teaching hints

    1. Home assignment check.

    2. Answer the question: what do you know about prepositions and phrasal verbs?

2. In small groups do exercise 24a (page75 Study book). This exercise works with Appendix 1 at the back of the book. Explain the phrases.

3.1. Work in pairs and do exercise 24b (page 76 Study book).

3.2. Work in pairs, choose 5 phrases from exercise 24b and make sentences using them (page 76 Study book).

4.1. In small groups do exercise 25 (page 75 Study book). This exercise works with Appendix 2 at the back of the book. Explain the phrasal verbs

    1. Read the title of exercise 26 (page 76 Study book).Think about its meaning. Work with a partner and discuss your point of view.

    2. Read the tip on page 44 (Study book).

    1. Skim the text quickly to get the gist (page 76, exercise 26 Study book).

    2. Do exercise 26 (page 76 Study book).

7. Read the completed text aloud.

8. Work with a partner and interview each other about their daily routine.

Home assignment

Do exercises 14-15 (page 104 Work book).

Lesson XVII

Topic 10. Modals

Topic of the lesson: Grammar in use (Part II)

Aims: To be able to use idioms and fixed phrases. To practise in key word transformations.

Plan of the lesson

  1. Preview.

  2. Word work.

  3. Practice.

  4. Output.

Teaching hints

    1. Home assignment check.

    2. Answer the question: what do we need idioms and fixed phrases for?

2.1. In small groups do exercise 29 (page77 Study book). Explain the idioms

3.1. Work in pairs and think of as many other idioms using parts of the body as possible. Present new idioms to the class.

3.2. Work with a partner and do the task (page 77, exercise 30 Study book). Explain the phrases

3.3. In pairs, do exercise 27 (page 77 Study book).

3.4. Read the correct text aloud.

4. Work with a partner and interview each other about their own personal food pyramid.

Home assignment

Do exercises 11, 12, 13 (page 102-103 Work book).


Змістовий модуль 6

Lesson 1


Topic of the lesson: Better safe than sorry

Aims: To become acquainted with the main theme of the topic together with the key grammar and vocabulary points. To develop reading skills.

Plan of the lesson

  1. Preview.

  2. Word work.

  3. Pre-reading.

  4. Output.

Teaching hints

    1. Work in small groups. Read the title of the unit. Complete the proverb and explain its meaning (page 84 Study Book).

    2. Work in small groups and think what the unit may be about.

    3. Work in pairs, look at the pictures and describe what you see (page 84, exercise 1 Study book).

    4. Work in pairs and answer the questions (page 84, exercise 1 Study book).

    1. Work in pairs to complete the task (page 84, exercise 2 Study book).

    2. Work in small groups, think about other pieces of equipment you use in everyday life.

    1. Work in small groups and say what you expect to read in the text (page 84, exercise 3a Study book).

    2. Read the tip on page 85 (Study book).

4. Work with a partner and have a conversation about the scientific-technical

progress in our life (use questions from exercise 1, page 84 Study book).